Cookout Evening
Diane gets to spend the evening with Wolf and Porsha.
Later that evening Porsha came back and had Wolf with her. Diane was eating an apple when she heard the door open and laughing.
She walks out of the kitchen and saw Porsha and Wolf making out with their arms around each other.
The couple pulled away and looked at her. ''Oh, Diane great what's for dinner? We are starving.'' Porsha replies snapping.
''What do you want to eat?'' Asked Diane.
Wolf looks at Diane and saw she was in a bikini top with a short skirt he had to admit she looked hot. Diane saw this and but looked at Porsha.
''I don't know. What do you want Wolf?'' She asked.
''Um well I would love a steak.'' He replied.
''You're in luck there are steaks.'' Diane replies smiling.
''Alright 2 steaks mine Medium well.'' Porsha replies. ''Don't mess it up come on Wolf we got stuff to do.'' Porsha smirks at Diane hating her outfit.
''Wolf what would you like?'' She asked.
''Medium rare.'' He winks at her.
''You got it.'' Diane turned and swayed into the kitchen.
Wolf smirks a little as he goes with Porsha up to her room.
Once inside her room, Wolf shuts the door and Porsha was kissing him deeply as Wolf kisses back and wraps his arms around her waist as she takes off his shirt and her pants.
Wolf smirks as they pull to catch a breath and he takes off her bra as she moans and takes off his pants and boxers as they continue to kiss, and he pins Porsha to the bed and grabs a condom putting it on as they make love.
Diane was outside by the pool with three steaks and placed some seasoning and sighs missing her family and trying not to think of Wolf and Porsha having sex as she shivers in disgust.
Wolf and Porsha were laying on the bed as Wolf threw away the condom and sat up putting on his boxers and pants.
''Wolf where are you going?'' Asked Porsha turning on her side.
''To help Diane with then steaks.'' He said.
''Wait what? Stay here with me.'' She protested.
He stood up and placed on his t-shirt as he looks at her. ''Babe we already had sex and besides I want to make sure she does my steak right. Are you coming?'' He asked as he went out of the room.
Porsha growls and lays there as she got up and got dressed.
Wolf went outside and over to where Diane was, and she was listening to music and dancing a bit. The wolf smiled watching her and went over.
Diane looked up and took her earbuds out. ''Do you need something?''
''Yeah, checking to make sure my steak isn't over.'' He replied.
She raised her pierced eyebrow. ''Don't trust me with a steak? I like mine the same as you medium rare and I never mess mine up.''
''Yeah, well it's nothing personal.'' He replied smiling.
She smiles and shakes her head. ''Shouldn't you be having hot, steamy sex with Porsha?''
''Eh, did that and now came out here to see you.'' He replied.
She looked up at him. ''Oh?''
''To make sure you don't mess with my steak.'' He said.
Porsha came over with two bottles of sparkling water. ''Here Wolfie.'' She giggles.
''Thanks.'' He took it. ''Where is Diane's?'' He asked.
''Oops I think I forgot one.'' Porsha replied shrugging.
''That's ok, I'm more of a beer type of vixen.'' She pulls out a bottle of beer opening and drinking it.
''Oh, is that?''
''Yep, Shadow's brew, the best.'' Diane winks.
''Do you have anymore?'' He asked excitedly.
''Here.'' She gave one to him.
''Where did you find this stuff?'' He asked.
''That's for me know and you to never find out.'' Diane smirked drinking.
''Got one for me?'' Asked Porsha.
''Sorry but you're underage and I doubt you can handle this stuff.'' Diane said.
''So? Not like I don't drink.'' Porsha snapped.
''As long as I am in charge of you, no I'm not letting you drink and that is one of your dad's rules he laid down.'' Diane said firmly taking a drink.
''Wolfie back me up here.'' Porsha whined.
''Sorry but I agree with Diane, and your dad has mentioned that you can't drink or else he'd skin me alive.'' Wolf replied drinking.
''Well dad isn't here and technically it's my place so what I say goes or else you could get into trouble.'' Porsha warned.
''No, because he trusts to watch over you and that is what I'm going to do.'' Diane replied as she gave one steak to Porsha who took it and gave one to Wolf and for herself.
''Let's go watch tv Wolfie.'' Porsha replied.
''Sure, coming Diane?'' He replied.
''Yeah.'' She followed them inside and saw Wolf get the tv trays out and set one out for Diane who smiles and set her stuff down as she sat on the love seat while Porsha and Wolf were on the three seated couch.
Porsha turned on the tv to her and Wolf's favorite show Cops.
Diane watches it for a bit and finished eating and then got up and took the plates to the kitchen and was about to go to the living room when she saw Wolf and Porsha making out and she turns around and went to her room to get her book and a bottle of wine she brought and went out on the porch in the chair and started reading.
A couple hour later Wolf walks out and Porsha hugged his arm. ''Why can't you stay?''
''I have to work tonight babe but remember we got plans tomorrow night.'' He said kissing her.
''Ok, see ya tomorrow, Wolf.'' She giggles as he left.
''Evening Diane.'' Wolf calls.
''See ya Wolf.'' She calls.
Once Wolf was gone Porsha goes back in and Diane got back to reading, a couple minutes later the she-wolf came out with a dress.
''Hey Diane, can you take this to the dry cleaners for me so I can wear it tomorrow?'' Asked Porsha.
''Sure.'' Diane looked up the dry cleaners and saw they were closed. ''Looks like I'll be doing that tomorrow.'' She said.
''Oh, since you like to get up early can you take it in? I would like it before I wake up.'' Porsha replies.
''Sure thing.'' Diane took the dress and folded it laying on her lap as she got back to reading.
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