And So It Begins Once More
After I installed the "game" I proceeded to read the requirements. You see, in my life, there aren't really any games. Everyone just calls it a "game" because we don't want to come to terms with what it really is.
A gang.
My friends and I decided to join a gang, but we couldn't tell our caretakers. Gunther couldn't tell his dad, I can't tell my sister, Jill can't tell anyone (for her grandmother had died and she lived by herslef in an apartment), and Jack couldn't tell his mom.
I was quite happy when I found out that by ordering a stupid kid's game that a little bit of hacking and some death threats and maybe a few murders would allow me and my companions to make a gang. I don't think my sister, or rather my poor excuse for a sister, would mind. She herself was in a gang, but they disbanded after some relationship drama and one of them dying or something like that.
Anyway, I opened up the file titled "The Damn Thing" which I found quite triggering because we are civilized human beings, are we not? Why do we need to use such vulgar and obsceneties to make our point? I say, just spending a day with an online dictionary or thesaurus would do the world some good. Honestly... I didn't name the file, Jack did and I would have to tell him off about it later.
Anyway, I opened the file and looked at the coding, all of it nearly complete gibberish to me. I hadn't any idea as to what I was doing but I opened up my browser and opened a tab for the amazing YouTuber who can teach you how to read a computer program. I barely got past how to creat a ~ATH program and I had to scan the whole program until I found the ~ATH that these stupid games came with. I dismantled it until it just became a bunch of random orders on the document. Iwatched a few more videos until I got a basic understanding of how to change the game to fit the needs of myself and my partner in crime.
My very gay partner in crime.
I smiled a bit to myself as I typed up a command to speak with the creators of the game. I spoke very briefly with the creators, threatning to march right over there and kill them with my bare hands. I would do it to.
It most certainly wouldn't be the first time.
I smiled darkly as I pulled up a tab on my computer and researched this guy. His name was... Cameron Medina? Dafuq? What kind of dude is this???? I shrugged and found out that this guy lived alone with a man named Mr. Smith. Hmmm... is this guy homosexual maybe? I shrugged and continued to chat with him.
~gruesomeCatastrophe (GC) began talking to ahahaGiggler (AG) at 3:45~
GC: hello there Cameron.
AG: who the fluffenheimers are you?
GC: I would like to first of all thank you for your censorship. But this has to do with the game.
AG: ah! So 'twas you who gotted that?
GC: I beg your pardon?
AG: ah well, nevver mind that. So you have the game and came to say your final goodbyes and possibly shout out some "fuck you"s beforehand?
GC: Oh heavens no, and if you'll please, watch your language! I am very much against use of such vulgar! Such obsceneties are completely unnecessary and I don't understand why humans use them all the time! Honestly... Just one day with an online dictionary, or even an actual one, or perhaps a thesaurus would do us all some good!
AG: Ok Kankri Vantas, jegus crike. Just calm yoself.
GC: Well then... who is this Knakri that everyone compares me too?
AG: Ah, he's no one too important to your story. He exists in a whole other session so yeah.
GC: Humph!
AG: so abou the game?
GC: Ah yes! I know that you live with Mr. Smith. I know that you live on a deserted island. I know that you read homestuck. I know you like Hetalia, One Piece, Doctor Who, Pokemon (as do I), Death Note and many, many other things. I would like you to know that I will come over there and kill you this very instant. I will not hesitate in the slightest.
AG: Vwell, someone has been brushing up on their knowvledge! I must say I am quite impressed! :D
GC: You seem mighty happy for someone who is being threatened with death. I am not quite sure how to react.
AG: Well, I don't give a shit or two as to whether or not you are or amen't sure how to feel.
AG: I am going to win in the end. I will kill you first.
GC: I would like to see you try.
AG: I amen't one for fights so I shall let this go. But ultimately, I can see what you are needing and you can make your own gang or whatevver, but be warned: this "game" will eventually become more than just "a game". Also, I don't think you got my gender right...
GC: Ok crazy bisque. I hope to see you in Hell when I die!
~gruesomeCatastrophe (GC) ceased talking to ahahaGiggler (AG) at 4:02~
I stretched my arms out and banged my fists on the desk. "Dang... He got me..." I muttered as I began to program the game. I would change the ~ATH programs to really simple, easy instructions that would make it seem harmless. However, amongst all this, I will hide the compenents for the ~ATH program in such a seemingly unrealtable way, it should appear as if it wasn't there. I would then send it to my sister and send a file quietly to my friends with the message "DO NOT UPLOAD: SEND TO HATER". We didn't know what else to call them, so anyone who is not joining our "session" would be referred to as a "hater". We also told each other who would be the hater. We needed to buy an amateur lie detector to be able to determine the lies. We all swore on the very ground we stood on that we wouldn't send it to each other under any circumstances. I chose my sister, Gunther chose his father, Jack chose his mom, and Jill chose to send it to one of the trolls, so I recommended AdorableAnthros. She deserved to die what with her all too peppy attitude and lack of being serious.
She just didn't deserve to live.
Anyway I pressed send and sent it to my sister. I then quickly grabbed my phone and captchalogued my computer and meowth. As soon as we geet this parrty started I want only my most valuable items with me. I also captchalogued a backpack. My captcha is very limited and it is so incredibly difficult to get things out of it.
I captchalogued some other necesseties and left my house.
A few moments later I heard an explosion behind me and I knew that a deed is done.
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