Dozens of outfit combinations were scattered across the floor. Shirts, skirts, jeans, and dresses thrown left, right, and center. In the eye of the fabric tornado, I sat on the wooden floor, knees to my chest, looking at the mess I'd made trying to get ready for my date. Taking a shaky breath, I reached for a pair of stretchy jeans. Maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't feel as fat in them as I did in the other clothes I already tried on. I then grabbed a dark tank top and a soft, blue cardigan and laid them flat on the bed. It was a strategy I used from time to time; disassociate myself from the clothing and just find a good outfit.
The articles of clothing looked nice together, so I put them on and walked to the bathroom to put my makeup on. I was giddy and excited to be going on a date with a handsome boy that I like, but I was extremely nervous. While I was usually a perfectionist, there was now added pressure of looking perfect for him.
I splashed cold water on my eyes, which were puffy from earlier tears of frustration and began putting make up on once my face was dried. I didn't have long, as Carson was picking me up at seven, though I insisted I could walk to his house.
After various shades of blush, eye shadow, lipstick, and eyeliner were applied, I picked up the heated curling iron and twisted my dark hair into loose ringlets. After that, I ran down the hallway, past Mia's room, to go to get a little bag out of the closet for the gift I had gotten for Carson.
"Where are you going?" Mia yelled, standing at her dresser. Her door was open, and she was staring at my outfit.
"Out," I shrugged, stopping at her door. She was clearly getting ready for something, and I could ask her the same thing, but I didn't care where she was going.
"Where?" She pressed. I rolled my eyes at her nosiness.
"On a date," I told her. Her eyebrows rose automatically at the word date.
"L-M-A-O!" She spelled out. I looked at her questioningly, confused by why she thought it was normal to speak like she was texting. "That's a good one. Go on! Do whatever it is you're actually doing," Mia smirked.
I glared at her and trudged down the hallway and back into my room. After preparing Carson's surprise, I dragged on my wedge heels and picked up my purse before leaving my room.
The doorbell rang, and I took a deep breath and once again feeling nervous about the date and my outfit. My shoes clunked against the wooden steps as I tore down them and stopped at the door. Taking a few steadying breaths, I straightened my clothing and opened the door. Carson stood under the dim porch light, illuminating his face. He was wearing a pair of black joggers, a tight white shirt, and an open royal blue button up on top. My eyes traced his body, down to his fingers wrapped around a bouquet of flowers.
"Orchids," I breathed, walking towards him.
Carson gave me a smile that made my heartbeat increase dramatically. "For you, Mellie."
A large smile found its way to my face as I took the delicate assembly of flowers from him. "Thank you," I told him. "I'll just put these inside."
Quickly, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a vase, then filled it with water before placing the beautiful flowers inside. I left the flowers in the kitchen, knowing it was highly unlikely for Mia or Margot to enter the room for the rest of the evening. I then darted back to the front door, bumping into the dining table on the way. I hoped Carson didn't hear or see it, but that hope was in vain. He was leaning against the beige bricks, amusement lining his features, his body shaking slightly in silent laughter.
"Flustered, are we?" Carson asked, his lips curving up into a smirk.
I closed the door behind me and frowned playfully at him. "The table attacked me, not the other way around," I protested. A laugh escaped Carson's mouth and I began walking down the porch stairs without him. "It's true! It's a very aggressive table!"
"I understand. I have a counter at home that can very hostile." I could hear Carson's footsteps behind him me as we reached his car. He opened the car door for me, and I slid in with a wide grin stretching across my face.
When we got to Carson's house, he pulled into the driveway and parked the car. Carson switched off the engine and faced me with a playful look on his face as he reached into his pocket. "You're probably going to hate this, but you're going to have to put this on." A black blindfold was in his hands. My eyes widened in surprise and I chuckled slightly, because he was right. I did not want to be blindfolded, but it was really sweet of him to plan a surprise for me.
"Okay..." I mumbled. "Go ahead... but don't let any tables jump out at me again."
"No promises." Carson grinned at me and put it over my eyes, the world in front of me disappearing from view. I shifted to allow him to knot the fabric behind my head. I heard the car door open and close, and felt the cool night air as my car door opened.
Carson helped me out of the car, and I heard the door shut behind me. Then we began walking. I could not really decipher where we were as I'd only been to his house once. However, after going up a few steps and hearing a door open, I assumed we would be standing in his foyer. Carson's hand was wrapped around mine, and his other was pressing warmth into the small of my back.
"Should I take my shoes off?" I asked.
"No, you can keep them on for now." I nodded as Carson led me to our destination. We walked up around for a bit, but I couldn't tell you where we were going, and then we climbed some stairs. We walked more and then back down some stairs. "Carson! Where are you leading me?" I laughed as he continued leading me somewhere.
"It's a surprise, but I have to make sure you don't find out where it is!"
"So, we've been walking around for like ten minutes, so I don't figure it out?"
"Precisely, but we're here now." Carson pulled the blindfold off of my eyes and my mouth fell open like a Bugs Bunny in front of a pile of carrots. I was absolutely stunned at what I saw, and tears welled up in my eyes at the thought that someone would go through all this trouble for me.
There were blankets, comforters, and pillows laying together across the grass in a way that invited me to sit down and cuddle up to them. Twinkle lights lined the seating area and made their way to a little coffee table with bowls of popcorn, a veggie platter, and some drinks. Then I noticed the projector, set on a tall side table and aimed at a large, blank, white canvas that was stretched out to make a movie screen.
I threw my arms around Carson's neck, unable to make words come out of my mouth. I felt his body relax, as if he might have been holding his breath, and he hugged me back.
"You like it?" he asked.
"This is amazing," I breathed, pulling out of the hug. Carson smiled at me and took my hand then guided me to the blankets. I sat down and he moved over to the projector and flicked it on. The Parent Trap's main screen appeared. I turned around to face him in shock and grinned. He hit play to start the DVD and smiled back.
"I still can't believe that you haven't watched it yet!" Carson exclaimed sitting down next to me. I stuck my tongue out at him.
"It's not my fault that I was hooked on cartoon Disney!" I laughed. Carson chuckled and pulled the bowl of popcorn and the veggie platter closer to us. We were ready for Lindsay Lohan and her double trouble.
Somewhere throughout the movie, I ended up resting my head on Carson's shoulder. His hand was wrapped around my body and I was very content. More than content. I was experiencing genuine happiness for the first time in a long time.
For once I wasn't thinking about all the calories I was or wasn't consuming, I wasn't thinking about Mia or Margot's mean comments, I wasn't thinking about school, or my fashion career. I was in the moment, laughing and smiling on my first date.
When the movie ended, I lifted my head off of Carson's shoulder and grinned at him. "Okay, you were right. That was a great movie," I told him. Carson smiled and nodded in a bragging manner. However, before he could rub it in, I stood up quickly. "I've got something for you," I said picking my bag up from off the grass. I opened it and took the little gift bag out, before sitting down next to Carson once again.
"What is it?" Carson asked. I laughed and pushed the bag towards him, hoping he couldn't see the nervousness on my face. Carson opened the gift bag and the expression that lit up his face. "You're kidding."
"You said you liked, the Golden State Warriors, right?" I mumbled.
"Stephen Curry's signature!?" he yelped taking the signed miniature basketball out.
"Yeah, I saw him when I was in New York..." I said. I couldn't give him more detail than that, though something in me wanted to.
"This is so awesome!" Carson beamed.
"Really? You like it?" I asked.
"Of course, I do," he said, pulling me in for a tight hug. "Thank you so much Mellie." I hugged him back tightly, my stomach swirling with excitement. It felt like frogs were using my insides as a trampoline.
"You're welcome Cars," I replied.
Carson pulled back slightly the embrace, but kept his arms around me, looking down into my eyes. As cliché as it sounded, something in the air shifted. It wasn't like an electric current, but more like charged magnets, or gravity holding us in place. My eyes fluttered closed, as he leaned towards me.
Oh my gosh! Was he going to kiss me? Was this about to be my first kiss?
I sat perfectly still, anticipation spreading through my veins like water flooding streets after a storm. When his smooth lips touched mine, I realized that firework thing that I've seen in movies or read about, felt more as if my heart might explode, my legs and arms tingled, but I felt like I was floating. Not on cloud nine – I was in space, on the moon. Our lips began to write the next chapter of a story. Our story.
Author's Note: YAY FINALLY THIS IS UP AND ITS THEIR FIRST DATE AND A KISS AND IM HAPPY! HAHA I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did writing it! Vote and please comment and tell me what you think! I want to get to know my readers! <3 Have a great night! :D
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