We pulled up to Carson's house and he parked the car in the driveway. While I'd seen it before, I'd never been inside, and there was something strangely nerve-racking about going in. Jeff and Lily got out of the car first, followed by Carson and then me. I blinked away the dizzy feeling I had when I stood up, as I was used to it, and closed the car door behind me.
We followed Carson inside his house and took our shoes off at the front. I was mesmerized by the interior, as it was stunning. The dark wooden floors complimented the cream walls and the golden chandelier that hung from the ceiling. We walked into the living room and I was in love with the modern concept. The walls were white, as was most of the furniture – the coffee table, the television stand, the bookshelf. The dark brown couches complemented the dark floor and there were little gold accents around the room that tied it all together. What I loved the most, was the fact that one wall was covered in large windows and looked out at the trees next to his house.
"Sit anywhere you like; we can work on the coffee table," Carson said. "I'm going to go get my laptop!" He exited the room and the rest of us walked over to the coffee table and spread our collage across it.
I sat on the floor and leaned against the sofa. Lily sat at the other side of the table and Jeff next to her. I was starting to see a trend with them and was wondering if they liked each other.
"So, did you finish the drawings we are adding?" Lily asked.
"Most of them –" I started before Jeff cut me off.
"Oh my gosh really?! What about the rest? It's due tomorrow!" Jeff ranted. I glared at him. He was all quiet and shy before. What was his problem now?
"It isn't her fault! She got into a fistfight!" Lily said.
"Oh really? With who?" Jeff chimed in. Lily started firing some question and the both of them went back and forth. I pressed my lips together until they stopped speaking.
"I didn't, and it might help not to listen to rumours constantly," I said quietly. They were both speechless for a moment, and then Carson walked into the room holding his laptop.
"So, let's get started." Carson came and sat down next to me. He put his laptop on the coffee table and opened it up. "So, Lily, you like Shakespeare! You want to get to work on the written component? Since Melody is good at drawing – Melody what happened to your cheek?"
Damn it. I forgot he was sitting on my left side and it was probably an ugly mark. As if I needed Carson to see me looking ugly again...
"I got hit with a ball," I mumbled, not meeting his eyes. I felt embarrassed once again.
"In gym?" Jeff piped up.
"No, in art class. Now can we focus on the collage?" I insisted. My face was red with the focus of the group on me, and it wasn't the bruise.
We worked quietly, Jeff cutting out the pictures I drew, Carson gluing them, Lily writing and me drawing. The collage wouldn't take that much longer, but I could feel everyone's attention slipping.
"Should I order a pizza or something? I'm getting hungry!" Carson said suddenly. Surprise, surprise; Lily and Jeff agreed, but I remained quiet.
"Carson, where's the bathroom?" I asked, changing the subject.
"I'll show you," He replied, getting up. I got up as well and followed him out of the room and down the hallway. I admired the décor that made the hall look beautiful as we walked. "So, did you want pizza as well?"
I faltered mid-step and I looked at him. "W-what?"
"I didn't want to ask you in front of everyone, but do you? I could order a plain cheese pizza?" Carson said quietly, turning around to face me.
"I... um..." I was so taken aback by the fact that he was nice enough to not put me on the spot in front of everyone that I didn't know what to say. I took a deep breath and steadied myself and focused on the fact that I couldn't have pizza. "I'm not hungry," I lied. "Thank you though."
"Are you sure?" Carson asked. I nodded looking down. "Can I be honest?"
"Um... okay," I murmured, not making eye contact with him. My heart was pounding in my chest, frightened for what he might say.
"I think you might be hungry, because you didn't eat anything at lunch."
The air seemed to leave my lungs. I wasn't sure what exactly to think, or how to respond. No one noticed when I didn't eat, only when I ate a lot. I swallowed hard and looked down. My mind was buzzing, and I didn't know what to do. He was unravelling the truth – or at least part of it, and I wasn't sure what he'd do with it.
"Can you show me where the bathroom is?" I whispered. Carson nodded and started leading me down the hallway again. I stared at his feet so that I didn't have to look up at him. Carson stopped in front of a door.
"There it is," He said stiffly. I swallowed hard again and opened the door. "I'll just go order the pizza," Carson added before walking away.
I closed the door and locked it, but it felt mechanic. My body was moving slowly, but my mind was spinning. I didn't actually have to go to the bathroom; I just needed to get away from this pizza conversation. I sat down on the floor robotically and rested my chin on my knees.
Today was too much. Embarrassment followed by an awkward lunch table, a ball to face, rumours, topped off with Carson noticing everything. I could feel my chest quivering with anxiety and I tried to focus on keeping my breathing level.
What could I do right now? Eat the pizza or not eat the pizza.
If I ate it then Carson would be happy, and I'd avoid talking about it with Jeff and Lily. However, if I ate it then I wouldn't be happy. I'd have to run.
If I didn't eat it, Carson would be upset and know something was up, and Lily and Jeff would wonder too... it was risky at this point.
Maybe I could have one slice and walk home. It's been a while since I ate pizza anyways... I hated giving in. I felt weak and angry, but it had to be this way.
I stood up shakily and looked at my face in the mirror. It was pretty bad. The bruise was along my cheekbone and jawline. The only lucky thing was that it was closer to my ear than the centre of my face. I sighed before leaving the bathroom.
When I arrived back into the room everyone was huddled around Carson's computer and laughing at some funny video. However, instead of joining them, I continued drawing the picture I was working on.
About twenty minutes later, the pizza arrived and since I still wasn't finished the pictures, I had to stay and endure it. As much as I wanted to get up and leave, I wasn't finished my part of the project. I would have been closer to it if I had spent lunch in the art room, but Ms. Foster had to be away today.
We left our things in here and moved to the kitchen, which was of course modern, and in immaculate condition. I was almost too afraid to sit at the table, but Jeff and Lily had already made themselves at home, so I sat to the right of Lily.
Carson put plates in front of us, and the pizza box in the middle of the table. I watched as everyone piled two and three slices onto their plates and grabbed cans of soda with the intents of washing it all down.
My mind instantly calculated the number of calories they were consuming so effortlessly, and I felt horrified. But it didn't matter to them, and it shouldn't. They had thin and toned bodies, unlike me. They saw delicious food and not numbers. I wished I did too.
Carson's eyes met mine and he looked towards the pizza box, willing me to eat. The quivering feeling came back to my chest as I reached towards the box. The smell of pizza made me feel the hunger that I'd been ignoring, and that made me want to recoil from it. It was always this constant push and pull when it came to meals and it hurt my brain when I thought about it.
I felt myself struggling to get oxygen inside my lungs. Though, I was hiding it so well, I didn't know how much longer I could. I pulled my hand back and let the box lid close.
"You know, as delicious as that pizza looks, I'm actually feeling a little nauseous. It's probably just the ball to the head," I lied. "I think I'll just keep working on our assignment!" I exclaimed standing up. Jeff nodded as he stuffed another large bite into his mouth and Lily gave me thumbs up. The less I felt pressured to eat, the less anxiety I felt in my body. I didn't look at Carson, as I didn't want to see his reaction.
I left the room and entered the living room again. I sat down and focused on drawing and colouring as well and quickly as I could. I needed to get out of here as soon as possible.
Author's Note: Tada! A new chapter! Carson... is he catching on? Maybe staying in the cafeteria was a little more dangerous than Melody thought? What do you think about Lily and Jeff? Are your opinion's changing? Do you think Carson is sweet or too pushy? What do you think Carson's reaction will be? Vote and Comment! I love to know what you think! :D
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