Welcome to Toad Town!
The Mario bros. were currently at their house, some more sleepy than others. Luigi got ready for the day and made breakfast for the duo. Mario was still sleeping, like normal. Luigi had plated the food and went off to wake his brother.
Luigi: "Mario, Mario wake up! Peach's festival is today. We don't want to miss it, do we?"
He said, shaking his brother awake. Mario rubbed his eyes as he sat up on his bed. He jumped and shooed off Luigi so he could get ready. After that he and his brother sat down for breakfast.
Luigi: "Mario, it's Peach's festival today ya know."
Mario nodded, continuing to eat.
Luigi: "The note said something about an "Origami festival". Do you know what that is?"
Mario shook his head and shrugged. He wondered what it was too. Luigi got up after eating and turned to his bro.
Luigi: "Come on, let's-a go bro :D"
Mario nodded and got up from the table, heading to the door. He and his bro headed outside and got in Luigi's kart.
Luigi: "Here we go"
Luigi drives off to Toad Town
Deep within the dungeon of Princess Peaches castle, two familiar origami faces can be seen.
Olly: "Come on Olivia, help me destroy them. They hate us!"
Olivia: "No they don't. They love us, HE loves us"
Olivia: "Olly, Mr. Nolan-"
Olly hits his sister before walking off, not even looking back at his sis.
Olivia: "Why do you hate them anyway?"
Olly stopped in his tracks. He looks in fustration at Olivia before looking down and turning away from her.
"You-...you wouldn't understand
Luigi and Mario are now on the road on the cliffside. Mario pulls out a notebook titled:
People most likely to get rule 34'd by fans
He flips through the book and titles a page TOK.
Mario: 'here we-a go again'
Transition brought to you by:
Spongebob Squarepants:
(If you don't know what rule 34 is, don't look it up. For your safety)
Mario looks in the distance, letting his mind wander. He then look at his brother.
Luigi: "Wow bro, do you like the view?"
Mario nodded, putting his eyes back to the distance.
Luigi: "Well, were almost in Toad Town bro. I can't wait to see everyone, It's-a been a while"
Luigi drives off to Toad Towns enterance and drives in. Mario looks to the left, Origami decorations but... no toads. He looks to the right, same thing. Mario wasn't the only one who noticed this tho.
Luigi: "Where is everyone? Is this the wrong date? Mario can you check the letter again."
Mario nodded. He opened the note:
Dear Mario and Luigi,
Come to fabulous Toad Town for the Origami Festival.
Date: XX/OO
Mario hands the note to his brother. Luigi skimms' threw the letter.
Luigi: "Well it's the right date. Do you think we're early? Yeah, that's what it is. There still setting up the castle probably."
Mario and Luigi set forth to the castle.
Time skip~
Luigi: "Wow, the place isn't decorated yet... wait I forgot our origami piece for the festival, let me go get it."
Luigi tried to leave but the doors shut before he could do so.
Luigi: "Aw nuts, well guess i'll look for the key. That's what you would do right Mario?"
Mario nodded.
Luigi: "Right, I won't stop until I have the key. Say hi to Peach for me ok?"
And Luigi ran down the hall with his classic "let's-a go" leaving Mario to his lonesome yet again. Mario waited a little before heading off. He went into the main area of the floor. The giant doors atop a set of stairs open, revealing a folded Princess Peach.
O. Peach: "HeLlO, pApEr ThIn BeInG"
Her voice was stale, lifeless and cold. It was hard to not get creeped out.
O. Peach: "I wOuLD, lIkE tOo AsK qUeStIoNs *ahem*"
O. Peach: "WoUlD yOu LiKe ThIs WoRlD tO fOlD aNd BrInG wItH A-nEw"
Mario shook his head.
O. Peach: "HmM, ... aNd WhAt Of ThOsE, tOaDs? ShOuLdN't ThEy Be SiLeNcEd, ErAsEd?"
Again Mario shook his head.
O. Peach: "AnD yOu, WoUlD yOu BeNd? FoLd YoUrSeLf, FoR tHe CaUsE?"
Mario shook his head.
O. Peach: "Ah, I uNdErStAnD iT cLeAr NoW. wElL, rIgHt AnSwEr, WrOnG aNsWeR, yOuR rEpLiEs AnD sOuLs ArE aLl PaPeR tHin... GoOdByE"
The floor under Mario collapsed, sending Mario under. Peach giggled before heading back.
(Sorry it took so long, motivation juice was low)
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