In the Dungeon
Mario was falling for, how long? Minutes, Hours, days even? However long he fell it felt like forever, but soon enough he reached the ground in a, painful matter. He grunted as he picks himself up of the ground.
Minions: "MARIO!!!" Mario jumped as the enemies yell his name. He turns over to the minions.
Spike: "Always gotta make a flashy enterance, huh? Expected." The spike said with annoyance in his voice. Mario looked annoyed. 'You call falling for who knows how long and crashing painfully flashy huh' He thought.
Koopa: "Oh, are you here for the Origami Festival too? Well I have to say, this dungeon-themed waiting room is a HUGE upgrade from the last festival I attended. Very classy." Mario snickers as the koopa looks around the dungeon.
H.Bro: "And btw, You haven't seen master Bowser around here, have ya? I mean it ain't like the big lug to leave us minion's at this big of a public event, ya know." Mario shook his head. The hammer bro nodded. Just then, Mario heard someone.
Goomba: "Wait? MARIO!!! The Mario?! Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom?! Here? Right now! Wow I'm your BIGGEST fa- *Ahem* I mean, I've ALWAYS wanted to battle you! Even if I get stomped, it would be an honor" Mario smiled and waved at the young goomba.
Goomba: "Wow, you waved and SMILED at me :D. This is SO exiting. First I meet Princess Peach, and now YOU!! But...I have to say, the princess was a lot different than what I heard. A lot" Mario frowned for a moment before going back to the way he was. Just then, three folded shy guy's came out from the door behind the minions. Two red ones, and a Yellow one. One of the redshy guy's spoke up.
F. Red Shy guy 1#: "CoMe WiTh Us..." The folded shy guy's voice was cold and lifeless, like O. Peach's. They motioned toward them with a stub. The goomba seemed exited.
Goomba: "Yes, Oh! Yeah! What's next. A Toad? I've NEVER seen a toad before. PLEASE tell me it's a toad." The red shy guy's went inside the room, the minion's following them. Mario tried to enter too but the yellow shy guy stopped him.
F. Yellow shy guy: "Not you..." The yellow shy guy's voice wasn't cold or lifeless. It was...fine? Mario found that suspicious tho he stepped back. The small goomba spoke up.
Goomba: "Aww... you won't come. Well I hope you don't have to wait too long Mario. Don't worry tho, I'll say hi to Toad for you." Mario had a bad feeling that something was wrong. He pulled the young Goomba and hugged hi close before he could go in the room. The yellow shy guy was a little shook.
F. Yellow Shy guy: "Hmm...well, I guess THAT'S the way your playing hmm. I understand. Just wait. You'll be in for it soon~" The yellow shy guy entered the room and shut the door, locking it.
Goomba: "Aw, what was that for... I was gonna say hi to toad for you..." Mario looked at the Goomba, and turned to the boxes in the room. He walked up to them, going through them, finding his hammer.
Goomba: "Wow, your legendary hammer. Looks scoffed up. Most likely from the adventures you took." Mario nodded. He walked over to two large boxes and hit them with the hammer. It opened up a passage way. Mario motioned toward it.
Gommba: "Wow, so cool. Oh, I feel like I had an idea. I don't know if it was a good one but I'll try my best. You can always talk to me if you want to hear them." Mario nodded and went through the door way. Mario heard Goomba say "wait up". Mario and Goomba soon find themselfs at a split path.
Goomba: "Hmm, which way...Oh how about right first(left from the games POV)" Mario shrugs and motioned to the right. Goomba and Mario sees boxes and a door on the left. Mario went to the door, expecting it to be locked wasn't? Anyway, Mario peeked through the doorway, with Goomba trying to squeeze his way through. They saw a purple wearing origami person pacing back and forth throughout the room.
Olly: "Hmm, where did Olivia go...was, was I to harsh on her. I mean she didn't know WHY I wanted to erase toads. *sighs* Maybe...maybe I messed up" Their voice was low, the two heroes didn't hear them speak. Goomba spoke up.
Goomba: "Oh, I'm sorry that I'm interupting your..thoughts but, who are you miss? And why are you here?" Olly looked annoyed
Olly: "1. I am NOT a female. I'm a guy, thank you very much. And 2. I'm King Olly, the Origami king. And I'm here reasons." Mario was really sus of this "Olly" person. Why was he Origami anyway, and he was their KING. He could have led the envasion and folded peach.
Goomba: "Sorry for assuming, and your a king? Wow, the only king I've heard of is Bowser, and he doesn't even call himself one?!"
Olly: "Well, plessure to meet you"
Goomba: "Mario, should we let him join us? Oh btw this is Mario, mushroom Kingdom's hero"
Olly: 'Hm. If I join then...I could fool them, make them work for me and they won't even know. Silent puppetering, nice' "Sure, I don'y see why not." Goomba smiled and pulled Olly along with his mouth. Mario ran after the two, now heading to the left (Right from game POV) They kept going until...
Cliffhanger, ofc. Bye bye :D
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