February 14th, 2012
Alexander's Bedroom
7th Grade
//remember the way you made me feel...frozen in my mind//
John shuffled nervously on the floor of Alexander's bedroom as they worked on a science project together.
He played with a piece of red paper in his back pocket, struggling to not crush it.
"So I think that we should finish our essay with restating this thesis and explaining our procedure," Alexander said, tapping his pencil to his forehead.
John nodded, "Yeah that sounds good."
"I think we should take a break," Alexander said.
John looked up and raised an eyebrow, "What?"
Alexander rolled his eyes and smiled, "I said: I think we should take a break."
John laughed, "I have known you for three years, and you are literally known for being non-stop, dude. You never voluntarily take a break."
Alexander laughed and set his stuff on the night stand next to his bed. He patted the spot next to him on the bed, inviting John to join him.
John blushed before setting his own stuff aside and sitting hesitantly next to Alexander.
John looked at his fingers, fiddling with them nervously.
"So, who's your Valentine?" Alexander asked, turning towards John.
John shrugged, "I don't have one this year."
"Oh, that sucks."
"Who's yours?" John looked up quickly, regretting the question speeding out of his mouth.
Alexander shrugged, "I didn't have one either."
John felt a smile tug at his lips.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
Alexander smiled, "Oh that's okay, I don't really care all that much."
John nodded and went back to fiddling with his fingers.
"I made you something, though," Alexander said, reaching in his pocket.
John looked up, his face showing a bright red.
He made one for him, too?
"R-Really?" John stuttered, turning slowly to Alexander.
Alexander nodded, pulling out a red card from his pocket. He handed it to John with a smile.
John looked at it for a second, his heart fluttering quickly. He took it slowly, examining it closely.
The outside had the words 'Happy Valentine's Day!' on it in cursive, surrounded by small pink hearts.
John's breath hitched as he opened it hesitantly. The inside was glittery and white with red words in the middle.
It read, 'You're the closest friend I've got! Hope you're day is as sweet as a box of chocolates!' John felt his heart drop.
Was he just friend zoned?
John plastered on a smile, putting the note carefully in his pocket and crumbling the one he had there.
"Thank you, Alexander," John nodded. Alexander beamed at him, his hands lying delicately in his lap.
John smiled.
How cute could one person possibly be?
"I'm sorry, but I didn't have time to make anyone anything, so I don't-" John started but was interrupted by a giggle coming from Alexander.
"That's okay, John," he placed a hand on John's, sending a blush to John's cheeks, "I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you."
John smiled, "I appreciate you too."
John sat back down on the floor, swiftly taking the crumbled up note from his back pocket. He looked at it sadly, a small tear running down his cheek and landing on the ink, spreading it everywhere. He read it quickly before stuffing it back in his pocket, wiping his single tear away and grabbing his stuff to continue working on this dumb science project.
Maybe you could give me your heart in exchange for this paper one. Happy Valentine's Day.
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