CHAPTER-5 interview
5 a.m. in the morning
Jk: ughh whats all this (he said in a sleepy tone)
Y/n: hey we are getting ready
Minsa: hafii look at this combo
Jk: ahh what's the time( rubbing his eyes) please turn off the lights
Y/n: it's 5
Jk: shit it's literally 5 please let me sleep
Y/n: but we can't
Minsa: Kookie you should also help us
Jk: nah you and your girly things I am going ( as he picked up his blanket and moved to the door)
Y/n: sleep tight ( as i let out a chuckle)
Jk: ohhh lord my sleep
Minsa: bye bye
Y/n: umm I think we should wear something simple
Minsa: nahh it's our interview we should wear something special
Y/n: but if they would say we are showing off
Minsa: fuck people ( as she pick up a shirt)
Y/n: aishh you are cursing In the morning minsa
Minsa: yes I am ! got a problem
Y/n: how's this
Minsa: nah nah you are looking like a mother
Y/n: come on
Minsa: yes this one is great (as she handed me a dress)
Y/n: nah it's too exposing
Minsa: it's just perfect
Y/n: ahh I am not going to a party it's just an interview
Minsa: and it's perfect for an interview go and change
Y/n: fine
I went into the closet cause I have already taken the bath and changed to the dress I took a peek of me in the mirror and the dress was looking so pretty but it was too much just for an interview
Y/n: here ( I tapped on minsa's shoulder as she was searching for her clothes)
Minsa: hmm
Y/n: look here
Minsa: it's just daebakk hafsaaaaa
Y/n: umm but a dress is too much
Minsa: shut up (as she walked to the closet with clothes in her hands)
I walked to the mirror and put on sunscreen along with a little bit of base and a light shade of lipstick giving a perfect look to the dress I was wearing
Minsa: hafii have you seen my pendent
( We both have a same pair it was given to us by our parents and we wore it on important days)
Y/n: here ( as i handed her box to her)
Minsa: thanks
Y/n: btw looking pretty
Minsa: I am not looking pretty
I gave her a confused look
Minsa: I am looking dope ( she said making a yo sign)
I smiled at her response and laugh a. Little
Y/n: yea yea dope
She then put a chapstick on and I gather up our files from university
Y/n: min min
Minsa: yups
Y/n: I was just thinking
Minsa: what
Y/n: isn't it strange that they don't even tell us for which job we are going to interview
Minsa: gosh you are just overthinking
Y/n: but look we don't even have any degree nor experience in anything
Minsa: it's a help from God ( she said in a creepy voice)
Y/n: ughh okai I should go wake kook up
Minsa: okay the room is on me
I left the room and went to lounge to see Kookie sleeping like a bunny on a sofa snoring then I got an idea
I walk to the kitchen to take a fry pan ( don't worry she's not going to hit him hehehe) and then took a spoon.
And I started hitting the spoon with the pan to make a loud irritating sound
Jk: what the hell is wrong with you (he shouted)
Y/n: good morning
He gave me a wtf look
Y/n: Ahan sorry now go and get ready
As he walked to the room in anger minsa was exiting
Minsa: what happened to him ?
Y/n: just woke him up (as I looked smirking towards the pan in my hands)
Minsa: don't tell me you hit him with it?
Y/n: haha no no no there's also a spoon here
Minsa: ahh I am sick of your these ways
Y/n: you should be
With that I walked to the kitchen to make breakfast
We started eating breakfast
Jk: btw you are looking pretty
Y/n: thanks
Minsa: hey I am also here
Jk: haven't you changed ?
Y/n: I laughed
Minsa: ( she gave him a death glare) here look Am i naked? (She said in a serious tone)
We both laughed at her
Jk: I was just kidding you are looking dope .
Minsa: thanks but no thanks
Jk: guys I will go to my home straight after the café will be closed
Y/n: but you should stay we will chit chat
Minsa: no no palli palli leave
Jk: minsa you are so mean but yeah I will meet you guys after your interviews I know where the companies are
Y/n: will you be okai
Minsa: we are not kids
Jk: let's go
Y/n: yes ( as I took the plates and put them in the kitchen)
I walked to the bedroom and when I peeked outside they were already leaving
Y/n: minsaaaa
Minsa: what?
Y/n: you are missing something
Minsa: what?
Y/n: here ( I handed over her the files I was preparing including some of the papers that will help for the interview )
Minsa: oh thanks
We then took our bicycles and went towards the café
Tae's p.o.v:
I took a relaxing shower and pushed my thoughts aside about what happened last night and then walked to my room brushing my hair with my hands and towel wrapped around my abdomen when the door open revealing jimin
Jimin: don't tell me you again
Tae: ughh jimin I hate myself
Jimin: I told you to stop
Tae: but I can't
Jimin: seriously I can't predict about you man
Tae: ughh ( as I ruffled my hair in frustration)
Jimin: those girls are just hoes and whores why you kept on going
Tae: I said I am sorry
Jimin: and look at you falling for y/n when you can't even control your own self
Tae: enough leave the room
Jimin: you are just ughh
Tae: huh what about you . You also use them for yourself
Jimin: it's in our business
Tae: then mind your own business
Jimin left the room in frustration
Tae: jimin i-i am sorry (I whispered to myself)
I think I should stop myself from her or else she would also be broken ahhh I hate myself
At breakfast
Namjoon: Tae when did you came last night?
Jimin: huh does he even care
Tae: hyung at 3
Hoseok: were you at the bar again?
I haven't replied so my silence gave them their answer
Suga: jimin something wrong with you?
Jimin: ( he was again shut)
Hoseok: ( he pushed him by the shoulder ) what happen--
But as soon he touched his shoulder jimin flipped him over the table causing a loud thud
Namjoon: hey what's with you
Suga: man !! You okay hobi
Jimin: ahh I-i am sorry hyung ( he stuttered seeing hoseok)
Hoseok: (he whimpered from pain holding his shoulder) what's up with you jimin ughh
Tae: ( I watched the whole situation quietly and was about to leave)
Jimin: YOU
I turned around giving a sorrowful and questioning look
Jimin: yeah YOU
Hoseok: what's with you two
(he said while shouting)
Tae: enoughhh I apologized I said it won't happen again
Jimin: you better keep your words (clenching his jaw)
Tae: ( I didn't answered him instead made my way to the garage to leave for office)
Inside the mansion
Suga: you okay?
Hoseok: yeah man
Jimin: I am sorry hyung i-i was just so angry
Hoseok: it's okay you know I have a stiff body it's okay
Namjoon: jimin give him some pace you know he is so miserable
Jimin: yea hyung
Suga: then let's go
Hoseok: yup and interns will also come thanks to that alien ( he said laughing)
Namjoon: stop hobi if Tae listened it you will be a dead meat
Jimin: he left
They all went to the office to be greeted by the staff
Y/n's p.o.v:
Y/n: bye uncle
Minsa: it was good working with you
Boss: I was sure you guys will get some job
Y/n: but uncle. It's still an interview
Boss: no worries I am sure you will get the job
Minsa: but how were you so sure( giving a questioning look)
Boss: u-um because of your passion my girls good luck
Y/n: thanks uncle
With that uncle patted our heads and we were ready to leave
Y/n: thanks Kookie
Minsa: thanks dude
We did a group hug and a fighting shout-out
Then we went to the address where the company was
We were so mesmerized by the grandeur and magnitude of the building that our jaws dropped down to the earth
Y/n: minsa-ah
Minsa: hafsa-ahh
Y/n: they have asked for our interview
Minsa: dumbass yeah they have
Y/n: umm but I am so confused
Minsa: shut the fuck up let's go
Y/n: yeah let's go~~
We parked our cycles and we were feeling so awkward because whole of the parking-lot was filled with sparkling luxurious cars and whole of the guards were looking with a wtf face
We went to one of the elevator and a guard stopped us
Guard: may I check your identity? (He said with a deep manly voice that sacred us)
Y/n: u-umm w-we are here f-for (what the f*ck why I am stuttering)
Minsa: actually we are here for job interview you can check here
( As she showed him the email on her phone )
Guard: your ID card
Y/n: here ( I handed him my card )
Guard: ( he immediately straightens up ) GOOD MORNING SIR (as he bowed a little)
$$: What happened?
Y/n: (I was looking the other side avoiding his gaze) u-umm
Minsa: hello nice to meet you we are here for an interview but he keep on stopping us asking for our IDs and stuff (she said making an eww face towards the guard)
Y/n: ( I took a sneak peak at the man standing beside us, a black messy haired man with a suit and strands of hair covering half of his eyes manly figured and as he smiled through his eyes I got a deja vu but then he immediately shifted his gaze)
$$: Let them in
Guard: yes sir
He immediately led the way to him as he walked away
Tae's p.o.v :
I stepped out of my car and then a chaffeur came and took the car keys for parking it I was walking towards the elevator when I saw two girls with a guard I don't know why but my steps immediately take me to them
The guard greeted me and as soon as I looked at the girl standing next to me I was shocked and happy at the same time she was avoiding me I think she's a little shy which seems a little cute to me and as soon as I asked she was unable to answer so the other girl which i supposed was her friend minsa answered I asked the guard to let them in and took a last look at y/n and then walked my way
Me and minsa entered the elevator and it took us to the ground floor
The buzzing sound and the door opened well even the elevator I side was looking luxurious I was questioning myself that why and again I was keeping my mind straight because not here then grenna is also waiting
We walked out to the hallway not knowing the way so we just kept walking straight
We tried to ask someone for the way but everyone was looking like they have seen girls the first time giving us an awkward pace
We saw the counter with a lady ughh the first lady we saw along with two man which seems to be like the checker staff
We preferred to ask the lady well she was also looking so elegant
Minsa: excuse me ( as she tapped on the counter getting her attention)
Y/n: good morning
Lady: good morning
Y/n: it's nice to meet you
Lady: (she smiled) I am Irene anything I can do for you?
Minsa: actually we are here for the interview (she said clearly)
Irene: oh you must be Ms Y/n and Ms minsa
I gave her a questioning look
Y/n: you know me
Minsa: dumbass they have our information (she said almost whispering)
And I almost facepalmed myself
Irene: actually you both are the only girls for the interview the others are boys
Well Mr Jack will lead you the way to the room
We both bowed to her and thanked her
And when we saw the man she told us again we were like what the actual fuck everyone is looking like they are going to eat us we gulped our own saliva and then walked with him as he lead the way to a wide room where some boys were sitting we feel a little awkward but they were way more awkward then us
So minsa put her heads up while listening to her favourite rapper ahh everytime I can hear d-daechiwita seriously I am not into music that much
Gradually everyone got their turns and then it was mine
Minsa: fighting!!!
Y/n: thanks
With that I went to the room where the interview was held
I entered the room where three people in total were sitting
Imaginary Sweat dripping off my
Forehead just by confusion and nervousness I rubbed my temples and greeted them
Again there were three men
One wearing a cold face not even bothering to look at me
The other one smiling as he indicated me to sit
The third one was a guard standing beside them
I thought why they got a guard even in the interview room
I sat on the seat greeting them
The man who asked me to sit spoke
Hoseok: hello I am Jung hoseok
I nodded with a smile while greeting him
With that he started interviewing me well it was fun but I was a little nervous too the whole time the other black haired guy just stayed silent while the other one asked for some sort of questions which were so easy to answer
After about 15 minutes
Y/n: yes it is (questioning his answer)
Hoseok: well then we'll inform you . You can wait for our answer
Y/n: yes sure thanks
( I left the room bowing towards them)
Suga's p.o.v:
Dude does it even matter to interview her she already is going to have it
Hoseok: but we have to take it accordingly to our procedures
Suga: whatever ( I rolled my eyes towards him)
Hoseok: next ( he ordered to the manager)
Manager: yes sir
Suga: I am tired
Hoseok: dude the next one is probably the last one
Suga: yea yea do your job I don't even care (as I again straightened up myself not bothering to look who entered)
At a little span I tilted my head to look who it was and
It WAS ------
{So who was the next one , did y/n accept the proposal of bighit , will taehyung would change himself, well there is more to come;stay tuned}
Ughh I think this chapter was a little boring yet it was exciting for me
Let me know about your suggestions and make sure to vote and stay tuned
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