CHAPTER-14 escape
Minsa: what were you taking about where is she? (She said while sitting in the car)
Jk: (he got on the driver's seat) I also got her texts when I asked her she haven't replied (he said while putting his seatbelt)
Minsa: her phone is also off
Jk: hmm (he started to drive)
Minsa: should I ask jisoo?
Jk: I already met her but she said she don't know
Minsa: what about that Jackson guy?
Jk: I already asked him too but he said he don't know either
Minsa: then what should we do now?
Jk: first we are going home you have to change otherwise you will get sick
Minsa: but I am worried about her
Jk: don't worry she said she will be back
Minsa: and this is worrying me more where did she go without even telling me and this all of the sudden
Jk: hey it's okay I'll find out I'll ask my dad
Minsa: yup please kook (as she sneezed)
Jk: look now you are sneezing ohh lord I had told you not to move and now ahhh(he sighed hardly)
Minsa: I am sorry I was just worried and scared
Jk: yeah yeah now come (as he parked the car in the parking lot of apartment and they both went in)
They entered the apartment
Jk: go change hurry up
Minsa: hmm (as she gave him his coat back and then walked into bedroom still sneezing)
Jk: aishh y/n why the hell you left
After about 15 minutes
Minsa: kook what will happen to y/n now?
Jk: you don't have to worry she said she will be okay we have to wait and I am also here with you
Minsa: but--
Jk: no buts just finish this green tea and take the anti-allergic medicine I am placing it here
Minsa: hmm
Jk: so how was your first day (he tried to calm her by changing the topic)
Minsa: yup everything was okay just they gave me so much work
Jk: which department?
Minsa: art one hobi is incharge
Jk: hobi?
Minsa: oh Mr Jung hoseok he just told me that I can call him hobi he was too friendly (as she took a sip)
Jk: oh good (here take these as he handed her the medicines)
Minsa: thanks kook
Jk: I have also given muscle relaxants you will get some good sleep
Minsa: but I have to find out about y/n
Jk: hey you are exhausted and you also have to go tomorrow so don't be worried I will handle everything
Minsa: are you sure?
Jk: yea damn sure
Minsa: thanks kookie you are the best bro ever
Jk: I know (as he giggled)
Look I have made ramyeon too I will get going now (he said while picking his coat and unrolling his sleeves
Minsa: you haven't made for yourself?
Jk: nah I am sorry mom and dad is waiting for me today we have dinner together
Minsa: oh it's okay have a good time with your family (she said with forced smile)
Jk: take care of yourself and if you want a ride tomorrow just give me a call and don't forget to eat before it gets soggy
Minsa: yeah I will be fine it's just a simple allergy(as she again sneezed this time hardly)
Jk: yeah just a simple allergy which will tern into flu and then you would totally be on your bed (he said sarcastically)
Minsa: get out (she said as she laughed)
Jk: okay I am and keep in your mind you are not a baby start to take care by your own self y/n would not always be there for you
Minsa: I know umm so she will be back right?
Jk: yups okay I am going be sure to lock the door properly bye
Minsa: bye
Next morning:
I woke up to the birds chirping in their beautiful melody
The bed was so comfy I slept really late as so much things were going on my mind as I don't even know when I got asleep
I stood up stretching a little and looked at the clock it was 10 in the morning
Y/n: what ?? I slept till this late (I murmured to myself)
I looked outside the window and there I saw sehun guarding outside
Last night Jackson told me that sehun will be guarding the outside boundaries and he will inside the house I wondered why they have so much security just for me
I walked to the bathroom and took a relaxing shower I thought about what minsa would be doing what if she got sick who will take her care she is an irresponsible girl
After about 30 minutes of morning routine I got out with a towel wrapped on me I walked to the closet and there were so many clothes which were pretty expensive I took a pair and then changed
I was drying my hair when the door knocked
Y/n: who is it?
Jackson: me Jackson can I come in?
Y/n: yes
He entered and stood straight
Jackson: how was your sleep
Y/n: good
Jackson: as boss had told you tomorrow you will attend the half year meeting right?
Y/n: ( a little sigh left my mouth) yes
Jackson: have your breakfast and then you have to get some training for Tomorrow
Y/n: training?
Jackson: yes you already know you are the future leader so we have to teach you everything what it prerequisites
Y/n: okay ( I again sighed before walking past him)
I walked downstairs and there I saw a maid she was placing breakfast on the table
Jackson gave her a sign and then she poured the juice and tea for me
He asked me to sit and I started eating breakfast he called sehun in and then they both also had breakfast also sitting on the other end of the dining opposite to each other
There was a complete silence not even a single click just chipping of knifes and forks with the plates
After I finished the breakfast they both stood straight sehun bowed and went outside murmuring something to his earpiece
Jackson: come with me
Namjoon: after the arrival of parcel it will get straight to the dealers
Jimin: what about Ms Amanda's package?
Namjoon: it was also handled
Hoseok: it's quite surprising our stocks got higher
Tae: Great what about tomorrow's progress?
Suga: everyone got the mails and have returned them as per demand the deals will also be done with each trader
Tae: make sure the security don't lacks
Jimin: all on me
Tae: you all already know what will happen tomorrow so be on guard
Namjoon: we know taehyung are you sure you will handle her alone?
Tae: I will
Jimin: don't you know he is an expert guys
Tae: shut the fuck
Hoseok: we got a little bit of problem
Tae: he raised an eyebrow
Hoseok: everyone here knows about the background and about the meeting tomorrow but that new girl we haven't told her anything what's your opinion?
Tae: ask Irene to make her follow the rules
Suga: let's wait just make her stay with the newbies
Jimin: what are you talking about hyung
Now everyone's attention was on suga
Suga: what? Why are you all looking at me
Hoseok: man it's our business
Suga: so what I am just telling you that we can't have anything from her she is useless and thanks to y/n we have to pay her
Tae: it's not for y/n suga
Suga: yahh do whatever you wanna do I just told me opinion (as he left the meeting room)
Jimin: what's up with him (he asked signalling namjoon)
Namjoon: I don't know
Hoseok: not know either
Tae: let's leave this matter hoseok again review everything and namjoon bring me the summary of the meeting by 7 and as for you (he eye-ed jimin) come to my office u have to discuss something (he stood up)
Namjoon: yes sir
Hoseok: on my work
Jimin: coming
(As he followed tae beside him)
Irene: it's okay you can rest minsa I can handle the rest
Minsa: no I am good (as she sneezed again)
Irene: look you have a hard cold
Minsa: hey I am fine ( as she picked up the files)
Irene: are you sure?
Minsa: yeah yeah just please give me those ones I have to go back (she was at the reception getting some of the lists)
Irene: yes here
Minsa: btw what are these about?
Irene: it's nothing in particular just gave them directly to Mr hoseok
Minsa: okay bye take care
Irene: take care of yourself girl
She walked up to the elevator and went in she was about to press her floor button when another person pressed it
Minsa: fourth floor please (as she put the files back in order)
Suga: hmm
He looked at her but she didn't look back she was busy in arranging the files then he fake coughed but to his surprise she sneezed again hardly in her arm
Minsa: AHH I am sorry I have a cold (she said as she looked the person next to her but to her surprise it was suga) You(she said in a disgusted tone)
Suga: he didn't respond and started scrolling on his phone
Minsa: (again another sneeze)
Suga: hey use tissue paper you dirty
Minsa: yes hold these files (as she give it to him without his will)
Suga: hey hey what are you doing I never told you to get wet by rain
Minsa: (she used tissue paper and then throwed it in the dustbin in the elevator) doing what you asked and how do you know?(as she again took the files and looked at him suspiciously and left the elevator as it stopped at the floor)
Leaving suga speechless she walked back to where she was headed
Suga: what the heck
I walked with Jackson to the bunker
and I was surprised everything was armed like every single detail of the bunker brightly illuminated
He walked infront of me and pulled out some stuff I walked towards him and there were a huge variety of pistols infront of us I gulped down my saliva after looking at them he cleaned the burner of one and give it to me I take it with hands almost trembling
Jackson: hold this tightly (as he firmed my grip on the pistol)
Y/n: what are you doing
Jackson: don't forget I am your trainer
Y/n: hmm
He walked and then bring a rabbit it was so fluffy and cute and placed it on a table caging it
Y/n: what are you doing?
Jackson: shoot it
My eyes widened as he said to shoot it
Y/n: WHAT???
Jackson: I said shoot it
Y/n: no I won't
Jackson: I am counting to three
Y/n: no I won't
Jackson: SHOOT it (he raised his voice)
Y/n: I said I won't
Jackson: three
Y/n: please don't
Jackson: two
Y/n: (I looked back at Him at the beautiful creature and then at my gun) with trembling hands I aimed at it but even before I shoot I heard a shot
I looked at it and blood was pouring out of it I looked back at Jackson
Y/n: what have you done Jackson
Jackson: I told you it was going to die either way
Y/n: what does this little creature do with you whyy you shoot him
Jackson: first rule - do what I say
Second rule - don't refuse
Third rule---
Y/n: I don't want to follow any of your pathetic rules
Jackson: third rule - be heartless
Y/n: (his third rule make me gasp)
Jackson: bring him in (he said in a loud voice and then a door opened)
Some men came in and there was also a man with them with a black tape on his face he was roped they forced him to sit on his knees and he was continuously shaking his head
Y/n: who is he?
Jackson: your next target
Y/n: what?? I looked at him confused
Jackson: shoot him or ELSE I AM GOING TO SHOOT YOU
He immediately placed his gun on my forehead
I was scared what's going on? will he really kill me? Am I going to die?
Y/n: what are you talking about
Jackson: three
Y/n: I looked at him and back at that man hands shaking with fear the other hold him in his place
Jackson: two (as he loaded his trigger on my forehead)
Y/n: no pleasee no (as I shut my eyes closed)
Jackson: it's the last count take his live or you are going to be dead(he said scaring the shit out of me)
Y/n: please don't kill me (I said as a tear left my eye)
Jackson: then do as I said
Y/n: no I won't (as I closed my eyes really hard)
Jackson: as you wish then
Y/n: I am sorry as I pressed the trigger hoping not to hear the sound of the bullet on that man
Jackson: open your eyes
I slightly opened my eyes and then they went wide he was still alive I sighed really hard holding my chest
Y/n: ahh as I bend on my knees
The men take him outside
Jackson: congratulations it was the first lesson
I looked at him in disbelief
Jackson: this time your gun was empty but this proves that you can kill someone just to save yourself
Y/n: w-what will you guys do with him? (I said as my heartbeat was so fast)
Jackson: cleaning his soul (as he put his pistol in its holder)
Y/n: you g-guys are going to kill him (I said immediately)
Jackson: yes he deserved it (as he offered me a hand to stand up)
I didn't take it and stood up on my own
Y/n: who you think you are to decide someone's death
Jackson: we are the authority (he walked forward)And for this little creature don't be worried it was sick and if we didn't kill it , a disease would spread killing the others too
Y/n: I looked at the rabbit and i feel like puking I immediately walked outside the room
I don't feel like to have dinner so I went straight into my room taking a shower I changed to PJ's and straight fell onto the bed
Blood of that rabbit was still pacing on my mind I sighed deeply taking a sip of water to forget about it i looked at the clock and it was 8
I stood up and looked outside the window moon was shining brightly along with dancing stars
I stared at the sight for some time but then I got a knock on the door
Jackson: come eat your dinner
Y/n: I don't want to (I shouted)
Jackson: I am leaving it here eat when you like (he said entering the room with a dish trolley)
Y/n: I said I won't eat it
Jackson: don't be child eat it and get a good sleep tomorrow there will be the meeting boss will be here to get you
Y/n: like I care (as I rolled eyes)
He went out of the room locking it
He already told me that it's one of the rule that he will lock the door
I sighed hardly
Y/n: "I have to get out of here I can't become what they want me"
I said to myself
"Okay y/n you can do it" I encouraged myself
"Yeah I can"
I run to the closet and grab a black hoodie with a pair of jeans
I quickly put them up and then I switched off all the lights
I walked to the door
Y/n: shit it's locked
I tried to open it with a hairpin hoping for it to open but it's just in movies
"Fuck" I cursed underneath my breath
I peeked outside the window from the side of curtain and a sparkle of hope lit up all the guards were concentrating on the side walks not on my window
Y/n: okay y/n think y/n think Jackson is inside the house sehun is outside but nowhere here if I can run from here I can probably go through that alley yeah I can do it
I put my joggers on and then slightly opened the window to a small terrace I again peeked and thanks to the power no one looked my room was on second floor
I also had my joggers on so I can jump from here
I closed my eyes and then take deep breath and then jumped
But ------
{So what will happen,will she be able to escape or not , would jk and minsa be able to find y/n, will their plan goes accordingly?;well let's see stay tuned guys}
I know this chapter was an average one but let's wait for the other one guys
Until then stay tuned stay safe
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