CHAPTER-1 introduction
Y/n: sir this is your drink
(She place the drink on the table as she smiled to the old man)
Man: thanks
Lee hafsa OR. Y/N
Family: orphan ( parents killed in a sinking cruise)
Job: worker at a café
Friends: Minsa ( her only best friend)
Relationship status: single
Education: she left the studies because she don't have the expenses for it
Qualities: can control her temper easily , and have a good sense for trusting people
Park Minsa
Family: orphan ( parents died in an accident )
Job: worker in the same café
Friend: Lee hafsa or Y/n ( the only family she has after her parents died)
Y/n: ( I saw a customer coming in ) minsa can you take his order
Minsa: hafsa please deal with your own customers I have to clean up
Y/n: okay .
Minsa: wait I'll see please clean this counter
Y/n: thanks girl
Minsa: ( I smiled towards her because I know she was exhausted as she was attending every customer from the morning)
Y/n: ( I went towards the coffee machine to clean the place as I was cleaning it, a cup of coffee slipped from my hands)
??: ughhh what the hell have you done
The cup of coffee was slipped on his clothes
Y/n: I am so sorry sir please forgive me I'll clean it up for you
??: leave me you dirty women I'll do it by myself
Y/n: (I bit my lips as to control my temper when he called me that) I am sorry sir
Minsa: what happened hafsa
Y/n: nothing I just made a mistake
??: you call it a mistake just look you ruined my clothes
Minsa: hey excuse me mister you don't have the right to yell at her
??: woah another pathetic women I see
Minsa: what the actual fuck you said
Y/n: leave him minsa our job will be in danger
Minsa: it's just a mistake why are you making a fuss
As he came from his seat on the other side of the café
Boss: sir we are sorry we'll compensate for your jacket
(As he death glared you and minsa)
??: leave it . It was my mistake to come here as he smiled at him and smirk at minsa
Minsa: I am going to kill him
Y/n: shshh control your temper
Boss: we are really sorry sir
As the man left the café and then the boss came towards us
Boss: you know what you have done
Y/n: sir it was a mistake I am sorry ( she pleaded)
Minsa: he was the one creating the fuss we apologized sir
Boss: you know what it's the first time so I am letting you go as I am your uncle but if such thing happened again you'll be fired
Y/n: sir we are really sorry we promised
Minsa: but it was not our mistake that he started
Y/n: shut up minsa (as minsa rolled her eyes)
Boss: watch your actions it's the first and last time
Y/n: we will sir and again we are sorry
The café they are working at is owned by
y/n's uncle he offered her a job after seeing her in financial crises and she accept it so minsa also got the job there after quitting the job she was doing
??: Boss they are here we found them
$$: towards the next mission now.....
{Umm I know it's a short chapter but it's just a start we are going to progress towards a new fictional story, stay tuned}
I hope you guys will like this story
And also don't be a ghost reader leave your suggestions votes and comments I will respond you guys
This story is about my best friend and I am going to dedicate it to our friendship
Keep up with supporting I'll surely write this one according to your expectations
Keep supporting
Borahae 💜
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