Chapter 41.
Wedding chapters are so stressful really. I've been writing this since six thirty 😭
Just take this chapter and go😂
Anwayssssss mu tahi Kamu!!!
It is not my first time getting married, but for some reason, it felt like it.
I guess it must be because this time around, I am actively involved in it—the preparations, the events planning and everything in between. Not to mention, I have managed to strung my husband around through most of the steps, so that helped and eased my worries in a way—knowing I can always fall back on him and he would help me with the decisions I find difficult to make.
Time passes by pretty quickly when you are planning a wedding really, for before I could even blink and digest it all in my mind, it was already the week of the wedding. The Kayan lefe was brought on Tuesday, and I could still vividly remember the emotions I felt at the moment. I did not leave the house that day, but I was pretty much locked in my room so I could only watch initially through the windows.
Though we had agreed to keep the wedding simple and intimate, it was at that moment that I realized the Bayero extended family is much bigger than I had anticipated. Because while I was expecting a couple of cars, say three or four at most, I found myself counting up to nine, or was it ten cars that came, all filled with people as they brought the bridal gifts.
For a second, it felt a bit overwhelming, knowing all those people came for my sake, but after a couple of moments of just trying not to dwell on the negative thoughts, I found myself calming down. Faiza and Ya Mama were among those that brought the bridal gifts, except while Ya Mama stayed in the living room with the others—their chatters and yodels filling the space of the house, Faiza sneaked to my room to keep me company.
You should see the way she was excited, and to be honest, I am beginning to think she is more excited about the entire thing than I am because tell me why the girl rushed into my room screaming, and then wrapped me in a bone crushing hug. Then, she went about raining praises as if she had specifically practiced for it.
"Kaga matar babban Yaya, amarya a gidan Professor Adnan Bayero, komai dozen wallahi. After you, na you, hajjaju Allah dai ya biya. You alone, two 21 boxes! Ah ah, Magana ake ta matar Professor malam. Everyone has turned up for you, Allahumma bareek my Sa'adatu."
I could not say anything at the moment but smile, because I did not know what to say. Just as she had said, there were a total of twenty one boxes indeed, all filled to the brim with so many clothes, I honestly could not help but wonder how long it will take me before I am able to wear everything in there.
However, if the bridal gifts signified anything, then it is that the wedding had in fact started, and it was only the beginning. For the first event, I started off with the henna party with just a couple of friends and my closest cousins, and though there were only a few of us, we had our fun to the fullest.
And the day ended on the perfect note of my husband coming over to see me. His words, every single thing he had said that night stuck in my mind, making me feel more at ease regarding the entire thing. From the words of affirmation and the soft smiles, he had managed to get rid of worries. Unfortunately, I could not stay out for long given I was not supposed to see him, so sooner than I had intended, I had to bid him farewell. But, he did not allow me to leave that easily—not without the gifts he had brought along.
From the chocolate boxes for me, to the refreshments for myself and my friends as well, as if the money had given was not enough. I am starting to wonder just how much money this man has really, because he seems to be going all out for the wedding. He had already given me his card, and aside from the money he had transferred, I am aware Faiza has been milking money from him—but I stayed out of that because it is a siblings thing.
The point is though, the day ended on a really good note, one that was accompanied by teasing from my friends the moment I had returned back to them, including Faiza who had to bid us farewell and head back with her brother—after promising to come over the next day early so we can prepare for the Kamu event.
And she stuck to her promise, because she arrived at my house around 9:00AM, and the hectic day began almost immediately. Somewhere in between getting my makeup done and everything else, the time passed by as a chaotic mess. Faiza tasked herself with handling most of the issues for me, but there were still things which I apparently need to make the decision myself so it felt chaotic at one point.
Midway through the makeup process, we received a delivery order for food and a beautiful bouquet of fresh red roses, and the round of teasing began almost immediately Faiza brought them into the studio. She dropped aside my package and handed over the bouquet, before distributing the food the man had bought for everyone there.
I had to bite my lower lip to hold back my grin as I retrieved the roses from her, picking out the card nestled in between it perfectly before flicking it open. My gaze fell on the handwritten note there;
Less than twenty-four to go, it feels surreal.
But, I cannot wait for you to become my halal, Hayaty.
I will see you in a couple of hours. Until then, take care of yourself for me.
Love always, AB, Your Malam.
I could not help but chuckle seeing the name he added at the end. He keeps throwing a fuss about how he dislikes it, but apparently I am rubbing off on him. It was as if his words managed to dispel the brewing headache and the growing nerves, relaxing my mind. But, it was not just me, he managed to make everyone happy with the free food, and the air became lighter almost immediately. After our food break, we picked up where we stopped, everything kicking up as we tried to get ready on time.
Faiza got her makeup there as well from another makeup artist, along with my cousin Hajiya, the second closest friend I have after Faiza. I meant it when I said I was keeping my friends circle small, though some of my friends from University had travelled to attend as well and were getting their makeups elsewhere, I could not ask for anything more.
The event was supposed to start by 4:00pm, but obviously we could not make it. Because for one, we had to pray first before we went down to actually getting dressed. And even then, before we headed out, I had to snap solo pictures with the photographer we had hired, then snapped some with Faiza, and then Anty and Yaya Maryam that came over to the studio as well. But then we basically had to rush everything. By 5:00pm, we were already making our way towards the event center.
By the time we actually arrived at the event center, most of the people were inside already though some were outside, those without card permit. Most of my friends with the anko had arrived as well, if not all of them and were waiting for us. I will not lie, I got cold feet the minute I had to step down from the car, but I pushed past it, placing a smile on my face as my friends formed their entourage around me.
Sa'adatu by Ali Jita played the moment we stepped into the hall, Faiza by my right side while Hajiya—my cousin-- stood by the left, the two women swaying according to the beat of the song. From what I could see, despite planning to keep the wedding circle small, the hall was basically filled to the brim with people already.
I could only hold up my smile, the flashes from the camera blinding as the photography crew stood in front of us, moving backwards slowly as we made our grand entrance. Eventually, as Faiza and Hajiya led me to my designated seat, the song changed to GNB by DanMusa New Prince, and the ambiance in the hall instantly changed to a more laid back vibe.
Everyone else was asked to settle back down on their seats, as the photographers took the chance to snap as much pictures of me as they could. When they were thought to have enough, they were asked to settle back as well before the event officially kicked off with prayers by one of my aunts—Anty's sister.
The hall quietened down as she was given the microphone and she opened the event officially with the prayers. Afterwards, the Kamu event was officially said to begin, and my friends came back to my side as the groom's side of the family was asked to step forward for the unveiling, and of course, to discuss the price first before it happens and that is when the actual drama began.
Now Faiza has officially relinquished her title as the groom's sister, and instead picked up the title of the bride's best friend when discussing the price with her side of the family. And though I had my head down while my friends covered me, I could still hear the negotiations and the back and forth well enough.
"Ranki dade," Faiza started, and I knew from the tone she used and the way she started that this woman is about to rob the people in her family. "Our bride, amaryar mu, tanada tsada. Which is why, we cannot receive this fee in Naira—naira has no value now. Instead, we want the money in dollars!" Yup, she is definitely robbing her family dry.
But my friends of course got what they wanted, someone to take the lead so they can get as much money as they want, so they hollered in agreement, hyping her up.
Faiza, now backed by all the ladies, then turned around to face her family with what I could guess is a determined expression.
"How much do you want?" Wait, is that Hajiya's voice? I thought the aunties were meant to pay for the unveiling price and all but I am sure that is Hajiya's voice. No wonder Faiza is trying to rob the poor woman.
"Ehen," I could imagine Faiza grinning, "Hajjaju, we know you are rich and generous. Not to mention, you want to see your bride but let us be honest, amaryar mu ga kyau, ga girki, ga hali mai kyau wallahi wife material ce of the highest order. Which is why, we will start our negotiations at fifteen thousand dollars."
Fifteen thousand what? Yes, I am now sure Faiza is an unarmed thief.
I have tried to sway this girl's mind from getting too much money from them, but she refused to budge, apparently she has some certainty that her.
"Fifteen thousand dollars is too little even. We want twenty thousand dollars." This time around, it was one of my aunts that spoke, and I recognize her as another one of Anty's siblings, the youngest one and my favorite in the family.
Just when I thought Faiza is bad, she comes into the picture. I will not be surprised if the two had already agreed beforehand on what price to set.
"Haba kukuwa. Ba ragi?" This time around it was someone from the Bayero family that inquired. "We will give you twelve thousand."
"Ah ah, gaskiya we cannot settle that less." You can guess who that is, right? The unarmed thief Faiza in her glory. "Give eighteen thousand."
"Ku rage mana haba,"
"Our bride is way too expensive really. We are handing her over to you, you need to make sure you understand the value of our bride." And that, is my aunt with her words. "Last price we can offer you is fifteen thousand dollars. We are not reducing it any longer."
Silence came from the Bayero side for a short while, before the announcement came. "We will give you fifteen thousand dollars then." And that ladies and gentlemen is how Faiza managed to rob her family in the name of Kamu.
The ladies instantly hollered as the emcee announced it to everyone in the hall, earning more hollers of acknowledgement. After they had gotten the money, they then parted the way, allowing them to step forward so they can unveil me. The scent of a cologne—something quite similar to the one he wears, reached my olfactory lobes as it was spritzed on me, coating me with the homey scent.
The song then changed to Love by Ali Jita, the sound of camera clicks accompanying it.
Then, I felt the veil being lifted off my head, and the blinding flashes of the light welcomed me as a hand was placed on the side of my face, lifting it so my gaze fell on the person there. The moment my gaze met Hajiya's and her wide grin, shyness overcame me, and I found myself looking down, though a smile graced my face.
"Tabarakallah Ahsanul Khaliqeen. Allahumma bareek." Hajiya muttered, her tone warm and filled with unparalleled adoration. Then, she leaned down, and her arms wrapped around me, pulling me into her warm embrace. "Welcome to the family, Sa'adatu na," She then pulled back to hold my face in her hands, her grin widening more if possible. "I had to come and unveil my daughter myself. Why should I give someone the honor of seeing you before I do?"
My own smile could only widen, though my cheeks heated. "Hajiya ta..." I found myself whispering.
"Alhamdullilah, you are finally part of my family," She then leaned down to give me another embrace, her hand patting my back. "You are loved, Sa'adatu." She whispered. "And you are more than welcomed to the Bayero family. You are now my daughter, kina jina?"
I nodded, my eyes glossing as I tried to hold back my tears.
When she pulled back and noticed the tears glossing my eyes, she reached out to wipe it before it could fall. "Enough, today is not the day for you to cry. Kar Adnan yazo ya dame ni yace na saki kuka. Bayida kunya when it comes to you." Her grin turned teasing.
I looked down, my cheeks heating even more, still very much aware of the camera flashes from the photographers and from my friends as well.
"Alright, I will let you be for now." With one last pat on my back, Hajiya turned around and retreated back to her table, with the other Bayero women in tow after throwing in their own praises as well.
Ya Mama appeared as well, her grin contagious as she rushed to my side. "Hello, sister-in-law," She leaned down to pull me into her warm, tight embrace.
"Ya Mama..." I embraced her back as much as I could.
She then pulled back after a while, wiggling her brows. "What now? Is he finally your type?" She inquired, reminding me of the conversation we once had at her house—which ended up in his ears.
My cheeks heated even more, and I could only reach out to cover my face to hide my embarrassment. It appears the Bayero siblings are not fond of letting one forget things. "Ya Mama..."
"Alright, alright," She raised her hands in surrender, though her teasing grin remained. "But, between you and I," She leaned down to whisper. "I had always known he loves you. He is not as good at hiding it as he thinks really." I would beg to differ, but her words only made my heart warm up. Flashing me one of her infamous grins, she turned around and headed back to her seat as well.
A short moment passed before another announcement came, one that I have been looking forward to be honest, one of the highlights of my night.
"And now, before our groom makes his appearance with his friends because I was told he has arrived already and is getting ready, we will now welcome one of the bride's mothers onto the stage to give us a short speech." The emcee announced, and I folded my lips in to hold back my smile knowing there is too many cameras fixated on me. "Hajiya Asabe, please, if you are here, come onto the stage and give us your speech."
Yes, Hajiya Asabe, Hassan's mother. I had intentionally added her name to the list of those that will give a speech, despite knowing I will no doubt an earful from Anty later on for the stunt I am about to pull, but I am willing to risk it all really for this moment.
My gaze moved to the crowd as I tried to spot her, but I did not have to try hard because her face was displayed right across the big screens for everyone to see, and believe me, it was a struggle trying to hold back my laughter with the look that took over her features like a deer caught in headlights.
The scowl on her face morphed into a faux grin when she realized everyone has their attention on her, and she could not escape. I could tell she was fuming internally though, and hesitated for a short while before she eventually got on her feet. Almost immediately, the song I had to be played the moment she gets up began to play.
Zamu Basu Kunya by PamDee filled the speakers, and the look that took over her features? Priceless I tell you. It did not help that the screen is still fixated on her face, so everyone could see her face. I could tell she was rethinking her decision of getting up, but those sharing the same table with her urged her to keep going. So, she visibly tamped down embarrassment.
"Zamu basu kunya, Masu yin gulma,
Zamu basu kunya,
Sunce bazamu yi ba, Zamu basu kunya,
Suce bazamu kai ba, Zamu basu kunya..."
And so, she walked down to the song as she made her way to the dance floor so she could give the speech. I may seem calm on the outside, but on the inside, I was dancing to the song really. She all but snatched the microphone from him, and then turned around to face the crowd.
"Salamu alaikum," She started, as the song came to an end. Once, she hesitated for a brief second, before she parted her lips to speak. "I do not have much to say," Of course she does not. I did not expect her to even come out to be honest. "We are all happy that Sa'adatu is finally getting married." That is a lie, we all know. She's happy? Biggest lie of the season. She continued regardless. "Allah ya basu zaman lafiya." And that was it, she handed the microphone back to the emcee, or should I say, she shoved it into his hand.
He seemed startled as well, but as she turned around to head back to her seat, Aure by Namenj, yet again irking her. Except this time around, she did not sit back on her seat and instead, picked up her bag, then all but stormed out of the hall, ignoring the looks that followed her.
I held back a cackle, keeping my head low to hold back my grin.
With her situation over and done with, the emcee then made an announcement that the groom will now make his entrance, and believe me when I say, my heart rate spiked up at the mention of him. The song then transitioned to Ango by Morell, one of my favorite songs by the artist and what just suits the situation really.
Faiza rushed back to my side, dropping the veil that covered me once again before she went back to her side.
Then, my gaze fell on him, amongst his own entourage of men, and the grin that took over my features was instantaneous. My gaze fell on him, amongst the sea of men, and our eyes met. I looked down, unable to hold myself because if I keep looking at him and grinning like that, only God knows what sort of teasing I will go through later on.
I did not raise my head up, at least until he came to where I am, and the scent of his cologne, exactly the same one that was sprayed on me earlier reached my olfactory lobes, notifying me of his arrival.
I kept my head down still, and from the corner of my eyes, I watched as he leaned down to lift my veil ever so slowly. Once he had lifted it up completely, I lifted my head, our gazes and the grin that took over his features was blinding I tell you. Those beautiful black orbs behind the bifocals held mine, and then his deep, husky voice came, low, and only meant for my ears.
"Hayaty," He called out, his words velvety. "Masha Allah," He whispered. "Tabarakallah. You look beautiful, my wife. Masha Allah. Allahumma bareek, matata."
I looked down, unable to take the intensity of his gaze as my cheeks heated tenfold, butterflies erupting in my stomach and having a damn circus really. The sound of his chuckle reached my ears, as he settled down beside me. The photographers went crazy, snapping incessantly.
I eventually looked up, giving him a onceover before my smile widened. "You look really handsome as well," I whispered. "My Malam."
He grinned, then shook his head. "Allah ya shirye ki," He muttered, still holding my gaze.
"Ameen." My cheeks were beginning to hurt at this point with how much I am smiling, but I do not mind because I know the event was just beginning. And that was when the Kamu actually kicked up, promising a long event that will last in our memories.
Like this I just got tired of typing and ended it because omooooo wedding chapters are hard!!!! Heavy on the hard!!!!
Sha anyways I hope du kuna hall because na now the events go start o, we have games and all waiting for us, Yawwa but I'm not writing it😂 Wanda yake hall will enjoy Nima I am trying to focus because I cannot be narrating what's happening to you now. In Kuma hall you'll see it yourself 😂
Also where are those that didn't collect their cards ne? Gaskiya dai dai kiyi haquri because I've been waiting for you people since. I got tired and went back to the hall.
Mu hadu a Daurin Aure kawai 😂 someone said we will go to the masjid just to make sure ba da Hassan zaa daura auren ba😂😭 Nace toh mu daura auren mana kawai da kanmu.
Hmmmmmm Saadah will finally become Adnan's wife tomorrow inyeeeee😭
Toh let me go and enjoy my event. If you like single people no shine eye for groomsmen and pick someone 😒 they are all rich I say make I tell you. Find someone to lock down as well! Yawwa an advice for the wise.
Stay safe and in love yallllll🫢❤️
Na koma dance floor.
Love, Jannah Mia❤️
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