Chapter 35.
I am too nice really!!
My comments o!! My comments!!!
Single people hide your faces🙂↔️ oppression will finish you off today today. This chapter is not for the faint hearted.
Make sure you're alone before you scream and your house people think you've gone mad😂 you for explain tire say na Adnan and Saadatu but they won't understand.
Tam I've said my own.
Sit back, relax, get a snack and enjoy. Burn your turaren wuta for a better mind🥹
Yawwa enjoy. Also, MY COMMENTS O!
Turns out, Hajiya's company and a change of environment was all I needed. Because honestly, by spending the rest of the day with her, I had eventually grown to forget what my original issue was to begin with—mostly because she did not bring anything up regarding my home, or my marriage, or anything alike.
I am not sure if she knows what is going on at home, but even if she does, she did not show it—nor did she bring up anything about me, and a certain son of hers in glasses—another thing I am thankful for because Allah knows, I am not sure how to handle that. While we were in the living room, where she basically forced me to eat the food she had gotten for me, a few guests came to greet her—and I could only awkwardly sit there. However, none stayed for long, which I am grateful for and sooner than I anticipated, it was soon time for Magrib.
She directed me to one of the guest rooms, where I already found my essentials already brought—ranging from my phone charger, basic essentials, a hijab, pajamas to the outfit I had picked out to wear tomorrow—my best guess is, Anty had someone bring them over even before I arrived here. I pushed away the pessimistic part of me that brought up the fact that whether she was in a rush to get rid of me this fast, and simply focused on the present.
After I had prayed, I stayed back in the room, simply laid on the praying mat. There is this feeling of peace that comes with resting on the prayer mat really—it is hard to explain, and after the whirlwind of events that had happened today, I figured I would need the much needed moment of peace and silence which I had been yearning for the entire day, and it was indeed welcomed.
However, after praying Isha, I plugged my phone to charge and decided to head out in search for Hajiya, so it would not seem as though I have coiled back to my room and avoided her. I found her in the kitchen preparing food for Baba with Ya Yusuf there.
He was the first to notice me, and his lips were quick to slant upwards into a teasing smile. "Ah ah, yau kuma Gwaggo Atu ce a gidan mu?" He teased, as always. "Yau wace rana? Are you sure you did not miss the way to your original destination?"
I hummed, my own lips forming a smile as my expression mirrored his. "Ya Isubu, barka da dare." I greeted, choosing to ignore the tease and instead, threw mine. "Nazo karban barka da sallah na ne."
He hummed back, "Nima ina karban barka da sallah." He threw back, feigning seriousness. "In fact, I accept transfer, cash, and even have a POS. Which method do you prefer, Ma?"
I chuckled, shaking my head in the process. Before I could reply though, Hajiya beat me to it, after placing what I assume to be the last food flask on the awaiting tray.
"Yanxu kai ko kunya? Are you not the older one? Should you not be the one to give her and not the other way around?"
"Ahhh, haba Hajiya." He turned around to face her completely, then carried on, "Matar Yaya ce fam ai she's the older one now. Besides, he is the rich one here. So, they should take pity on the poor souls like us." He stated, seeming serious.
My lips fell apart, and my eyes dilated slightly, blood rushing to my cheeks which instantly heated. See, it is one thing for Faiza to tease me, and another for the man in glasses to as well. The two are close, and Faiza is close to me while he, is the man in the picture so I am kind of used to the two of them.
But you see Ya Yusuf and Ya Mama, they are supposed to be the ones in the dark. If Ya Yusuf already knows, then I will not be surprised if Ya Mama knows as well. Does everyone in the Bayero family know? Nikam na shiga uku. It does not help with how casually they speak of it, even in front of Hajiya—you will think they are speaking of the weather or something.
At this point, the ground should just open up and swallow me because he with glasses has finished me entirely.
The sole consolation I have was that Hajiya does not pay heed to them—thankfully. For even at that moment, she simply narrowed her eyes at him in slits, her expression. "Banson shirme," She waved him off. "Take this to your father now. He has been waiting. I think Adnan is still with him so tell him I do not want to see his legs here again tonight." With that, she waved him off.
However, the man did not leave, not without meeting my gaze again and playfully crouching on his way out.
"Sannu matar Yaya." He walked out, chuckling at himself and his words.
I could only shake my head, mortified at the extent to what is going on in this house. I am starting to regret agreeing to stay the night—for I am sure they will finish me off entirely before the night ends—thankfully the main source of trouble has been banned from stepping foot here—at least for the night so I am safe.
With him gone, Hajiya turned to me, "Do not mind them," She said seriously. "Now come, what do you want for dinner?"
I was quick to shake my head and decline the offer, because I am already filled to the brim but then, would Hajiya take no for an answer? You should know by now. She did let me be for the moment though, and we found ourselves in her room again, basically talking about everything and nothing. At one point, as it neared nine, she decided he with glasses and his brother must have retired to their rooms now, so, she decided to take me to greet Baba.
Now, I have met him a couple of times, but it does not change the fact that I find him intimidating still. And he is not cold or anything—he just has this intimidating aura in contrast to Hajiya's warm, and welcoming one. However, as we went to the small living room where he was alone as she had anticipated, and I greeted him—I realized after a few minutes of conversing that he is not as scary as I keep expecting him to be.
Because soon enough, we were chatting about everything—mostly about my current masters and how many students decided to not further their studies—something he commended me for. I soon realized a habit of Baba's which I think all the Bayero siblings inherited from him—his ability to make you feel at ease around him soon enough and even take your mind off certain issues.
About thirty minutes passed by with us conversing, but as nine thirty neared, the two decided to retire for the night, needing their sleep. Once again, Hajiya remained adamant on her resolve of me taking something to eat first because apparently she knows I will not sleep early.
It took a lot of convincing to get her to agree that I am not hungry, but she still made me prepare the tea she apparently knows I love to take every night, before adding three cupcakes on a side plate for me so I can return to my room as well. And that was what I did. I took it back to the room I am staying in for the night, then took the tea first before it cools off.
Once done with it, I decided to take another shower just to get rid of the sore muscles of the day, the changed into my pajamas, wanting nothing more than to slip under the duvet and get some sleep. The empty cup of tea kept staring back at me though, and knowing I could not just leave it there—I slipped on my hijab, then took the cup and headed back downstairs to the kitchen.
As it was already past ten thirty, most of the lights had been turned off and everyone has seemingly retired for the night. Or so I expected, until I stepped into the kitchen, and realized the lights were turned on dimly, and that there was someone there. My breath got caught in my throat, realizing who it is despite only staring at his back. The sound of the kettle in the background gave away what he was doing there, but for the fun of it, knowing I cannot exactly turn around and leave, I decided to speak instead.
"Aren't you, like, not supposed to be here?" I teased, my tone serious as I made my way further into the kitchen.
He turned around, those ever so familiar bifocals the first thing I noticed, before I was met with the slight frown that took over his features. He turned around to face me, the awaiting tea cup behind him along with the whistling kettle.
"You enjoyed that, did you not?" He threw me a pointed look.
I shrugged, then offered him the widest smiles I could muster just to get on his nerves. "You have no idea," I stated earnestly. "You not being in my sight? The best thing to happen to mankind really." I stopped by the sink.
He arched a brow effortlessly, "Really now?"
I hummed, nodding as I poured a bit of detergent into the cup before turning the faucet open.
"I missed you though," He stated casually, his gaze set on mine and the intensity behind his words nearly had me dropping the cup, my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach—you get what I mean. As if that was not enough, he added, his voice dropping slightly, huskier. "Terribly so."
My breath got knocked right out of my lungs, my eyes almost glued to his. I swallowed down a lump, then looked away suddenly, releasing a small breath to steady my heart rate, my hold around the cup handle tightening as the water from the faucet kept coming, and I was suddenly reminded of what I was doing.
I tried to ignore my cheeks heating, then feigned an unbothered expression. "Stop saying things like that," I was surprised by how calm my voice sounded despite the raging turmoil inside, and the damn acrobatic show internally.
"Why not?" Though I was not staring at him, I could imagine the eye brow arch thing happening once again.
I swallowed down another lump, "Because someone might think you are lovesick." I stated, grabbing the first excuse that comes to mind—realizing how pathetic it sounded the moment it escaped my lips.
I did not expect him to answer straight up, but he did, "I am though." His words escaped with so much ease—almost as it is a natural thing for him to say. "Speaking of which though, are you sure you are not saying that because my words get to you?"
I scoffed, "Of course not."
"Really?" It was obvious from his tone that he does not believe me, and was that a hint of amusement underlying it? When I did not answer, he added, "Look at me then." He urged.
I refused to. "Why should I?" I successfully managed to wash my cup, and then turned off the faucet.
"Look at me." He urged again, his tone daring.
I dropped the cup aside, then turned around to look at him, not willing to lose the dare. He did not say anything for a moment, and simply stared. My resolve cracked slightly, the little confidence I had mustered swaying by a mere look—something I am not proud to admit.
I looked away first, and a deep chuckle instantly came from him. "I guess it is still there." I heard him say, his tone very much amused—and even pleased?
I found myself frowning, then turned around to look at him, my gaze questioning. "What is still there?" My frown deepened, wondering what he could be talking about now.
"Na zaci kin daina jin kunya na ai," He stated, sounding a tad bit disappointed. "You have been acting unbothered recently, thought we were over that phase so soon." His earlier sly smile returned, satisfaction stemming from his new realization. "I like your sharp side, but your shy side is a sight to behold."
I could only stare at him in disbelief, trying to not his words get to me once again. "Does your arrogance have any limit?"
"No." The words escaped with seemingly much practiced ease it seemed almost natural. "But, you do have one."
My brows drew in, "A limit to what?"
"Staying at home, of course," He then leaned back, his arms crossed over his torso before he asked, "How does it feel to spend your last Eid at your parent's?"
Once again, ladies and gentlemen, I was caught dumbfounded by this man's confidence. I could only snicker, then looked away as I shook my head, before resting my gaze on him again. "And what gives you the confidence to say that? Delusion?"
"You think you are going to spend another day at your father's?" He asked, his words and expression genuine. When I did not answer—because I genuinely could not find a single word to reply him with, too speechless to do so, he then added. "You, Miss, are spending your next Eid in my—our—house."
"Ikon Allah," I did not know what else to say. The wonders I am seeing this night because of this man is beyond what any word could possibly fathom.
"Do you think I am joking?"
"I am hoping you are."
"Well, I am not." I hate to admit it, he sounded way too confident—and his expression was way too serious. "The only reason why I am yet to send my elders is because I am waiting for your confirmation." A choice—despite his resolve, he was giving me a choice.
I would have found it to be sweet if I did not have something on my mind already. "And what if someone has asked for my hand already?" I asked, my words serious. "What if am already betrothed to someone else?"
"You are not."
"But what if I am?" I of course have my reasons for saying that, but he does not know that.
Does he? Because he seemed way too at ease for someone that should consider the possibility of me being betrothed. "You are not though." He must have seen the look of question masking my expression, before he released a small breath, his expression softening. "Stop worrying, and talk whatever issues you have through with your parents tomorrow. There is nothing communication cannot solve." I think he knows—his words gave him away.
Perhaps, he knows even more than I do. Or maybe, he is just way too good at reading my mind.
"What do you know?" I could not help but ask, my eyes narrowed slightly because God knows I would flip if my issues are already known by him.
"Nothing," He breathed out, his words sounding genuine. "At least, nothing you expect me to not know." Why do I seem to believe his words? "What I do know however, is that you definitely are not betrothed to someone. I would know if you were Believe me."
My glare softened slightly, as my wariness waned but still remained a tad bit. However, when he suddenly smiled—though it was a small one, the remaining wariness disappeared and in its stead, a sense of ease bloomed within me.
"Sa'adah, listen to me." He started, his tone losing any sense of lark it had earlier. "I want to marry you, but I am not forcing you into anything—not Faiza, and not my family as a whole. Yes, I want you to be mine as soon as possible, but I also do not mind waiting for you until you feel you are ready..."
I wanted to break our stare and look away, but I could not. Not when his words were hitting home a little too hard—and his words weirdly offered an immense sense of ease.
Still holding my gaze, he continued. "...I will wait for you, I promise, I would. When you are ready, I would show you love for the sake of Allah. You are my Du'a, Sa'adah—and I cannot wait for the day you would become my answered du'a. All I need, is your permission. That is all."
I found myself releasing a shaky breath, "And what if I find myself unable to reciprocate your feelings?" I asked, my voice low.
His lips slanted upwards into a warm, comforting smile. "I will earn it," He answered. "I will win your heart back so long as you give me the chance." The honestly behind his words was impossible to miss, and it made my heart squeeze.
My own lips curled into a sad smile, my eyes glossing slightly. "My heart is broken."
"My love will mend it back."
I shook my head, closing my eyes in an attempt to hold back my tears. When I managed to get a hold of it, I settled my gaze on his again. "I am a mess."
"Be my mess then," His tone remained determined.
"You will regret it." I know he would. There will come a time when he will realize I am not enough, that I will never be enough for him. "You know my condition," Yet another issue that I cannot ignore. "No one would like to live with the struggles of being with someone like me."
"Never." He shook his head. His lips then regained that slight, warm as the candlelight smile. "Besides, then it is a good thing I am a doctor, right? Surely, there cannot be a better care taker than I, right?"
"And I am AA," He cut me, his smile teasing. "We cannot get a genotype test if you want to confirm it." He seemed as though he is prepared in whatsoever it is I am about to throw at him. "Just give me a chance to be your naseeb, let me love you, Sa'adah."
There was something I realized at that moment—my feelings for Adnan Bayero were still there. Perhaps, not as strong as before, but they were there still. And he, somehow knows exactly what to say, and how to act at the right situations. I have always been an impulsive person, and most of my decisions were done based on impulse.
I was yet about to make another impulsive decision it appeared. Except, it was not purely so—I had done my istikhara—and I have been waiting for a sign. I guess the signs have been there—and it was only at this very moment did I realize it.
I fought back a smile, surprised by how this took an amusing turn. I feigned a serious expression, then vocalized my response in a dismissive tone after a few seconds of silence, simply leading him on. "I will think about it," Not waiting for his reply, I turned around and made my way towards the exit.
However, just as I had reached the exit, I suddenly stopped, then turned around. "And Lulu?" His gaze perked up, seemingly a taken aback by me using that name out of the blue. I then said, my tone slightly amused, yet serious at the same time. "Zasu iya zuwa yawon sallah yanxu." I did not wait for his response as I turned around, and walked away.
It took him a second to realize what I meant judging from the silence that followed. Then, I heard it.
"Wait...what?" Realization stuck, and the sound of his laughter reached my ears, warming my heart coupled along with the strings of "Alhamdullilah!!"That followed. He might wake the others at this point really.
I smiled, caving into a grin as I ascended the stairs, my heart full and giddy as a teenager.
I hope I have made the right decision after all. Hopefully this time around.
In shaa Allah.
Sha I wanted bro to suffer but I want these two married soon🥹 they've gone through a lot already 🥹
How I wish we could share this news with Faiza😭
Kwalliya tsaf tsaf, anko ya dinku gaba days all my friends and family sun fito gaba daya ...🥹💃💃💃💃
We're about to enter wedding season o!! Ladies, get your anko ready ooooo🫢💃💃 I was thinking leshi but what do you think? Is lizard brown color good? Or moimoi orange?🙂🥲
Ahhhh too much to plan for our wedding💃💃
Tell a friend to tell a friend, Prof Lulu and Saadah are getting married💃💃💃Oshey oshey osheyyyyyyyyyy
Jira jira jiraaaaa wai ya labarin Hassan ne? Kai maganar Prof ake banson hauka. Yo ai kunji Kuma😂
Toh I'm done. Need to go and start wedding prep oh yeah oh yeah oh yeahhhhhhhh💃💃
Have a good night, and book your tailors early o! I'm going to book event center seff🤫 wannan harka ai Sai da bidiri 🙂↔️🙂↔️🙂↔️
Stay safe and single,
Love, Jannah Mia❤️
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