Chapter 33.
WHO ADDED ME IN HER PRAYERS? NACE WACE TA SANI A ADDUA NAYI UPDATE? Ah ah, you will not allow person to rest again trrrrr I go write, ikon Allah!
Sha, if you cry easily, get tissues before reading this. Remain small make I cry as well.
Toh yanxu ba wannan ba, what did I do to you in the last chapter Una no drop comment? Laifi na muku ne😒 Abi we are beefing? Toh let me beg, please comment else I go drag this class too😭
Amani's tone was as excited as ever, as she wiggled in my arms, her arms outstretched upon recognizing the familiar face belonging to her uncle. "Lulu!" She exclaimed once again, her lips tilted upwards into the widest smiles out there.
His own smile was just as warm, and almost naturally, he outstretched his hands and effortlessly took her into his arm, one hand still occupied with the water bottle I had yet to make a move to collect. Balancing her in one arm, her tiny arms wrapped around him, before she extended one out to seek her favorite accessory by the looks of it—the glasses she seems intent on playing with, and he allowed her.
His gaze met mine once again, and then he gestured to the water bottle he held. I blinked, snapping back to reality. I extended my hand out to collect the water bottle, whispering a small 'thank you' under my breath.
He did not say anything, and instead, settled on the chair beside mine, talking to Amani in hushed voices—or maybe, I was simply too caught up in my little bubble to pay any heed to whatever it is he is saying to her.
My head was throbbing badly, and my throat suddenly felt parched. Uncapping the water bottle, I found myself downing the liquid I did not know I was in need of until now that I have it. The cold liquid, though not arctic cold, somehow provided a bit of calmness to my mind, and by the time I realized it, I had downed about half of it.
I closed it once again, then dropped it by my side, my eyes flicking close for a moment. Leaning my head against my arm, I massaged my temple, though partially due to the headache, and partially in an attempt to ignore the man beside me, and pretend as if he is not there. But, that would be lying to myself, because I am aware, overly so. I found myself trying to not do anything stupid, because I tend to do that a lot in his presence.
Today though, it does not take much effort, maybe because I am not in the mood to begin with. For the first time ever, in the presence of Adnan Sunusi Bayero, my thoughts do not entirely revolve around him—barely even half of it. Rather, I was focused more on disappearing from this place entirely.
"Do you want to talk about it?" His voice suddenly came, and for a second, I wondered if he was talking to me.
"Huh?" I looked up, turning my head to look at him.
His gaze was still on Amani by the looks it when he said so, offering her a small smile as he ruffled her hair. I thought in that moment that I was perhaps I was imaging stuff, and that he did not say that. However, he turned around as well, his gaze holding mine as the smile dropped—his expression soft, but serious.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked once again, his tone clear, his gaze, steady. He blinked, his expression softening even more, enough to melt butter. "What is bothering you," He pointed out. "Do you want to talk about it?"
I released a breath I did not know I was holding, my gaze never leaving his as the memories from earlier replayed in my mind, and I felt the walls crumbling. I could feel the tears once again threatening to gloss my eyes, and I know if I am to venture down that path, then I might end up breaking down once again.
"No," I suddenly breathed out. "I do not." I do not want to talk about it, not now, not with him—especially not with him. I do not think I can handle it, else there would not be much of myself to keep afloat.
Much to my surprise, and relief, he did not press it. Instead, he nodded, though his eyes seemed to hold more than he is letting on. "Okay," He resigned simply, respecting my wishes—and to be honest, I have no words to express the relief I felt out of that.
I do not think I can take anyone pressing me for answers at this point, I would break down completely—and the little resolve I have keeping me going would dissipate as well.
I looked away first, and from the corner of my eyes, I could still see him looking—but it only lasted for a second more, before he too, looked away, making me release another breath of relief.
Silence ensued for a second, and I thought he would get up and leave any second now considering there were no words exchanged between us—though the silence is not uncomfortable, but still. In an attempt to break the silence, I found myself asking after a while more of nothing but Amani's babbles.
"Are you not going back out there?" I asked, throwing him a look. "I am sure they would be looking for you."
"Who are 'they'?" He asked, though without turning around.
I shrugged, my lips pressed together. "Ya Mama, Ya Mahmoud, Faiza....and maybe your cousins and friends?"
He hummed, "I am sure they will live without me. Besides," He breathed out, turning his head around, our gazes meeting again—his expression ever so earnest. "How can I be out there, when my heart is here?"
My own heart skipped a beat, dropping to the pit of my stomach as I felt blood rushing to my upper body—if that makes sense—my cheeks heating. I could not bring myself to react physically though, and could only blink, my hand curled by my side.
Normally, this is the point where butterflies filled my tummy, and I find myself all giddy. However, in its stead, dread made my insides churn in an uncomfortable way—the butterflies missing. A sick feeling uncoiled within me, emanating from the bombshell dropped earlier, and my reluctant acceptance of it.
I found myself holding his gaze, my expression unmoved as I parted my lips to speak, my tone coming out monotonous. "If that is the case, then you should take care of it," I stated, "Else it will soon be missing as well." The more I speak, the more I felt tears threatening to gloss my eyes. "Some things are not meant to be kept."
I was not trying to tease him, or flirt with him. No, rather, I was trying to dissuade him of whatever thoughts he has had thus far—knowing what fate awaits me. Whether I choose to believe him or not no longer matters. But, it would be unfair to lead him on, and that is not something I wish to do.
If he could decrypt my words, he could understand what I mean because I do not plan on elaborating more.
I saw the way his lips slanted into a deep frown, his scrutinizing eyes trying to see through me—and his brows, drawn in. He parted his lips to say something, but before he could, the sudden sound of his phone ringing came, cracking the silence with its buzz.
He ignored it, his gaze holding mine.
I blinked, then gestured to the call. "You should probably answer that."
He waved it off with an attempt to even check. "It is not important." He stated simply, his tone low, and his gaze cryptic—as if he could tell something is wrong, but could not tell what exactly.
"How do you know that?" I pressed, hoping I could use the phone call to get him to stop staring at me like that before he unravels that which I am trying to keep hidden. I do not think I can handle him of all people seeing my vulnerable side at this moment.
The ringing ceased, and the silence ensued once again, while he made no attempt to look away, or check the phone. However, it only lasted for a second before the phone began to ring once again, and I found myself releasing another deep breath.
"Answer the call at least," I found myself saying once again. "You never know."
He did not budge immediately, but eventually reached out to pull the phone out. His resolve cracked slightly upon seeing the name written on it, and I could tell from his expression that whoever it is, it is indeed serious.
"Excuse me, I need to answer this," He said, turning around to look at me.
I nodded with a sigh, "Go ahead,".
He offered me a nod back, then got on his feet with Amani still in his arms, before he answered the call and left the living room, leaving me alone once again. The moment he stepped out, I found myself burying my face between my palms as I released shaky breaths, trying to hold back my tears once again. I felt suffocated—being able to stare at him, and not being able to open up despite knowing what awaits felt nauseating even.
Just as I had decided I could no longer sit there, and made up my mind to simply head home—I would explain to Ya Mama when I managed to get a hold of my emotions and self—the sound of footsteps came into the room followed by a familiar, excited voice.
"Aww, see my girl. Ah ah! Eh lallai this love thing is serious." Faiza's ever so jovial voice came, and I found myself desperately trying to hold my tears back and keep them at bay before I look up, so she would not see me like this. However, she, unbeknownst to my inner turmoil, carried on with her chatter. "See how you are hiding your face as he had just left. Wannan soyyaya har ina. It is better for you two to just tie to knot so everyone could rest. This just shows that I did the right thing by telling Hajiya about you two and asking her to help Yaya persuade Anty, make this wedding just happen sharp sharp like this--"
"You did what?" I found myself looking up, her last words sinking in my mind, disbelief etched in my tone.
Perhaps, she was simply too caught up in her own little bubble of joy that she did not realize what state I was in, or maybe she mistook it for something else, but her resolve did not shake even in the slightest bit. "I told Hajiya about you two," She repeated, as if she did nothing at all. "It is better to just involve the elders so the wedding would happen before you keep making my poor brother suffer. Gwara kuyi aure kowa ma ya huta. I know he will treat you right--"
"Faiza that was not your decision to make," I find myself cutting her midway, my tone sharp, and cold even without me realizing it.
Faiza stopped, suddenly staring at me with an expression that is melting away that excitement. Though her smile had dropped, she still attempted to put up another one. "Sa'adatu what are you saying? I am just trying to help you two tie the knot quicker..."
"I did not ask for that," I found myself getting on my feet, disbelief coursing through my vein that she actually did that. "Did you ask for my permission first? Did I tell you I wanted that?" Perhaps, on normal occasions, I would not have cared much for what she did, but not today.
Today, it angered me to the core—because for the second time, in this single day, someone else is making a decision without consulting me—regarding my life, my marriage. Am I incapable of making a decision for myself? Or do they think I have no say in my life?
No...the actual question is, who gave them the right to make such decisions for me without consulting me? Who are they to dictate my life just like that?
And one thing that angered me even more was the fact that Faiza was not seeing the fault in her actions in the slightest. Even as I had said those words, she simply stared at me with a l0ok filled with confusion.
"I do not get it," Her smile wavered, "I am doing this for your sake, for your happiness. I am merely helping you--"
"I DID NOT ASK FOR IT!" I did not know when I yelled the words out, the frustration in me growing to the point where I could no longer keep it at bay. But, at that point, I was too blinded by anger to stop there. "Honestly, Faiza, I am so sick and tired of everything you had been doing thus far. It is not funny anymore. You keep doing stuff like this without asking me, and now, you think you have the right to make a decision about my marriage as well...who gave you the right?"
I am honestly fed up at this point. It was cute and funny while it was early, but at this point, considering everything she had done till this point and my already pent up frustration blinded me with rage—the one thing I have been trying to avoid—she pulling one of her stunts and here she is, pulling the biggest of them all.
Who gave her the right to interfere in my marriage? Why does everyone think they can dictate that for me?
"Sa'adatu," She called out in disbelief, "Why are you angry? Ke fa nake temakawa," She pointed out, her tone laced with brewing anger as well. "I am doing this for you—everything I have done thus far is for you."
"Did I ask for it?" I bite back, the anger blinding me to the point where I do not think about the words I utter.
She released a small scoff of disbelief under her breath. "Of course not," She breathed out, her voice raising with each word she utters afterwards, "But, Sa'adatu kisani, everything I have done is for your sake, so you will not end up married once again to someone of the likes of that stupid Khalil!"
"Don't you dare mention Khalil's name in this matter ever again," I found myself gritting through gritted teeth, anger coursing through my veins as I pointed a finger at her.
She released a humorless chuckle, shaking her head. "You see, this is your problem," She pointed out. "You are still caught up in this web of yours regarding him. Move on, Sa'adatu. The man is dead, and it is better as such because he never deserved you to begin with. He was an asshole, believe it or not." Her words were bitter, and she did not try to soften it in the slightest. "I am merely helping you so you do not end up making another blind decision. And let's be honest, YOUR FAMILY WILL NOT EXACTLY HELP YOU WITH THAT, WOULD THEY?"
If I was not upset before, then I certainly am now. At this point, I am honestly beyond sick and tired of people speaking anyhow about Khalil. I know better than anyone that he is dead, but is that not enough to let the man rest peacefully? Why are they all intent on speaking ill of him, what has he done to them?
And what was that about my family? Maybe, if I am not in that exact predicament, and her words were not effective as fuck, then it would not have gotten to me as bad as it. But, it did. And I took it way too personal.
Funny how she of all people happens to be the one saying that to me though.
This time around, it was my turn to release a humorless chuckle, "Well at least he was a better husband than yours ever was," I stated, at the point of no return with my anger. Sniffing back my tears, I stared at her down, my gaze cold as my next words. "And honestly, Faiza, if you had the time to worry about my life like this, then why don't you do the same about your life because if there is anyone between us that made the wrong choice from the beginning, then it is you. So, why don't you focus more on your daughter, so she does not grow up as a child of a single parent, BECAUSE YOUR PERFECT, LOVING FAMILY WON'T BE THERE TO RAISE HER FOR YOU!"
I regretted it the moment the words escaped my lips, and I saw the way her expression melted like ice. A single tear slid down her face, then another, followed by another till the tears dropped like waterworks, her face filled with disbelief, as if she could believe I used her greatest weakness against her like that.
But, I did not mean it. I have this bad habit of venting my frustration and anger out of people when I am already angered to the core, and her actions acted as removing the safety pin keeping me from blowing up.
"I..." I found myself trying to say something. "...Faiza...I..." No words escaped my lips, too ashamed by what I had done.
What made the regret settled within me even more though, and left me unable to form any coherent words again, was when I realized we were not the only ones in the room. As my gaze yawed behind her, regret hit me like a truck when I noticed Zaheer standing there, his own expression solemn. But, it was not just him. Standing beside him, was none other than the man in glasses—his expression hard to read. Or perhaps, I just dare not read it, nor do I dare look into his eyes and see the disappointment that will no doubt be there.
I felt mortified, guilty, and horrible. I felt as though I was the villain in the room—and I had somehow managed to spread this horrible feeling I had with everyone else, leaving wounds open once again.
I felt like a horrible person, and the disappointment in everyone's eyes felt suffocating.
Unable to hold standing there and seeing the look on their faces any longer, I hastily picked up my bag and phone, then looked away from them as I rushed out of the living room, and the house entirely, the weight of everything that has happened thus far pressing down on me that the moment I reached my car and attempted to open it, my blurry gaze made it impossible to be able to slid the keys in.
A couple of failed attempts later, the frustration kicked me in the guts, and I found myself crouching, my face buried between my palms as I found myself crying for the nth time that day. Except, I did not allow myself to cry—I felt as though I do not have the right to do so, not when I am the one that is in the wrong. I do not have the right to cry when I am the one horrible one—I do not deserve it.
While attempting to stop myself from crying, someone coming to stand in front of me suddenly had my attention, the shadow forming above me, shielding me away from the sun gaining my attention.
Through my blurry and puffed red eyes, I found myself tilting my head up, and my gaze fell on the last person I expected to see at the moment. I parted my lips to say something, but nothing came out instead, but rather the tears I had desperately tried to hold back glossing my eyes once again.
His gaze held mine—though his expression was hard to read, his words was soft as ever when he spoke. "Let me take you home," He urged, his eyes behind the glasses softening just as much.
I looked away, clenching my eyes shut to hold the tears back.
Gaskiya if my people do decide to get married, we must close down the streets of Instagram with our wedding card fr fr. Ah ah, wannan soyayya hake da ake oppressing Ina😭 it's okay. Ni dai na San doya ce but I'll not die alone in shaa Allah, even slippers get partner like this Sai ni😭😭
It is well. It is.
This Faiza and Saadatu fight was supposed to happen sinceeeeee episode 15, yet it still came here. I don't think I've ever written a scene where my two character friends fight like this, and Lowkey it made me emotional😭
Might sound like I'm taking sides, but Wallahi I feel bad for Saadatu more. Only my girls knows what she is feeling😭 it's just too much.
Thankfully my, Ehem ehem, our, knight in glasses has showed up. He has to. How else will we fall for him now?🥹🫢💕
Tohhhhhh regarding Friday update, I will try to update as well in shaa Allah. However, if I do not, then DAN ALLAH DON'T FLOOD MY DM with update requests pleaseeeeeee😭😭 imagine typing to update and someone is now demanding an update like guyyy that is what I am doing😭😭 Haba now.
Sha, we move. Oh and what is that I'm seeing, 59k views whattttttttt😭💃✌️ 60k kawai. It's like we will hit 100k before finishing this book o. Ah, keep sharing sharing and sharing this book. Share it with your village people and even enemies seff, continue the fight after you share 🙂🫶🏽🙂↔️
Yawwa peace out!
Once again, I go love too😒 Kayan haushi wai characters ke oppressing Ina. Kai Abu ya baci🤦♀️
Stay safe.
Person we go find love too in shaa Allah, Love, Jannah Mia💕
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