Chapter 15.
I am turning my phone off today. Have a good night yall.
I will he honest with you. I have had an inkling, or should I say, the slightest hope on who Muhammad could possibly be. But, it was merely an assumption, and unsure of what the outcome would be, and trying to avoid disappointment in case it is not him, I decided to shoo the thoughts away and simply focused on praying to Allah for the best.
Whoever, and whichever Muhammad, I prayed for the best.
And Allah has chosen him for him. A choice I accepted with open arms.
"Ango ya iso da abokanan sa," One of my aunts declared, as she stepped into my now matrimonial room.
From the announcement to the conveyance, everything pretty much passed in a blur. I did not see the groom when he came to greet Anty after the wedding fatiha, I could not bring myself to go out so I opted out of the pictures that would have been taken as well. I do not want the first time I lay my eyes on him, as my now husband to be in the presence of so many people, because I have a lot to ask him, and I have answers I need which I certainly will not get with so much people.
Besides, I am not ready to face him yet. I need a while to get a hold of my emotions.
I was conveyed to my home as expected, and my friends and a couple of aunts stayed with me for the next couple of hours, making sure everything is alright—along with those that came to see gidan amarya as well. By six though, they were all sent away, leaving me with a couple of friends and two aunts that would stay until the groom is here.
Which, he is.
"Toh, bazamu je siyan baki," Hajiya made a move to get off the bed, on which she was seated to my right.
"Daga nan kuma muyi house ba," Firdausi added, as she hastily picked up the half bottle of Pepsi she had taken—an obsessive treat might I add.
I hastily looked up, taking a hold of both their hands. "Wait are you guys really leaving?"
Firdausi was the first to give me a look. "Dey play." Sarcastic as always. She pulled her hand out of mine, then stood up straight. "Ai gwara na tafi house. Wetin con make me stay a gidan amarya any longer. Zamuyi waya gobe kawai."
"In zata dauka Kenan ba," Hajiya chuckled, "How will she care about you when she has her husband to occupy her."
"Kuma fa hakane." Firdausi agreed, "Toh, let me carry my slippers and go. Bye bye amarya, a kwana lafiya." The girl offered me a small wave, and before I could stop her, she rushed out of the room along with the others.
Hajiya took that as her cue to get away from me as well, and with one teasing look, she waved at me. "Sai munyi waya, matar Muhammadu." Not giving me the chance even get a hold her, she bolted out of the room as well, leaving me all alone.
I swallowed thickly, then released a shaky breath, my hands suddenly clammy. Time passed by way too slowly, or was it way too fast? I cannot decide. I feel as though I have left alone for eternity, and that eternity was way too short as well the moment I felt the door being pushed open, accompanied by that familiar, deep voice I can now recognize anywhere.
"Assalamu alaiki,"
"Wa alaikassalam." I breathed out, my voice sounding foreign to my ears as my toes curl, my heart hammering behind my ribcage.
The sound of his soft, but firm footsteps reached my ears, and I became overly aware of every move of his. As he got close, I felt the bed dip as he settled down, his cologne greeting me even before I got to see his face. Goosebumps coated my skin as my heart rate spiked up.
Still, I kept my head down, fiddling with my fingers as I wished to be anywhere but here. I thought I was ready to face him, but as I felt him utter a bismillah and lift up my veil, revealing my face, I was certain I am anything but ready. So, I kept my head down, refusing to look at him, despite aware of his gaze on me.
It was there, penetrating, yet warm surprisingly. My heart still danced to its own rhythm though, refusing to slow down, loving the crescendo it is going up against. A beat passed, then another, and I could swear I can hear the sound of my breaths, for the silence was that eerie.
At least, till he spoke again, breaking the silence between us.
"Walida," He called out softly. My stomach did a flip, my toes curled and the goosebumps appeared all over again.
I hummed, unable to trust my voice. Do I even have a voice at this moment? I fear it left along with the others, rendering me speechless.
"Look at me," He urged, his tone soft, but firm at the same time. It was not a request; it was more of an order if you can put it that way.
I curled my fist, releasing shaky breath as I resisted the urge to do anything but. Normally, my stubborn self wanted to make an appearance, but even she knew it is not the time. Blinking a couple of times, I mentally prepared myself for what will become official, at least to myself, my mind and my heart. I urged myself to do as he asked, not wanting to disobey the very first request of his, as my husband.
And so, I looked up, my eyes instantly meeting his, meeting that of my husband, Muhammad.
Muhammad Khalil Wambai. Miji na.
Muhammad Khalil's lips slanted upwards into a warm smile, it somehow slowing down my rapidly beating heart. Then, he whispered. "Masha Allah."
His smile, it made my own lips curl upwards as well, some of my worries and the tension that was heavy on my shoulders easing off slightly.
"You are beautiful," He complimented, his words sounding genuine. His smile turned into a grin, then he added. "Anti jameela tabarakallah Masha Allah."
I looked down, the intensity of his gaze and the sweetness of his words making blood rush to my cheeks. I cannot explain it, but the racing of my heart has now become of a different reason entirely, for it no longer is of fear of what to anticipate.
"You are shy," He commented with a slight chuckle. "I never knew you were the shy type. You were pretty outgoing back then, or have you always had a shy side?"
The tension from earlier eased as it transitioned into something akin to nostalgia. And out of instinct, I found myself looking up, playfully narrowing my eyes at him as I replied. "I am not shy."
"Sure, you are not." It does not sound for a single second that this man believes me. He chuckled, I chuckled along with him, lightening up the mood. And when it died down, he held my gaze, then said. "I told you I would marry you back then, I kept my words did I not?"
I hummed, still baffled by how he actually did just that. Who would have thought? Certainly not me. "That is why you were calm," I stated, referring to the time we met at the hospital the first time. "When I told you I would get married. You were not worried at all."
"Why else did you think I was not worried?"
I shrugged, "I thought you were serious to begin with," I answered earnestly. "I mean, we were not that close back in school."
"Were we not? Or was it just me that thought we had something?" I could not tell if he was teasing me or being serious. Something about his tone sounded serious though.
My lips were curled into a soft smile, somehow forgetting all the worries I had. "We had a situationship." That is technically true, and a lie as well. I consider what we had a relationship. To me, it was the closest thing to one. We dated, in my mind, but I do not know if he considered it more.
"Not a relationship?" He shook his head slightly. "I am hurt, Walida. Here I am thinking we had a relationship back then," Despite his words, he still had that smile I have always known him with, one that expertly eases the mood.
I folded my lips in, feeling my cheeks heat up. In the mood for some teasing as well, I decided to test the waters. "Tell me, Mr. Wambai, did you marry me simply because of a teenage crush?" I was simply teasing him, I really am.
However, when his grin widened slowly, and his eyes held mine for a longer second, in ways that I could not even decipher what thoughts are what in my mind, I knew I may be in for a ride.
He did not answer immediately, but when he did, his voice had significantly dropped. "If I say yes," He started, his head tilted to the side slightly. "Will you do me the honor of completing half my deen?"
Perhaps, it was his voice, or how mesmerizing and alluring his eyes were, but my stomach was instantly in knots. At this rate, I will soon turn red like a tomato. Still, I managed to find my voice. "Isn't it too late to ask that now, Mr. Wambai?"
He hummed, then nodded. "I guess so," He grinned, "Mrs. Wambai."
Okay. I may just be a goner ladies and gentlemen.
I could not fight my own grin, and I did not try.
He suddenly sighed, then got on his feet. "I know you've had a long day, so do you wanna freshen up and maybe eat something? I brought some food along for us if you are interested."
I nodded, "That would be nice," I thought my words over, then took the risk of asking. "I have a lot of questions for you by the way."
"I would be disappointed if you don't." His smile widened. "You can freshen up here, and I will in the room opposite. We can pray afterwards and I will answer all the questions you have."
"Okay." He turned around and left the room, leaving me alone. With him gone, I stared at the door he disappeared out through for a second, and took a few seconds to allow it to register.
Then suddenly, I felt giddy like a teenager or something. A slight squeal escaped my lips for absolutely no reason, but I was quick to place my hand on my mouth to keep it in incase he hears and thinks I am nuts or something. Eventually getting over the giddiness, I decided to in fact get out of bed and freshen up.
Picking up the most decent outfit I have from my suitcase, thankfully my cousins were not that wicked when preparing a suitcase for me, I picked out a hijab along as well as well as my toiletries then went into the en suite to take a shower. Afterwards, I performed my ablution and got dressed in there as well, before stepping out afterwards.
Not seeing him anywhere in sight, I came to the conclusion that he probably still is in the other room, or outside. Just as I had decided to go out, the incessant buzzing of my phone charging on the bedside cabinet grabbed my attention, reminding me that I have left my mobile data on.
I thought of just ignoring it, but it was buzzing way too much for me to ignore, the messages seemed to be coming in incessantly. So, I made my way over to check and see exactly what is going on—I know I have lots of messages from well wishers, and I thought it is that as well.
At least, so I thought until I picked up the phone and saw a new group. The name sure enough had my brows drawing in. "LATEST GIST" is what it is named, and I almost dismissed it as a random group I want to quit, until I saw the ones typing, all of whom I have their numbers.
I tapped the group where there is already over 400 messages, and the very first thing I saw nearly had me dropping my phone on the floor due to shock. To say I was baffled would be an understatement. I have expected a lot of things, but certainly, it was not what I saw.
Samira Lawal: Guys!! I just heard something right now!
Just in!!
Faiza Bayero's marriage has come to an end! Sun rabu da mijin ta.
I could have sworn my breath got kicked right out of my lungs, every message afterwards being nothing but a blur as my gaze locked on one statement.
Ya sake ta.
I released a shaky breath I did not know I was holding, as every sound dimmed out.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. Hasbunallahu wa niimal wakeel.
Hmm! Did anyone see that coming?
Wallahi my comment section needs to blow up tonight else i will see you all after Sallah. I wrote and published two chapters for you today, haba i deserve comments now.
I have been contemplating how to go about it, and it was not until a few days ago that i came to a decision how i want the book to be. But, believe me, my heart was heavy when i wrote Khalil's name, i had to stop and take a breath.
I even deleted it and wrote Adnan, but that would be going back to my original plot and as sweet and cute as that was, I will go with this one. Hopefully, the story would be better.
Team Adnan haffa? Your ship don sink o! The hearts i am breaking tonight ba, ni kaina na sani. But i have been telling you since, i love Khalil and that kuna ruwa but you guys kept believing in him. What has he done in compare to my Khalil dan Allah?
See this Mr. and Mrs. Wambai romance bloomingggg. Oh God.
And Faiza my loveeee Inna lillahi. I am certain none of you saw her part coming. Sadly, it is the one thing i had planned from the beginning and actually stick to. I feel bad for my girl really, Allah raba mu da shiga wannan situation in.
Toh, ni dai i have nothing else to say to you people. I will see you when i get enough comments.
Stay safe. Do no come after me. I want to sleep peacefully tonight and i will. Hehe.
Love, Jannah Mia.
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