Chapter 12.
Ya dai comment section? I offend you ne?
I held my breath, as he turned around, and those orbs shielded behind the glasses fixated themselves on me. I gripped the folder in my hand tighter, the simple stare making me lose the ability to form coherent words altogether.
"Yes?" His voice came; deep, and grounded.
I swallowed thickly, then somehow found the strength and willpower to part my lips and speak again. "If you have a minute," I can swear my voice does not sound like my own at all. Me? Hard guy...sorry, hard woman losing my composure? Impossible. I cleared my throat, putting on my hard woman façade, then continued, "I have a survey for you to fill. I need it back before closing time hopefully." I picked up one from the pile, then handed it out to him.
His brows drew in, a crease forming between them as he collected the form from me, his eyes skimming what is written on the document. Before he could reply, a voice cut in, reminding me of the presence I had somehow forgot of.
"Can you not do this now?" Dr. Amal's voice was somehow stern, and laced with a bit of upset. "He just came out of a surgery and you are handing him a survey to fill, don't you have any consciousness? Or do you only think about yourself? Is your work in any way compared to his?"
"Amal," Adnan's warning voice cut in, as he flicked his gaze to meet hers.
Dr. Amal seemed as though she wanted to say something again, but they must have exchanged some sort of unvoiced agreement because she suspired, then looked away.
Adnan turned around to face me, and her words registered in my mind. My lips curled downwards into a frown, and I found myself speaking out again before he could.
"Oh, I am sorry I did not know," My words were genuine. I really did not think that far. Then, I outstretched my hand to retrieve the survey, "I can bring it back later whenever you are free?" I offered. "I can wait."
He did not hand it back, instead, he turned to Dr. Amal, then asked. "You got yours?"
She met his gaze, still seemingly upset on top matter that does not even concern her directly. Wasu ma da wahala. "Yes." She grumbled.
"You'll be done with your ward rounds soon," He stated, "Can you fill it then? It won't take long."
"And what I asked you?" She asked instead, apparently they have some unfinished business before I cut in. Judging from her tone, it must be important. No wonder she is annoyed.
"I have plans," He said, in response to whatever it is she had initially asked. He did not expatiate further, and the act apparently did not go unnoticed by her.
She did not press it further though. Instead, she sighed, then nodded. "Alright," She resigned. "But, I don't think I can make it back on time as well. The survey is on my desk; why don't you fill it in my stead? Our answers will be the same anyways."
He simply nodded, then turned to look at me. "Follow me," He said simply, then walked ahead, without a second more to waste.
I threw Dr. Amal one last look, before I turned around and followed him, silently matching steps with him as he took the path back to their office. Thankfully, I could not spot any of the nurses in sight else I would have been the topic of their next gossip session, especially since I am with their favorite doctor apparently.
The thought makes me want to roll my eyes, but I did not.
Instead, I quietly tagged along till we reached the office. Open stepping in, he made his way over to what I assume is his desk, a different row from that of Dr. Amal's. Then, he pulled out the chair there, and gestured for me to settle down, "Bismillah." He offered.
My brows drew in, watching as he pulled out the chair on the next desk, and settled on it comfortably. The survey was dropped on the table as well, underneath a pen to keep it in place as he slumped back on the chair, picking up his phone.
Unable to understand what exactly is going on, I found myself asking. "Aren't you going to fill it?" It seemed as though he was going to do just that, but not anymore.
"I will," His gaze was still on his phone when he said that, "I need a little break first though. I am exhausted."
My lips folded in, "Then I will look for the others in the meantime then," I said, "I will come back for it later."
"They will all be here in thirty minutes," He stated, sounding so certain as he lifted his gaze to meet mine. "Wait for them here."
"I can still come back later," I do not want to stay in the same place as him, else I would be forced to recall all those embarrassing moments. He may have ignored it thus long, but how much longer will he keep up?
"They will be back for break," He stated, "Are you sure you will make it on time and not miss them all over again?" He must have seen the hesitation masking my features, because he added. "If you miss them then, you will not see them all again today. You really want to take your chances?" I did not know he is capable of saying that much sentences. Believe me.
I will not lie though, his words are pretty convincing. Besides, will waiting here really be bad? It would save me from walking all around. Plus, the chairs look comfortable and they have working air conditioners—I need it to save me from the scorching heat of Kano in this season.
I found myself settling down the chair quietly, dropping the folder on the table in front of me—and it may have been my eyes tricking me, but I thought I saw a victorious smile take over his features for a split second, before it disappeared again. He dropped the phone back on the table, then leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes, letting silence ensue.
Something tells me he is wide awake though, and as the silence became eerie, I found myself asking in a small voice, in case he truly is sleeping and I might wake him up. "Were you really in surgery for long?" I know he dismissed it earlier, but I still feel bad for approaching him if so was the case.
He simply hummed.
"Don't you need anything then? Food, or water? I can help you get it if you want," I am looking for any excuse to leave this place, and if that is the best I can come up with, so be it.
He was quiet for a few seconds, and I almost thought he was asleep. Then, his voice suddenly came, "Actually," He peeled his eyes open, those lazy eyes meeting mine. "I want that." He gestured to something on the table.
I followed his line of sight, my brows drawing in when my gaze landed on the water bottle Khalil gave me earlier, and my frown deepened. "My water?" I asked, wanting to be sure he truly is referring to it.
He nodded.
"But, it is only half," I said, "I can get you another one if you want."
"I want that one," He did not waver at all. "That, or none."
My eyes narrowed slightly, but I picked it up and handed it out, despite not wanting to do so really. I know it is just water, but you won't understand the heat in this state. I feel as though I can drink three water bottles now and it still won't be enough.
I thought he would not take it, but he did. The guy collected the water calmly, then picked up a water bottle that was on the desk I was seated, pouring the water in there before closing it.
Getting on his feet, he discarded the empty bottle in the recycle bin, before making his way towards the small refrigerator situated at the corner of the room. He brought out another bottle of water, then exchanged it for another, along with a bottle of Sprite before making his way over to me again, dropping both on the table.
He must have seen the questioning look masking my features, because his voice came, "This is not as cold as the other one," He said, "And there is no caffeine in sprite."
"So?" I arched a brow.
He gave me a look, silently asking if I really asking him or that. Nonetheless, he responded. "So," He settled back on his seat, "It is better for your health. Or do you want to have a crisis because you are already in the hospital?"
If possible, my frown deepened, as he slipped out that one piece of information not many know about me. "How do you know I'm a sickle cell patient?" Not many people know, even Faiza did not know until recently. I guess I am lucky to not be having much crisis—Anty said I had a lot when I was younger, but not so much as I grow older, thankfully.
So, how does this man know out of the blue?
He settled back on his seat, the words escaping his lips sleekly as he opened the first drawer there, pulling out a couple of sweets. "I remember you clearly saying back then that it is a good thing I am doctor as you are a sickle cell patient," He held my gaze, then added. "I can apparently take care of you better? Were those not your words?"
Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajiun, this man has seen me finish.
Tab, lallai nayi embarrassing generation ina indeed for this man.
Now that he said it, I remember clearly saying that during one of my rants with him on the phone. It was during the early days when I started crushing on him, and Faiza called him on the phone and was telling me he is a doctor.
I did not say it in front of her. She left the room for something, leaving me to rant and talk the man's ears off because apparently, he needs someone like that in his life according to her. And guess what I did? I embarrassed myself entirely for this man.
La haula wa la quwwata illa billahi aliyul azeem.
He did not allow me to fully recover from the embarrassment of that as he pulled out a handful of Mars Chocolate bars from the drawer, then dropped it on beside the water and sprite. "And the chocolate I am apparently stock our home refrigerator with?"
I hung my head low, burying my face between my palms, wishing the earth would just open up and swallow me whole. I said that too, I did. Yanxu na yarda bani da hankali back then. Just what else did I say to this man, and why the hell does he remember?
I heard a slight chuckle from him, I almost thought I was imagining it. But, I dare not look up and check. "Make yourself comfortable," He said casually, as if he did not just say all those. "They will be here soon."
I will not lie to you, I died right then and there. Adnan Bayero killed me with my own words. Annihilated even.
Lesson of the day; never crush on anyone ladies. Don't make the same mistakes I made because embarrassment will kill you. And also,
Where is that nearest well I can jump into dan Allah?
Malam Adnanu dai ya ranste sai ya samu munji kunya kullum.
Kai Adnanu Bayero haka akeyi ne? Haka ya kamata kenan?
Well, I did not want to update today till Friday but sha, I am updating after all. Let us meet when we meet again.
Comment, I offend you ne?
Toh, have a good night.
Love, Jannah Mia.
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