That bastard Maven.
"And you're sure you saw Maven? You're certain the man you saw by Ogre's side was Archmage Maven?" Sal asked the informant before him. The man nodded, his own irritated scowl matching Sal's.
Sal couldn't believe what he was hearing. And yet, he should have expected this treachery. It made sense that Maven was the traitor amongst them.
Of course, it was too late now. The Heaven's Cry had already been forged and Lina was already married to Ogre, with the stone in tow.
Sal nodded towards the man and he instantly scampered out the pentagonal workroom, nearly knocking over a silver skull in his haste.
The remaining four Archmage's exchanged glances, varying in their level of discomfort. The Archmage of Grinlo then gingerly cleared her throat and voiced her concern.
"Forgive me, Master Salvador, but I don't understand the problem. Didn't we specifically enchant the Heaven's Cry with restrictive properties? I'm certain it will only activate in response to Lina's essence. Even if Ogre is made aware of that stone's capabilities, he wouldn't be able to wield it. There is no threat."
Sal turned to the woman, hating that he couldn't completely mask his fear. Hating his helplessness, despite his power. He felt like a parched man near a freshwater spring who could only drink from a teaspoon. It was never enough.
"Maven was amongst the hundred who forged the stone. I'm certain you're aware of his expertise in stealth. Considering that restrictive magic is amongst the hardest type to complete successfully, it would have been very easy for him to disrupt the balance we established beforehand, rendering the Lina restriction null and void. He could have done it easily, with all of us being none the wiser."
Sal took a seat at the table in the middle of the workroom, running a hand through his raven locks. He continued to speak, feeling the panic slowly rise.
"If he did break our restriction magic, then I would honestly advise against worrying since most of us won't be alive long enough to do anything. The entire Peninsula is currently matched with Ogre's army, but with the Heaven's Cry on his side... we've already lost. I don't have to remind you-" at this, Sal glanced around the room, scrutinizing each of the Archmages present. Including him, five in total.
"- that the weapon we perfected is nothing like any of our previous creations. This stone grants its wielder the power to fulfill their deepest desires, regardless of how improbable. In the hands of Ogre, who's only conviction is slaughter, it may as well be the sixth trumpet."
A low chuckle sounded from the entryway. All heads turned to the visitor in vague annoyance before grasping the identity of the man perched casually against the intricate oak doorframe. It was King Mathias, with several scraps of parchment tucked under his arm.
Mathias smiled, his lips pulled tight. He was scared too, Sal realized.
"Sal, it appears age has dampened your already fleeting optimism. No worries, that's why I'm here. The best method to counteracting a powerful weapon is another powerful weapon."
The Archmage of Wisp slightly tilted his head, eyebrows furrowed. "You mean to craft another stone?"
Mathias bristled, shaking his head in response.
"Of course not. No one ever wins when fire is pit against fire. No, if Ogre has fire we need to fight with water to ensure victory, or risk annihilation."
Understanding consumed Sal instantly, and he suddenly recognized the parchments Mathias was carrying.
Those were the blueprints for a new spell Sal had been developing ever since he began his journey into the realm of magic. They were untested methods to create elementals. Untested. Not ready for public viewing. Sal couldn't grasp why Mathias brought those here.
"No Matt. You know I haven't perfected those yet," Sal stated firmly, forgetting everyone else in the room. His attention was focused solely on Mathias.
Mathias, who's smile had now loosened, replaced with a half-grin. He approached the worktable the Archmages were seated around and flattened the parchments on top, revealing detailed plans for the creation of elementals.
Elizer, the Yisteria Archmage, pulled one of the pieces closer, examining it closely. He raised his eyebrows, a slow smile overtaking his face.
"This is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. It's a mixture of so many types of magic, transfiguration, bonding, restriction, reduction, generational, extraction, containment... it can almost be classified as a new type of magic itself. Only you could crack the code mages far and wide have been baffled by for three hundred years. If you don't mind, what's the primary hypothesis?"
Sal groaned, glaring at Mathias, who was pretending to be innocent. The last thing he expected to do, conveniently also the also the last thing he wanted to do, was to explain an idea he wasn't certain of. Especially not to Master Elizer, someone he highly respected.
Glancing at Mathias once more, Sal began his explanation.
"An elemental is a human who, unlike any other human, has two essences. Their own unique one, as well as the magical essence of a particular element. Simple enough concept, except no one has accomplished such a task."
Archmage Elizer nodded, supplying, "because the essence of the element is too great for the human body. The method of inserting an elemental essence has long since been discovered, and yet, not one success. Because the body cannot withstand it."
Sal shuddered as he recalled the vivid sketches of victims to elemental experiments. Most were left dead, grotesque bulges of fire or water speckled across the body, mimicking pores.
"Exactly. What I thought, essentially, was that since the problem lay with the lack of compatibility between vessel and power, the solution should be there as well. So, I devised a spell where, instead of forcing one essence to comply with the other, both the human and elemental essence become tied with one another. Like a pair of cherries joined by the stem."
At this, the Grinlo Archmage spoke up, her eyes bright. "But how does that prevent the vessel from combusting or morphing?"
"The second function of the spell places functions as a dampener and reduces the strain placed on the body. It works as a funnel, only portion of the elemental essence is available at a time. More if the body can handle it. Hypothetically, this should allow a human to lay claim to an element's essence, to harness its power in a way we haven't yet seen."
The Archmage of Elm clucks his tongue, frowning. He folds his arms, turning directly to Sal.
"I've never advocated elementals. Laying claim to an element's essence is wrong. When one has that element's essence, no other mage can access it. No mage can then perform spells with that element's nature. Closing an entire type of magic off just so only one has direct access to it is selfish. We do not have the right to do so."
Sal grinned and replied, "I agree. Which is why the spell ties the two essences instead of absorbing. In this way, other can still access magic of that nature. The essence is tied to the human, and the human can access it strongly from one end, but by no means does that mean others can't access the essence from the other end."
Mathias chuckled and raised an eyebrow at the Archmage of Elm, who had nothing else to say.
It was the Wisp Archmage who asked the question everyone was thinking.
"Why have you not cast this spell yet then? Elementals give us a fighting chance, why hasn't this happened yet?"
Sal sighed, pursing his lips. There was a reason he called this work incomplete.
"As with any powerful spell, there's a cost. This spell, in particular, requires the life of the caster. Even if I wanted to make such a sacrifice, I couldn't perform the spell on my own anyways. All five elements have to be performed at once, and one skilled Archmage can handle only one element. To ensure everything runs smoothly, we'd also need an additional hundred mages to contribute. And the cost they suffer may range anywhere from a headache and missing limbs to coma."
"I understand, I'll amend my original question. Why have we not cast this spell yet? The quicker we move, the less die at the hands of Ogre's army."
It was settled so easily, as if the decision made was regarding the evening drapes and not their very lives. Sal took a deep breath. He was going to die. For the sake of the greater good, he would have to part with Mathias.
Sal's gaze inadvertently set on Mathias. Their eyes met but they remained silent, lips pulled taught.
"The candidates to become elementals are a very important decision. What's your recommendation, your highness?"
The Elm Archmage's question pulled them both out of their trance. Dazed, Mathias took a moment to collect himself.
"I have a few people in mind."
Naturally, Mathias had chosen the best people he knew to become elementals. These were the few people he met on his two-year journey around the Peninsula with Sal, the journey that happened so long ago it was only a foggy blur in his mind.
These people, now his lifelong friends, were of sound mind and admirable character. Amongst them was Afia. Despite her tiny stature, the woman she had become now was miles above the mischievous Grinlo thief of the past. The Afia of the present was the Grinlo Queen's royal tactician.
Mathias had chosen her to be the fire guardian, the first in a line of many.
Afia fidgeted on her spot at the massive 15 ft. wide circle singed into the ground. The symbol had five smaller circles placed towards the edge, while the inside was lined with a plethora of runes- many of which had never been seen before by most of the mages present.
The edges of her crimson gauntlets clattered against her breastplate as she took a deep breath. Afia was suited in pounds of metal armor but she could still feel Sal's steady hands on her shoulder blades. She whispered a silent prayer of thanks under her breath, glad that the Archmage allocated to her was Sal. Yet it still didn't mute the pain of knowing his heart would no longer beat after this.
From his place in the center of the circle, Mathias kept his gaze fixed on Sal. The only thing he wanted was to be by Sal's side. To stand there and catch Sal's body after this was all over. But Mathias was due as the 'key', one who was bound to the five but who's power only went as far as sensing their presence.
Salvador Orion gave the signal and the spell began. The Archmages chanted in unison as a hundred mages present pooled their mana, providing fuel. The circle glowed an electric lavender, sparks attacking like angry white lashes.
Each of the smaller circles was enveloped in a phenomenon of its own. A water symphony danced around one while a rose bush pierced another. Mathias' heart shook more than the trembling ground beneath him as he watched the life slowly drain from Sal's face.
Not a moment passed once the ceremony was over and Mathias had already dashed to Sal. The Calnoiva King caught the Archmage, cradling him as close as possible.
Everything was too much and Mathias finally snapped, hot tears flooding out. Sal coughed, a soft smile lighting his face in a way Mathias had only ever seen twice before.
Sal sputtered, streaks of sticky blood trailing down his chin. He strained to speak, his voice hoarse.
"I don't want to see you again for a good thirty years at least, understood?"
His face contorted in pain as another bout of blood filled wheezing consumed him and his breaths rapidly became shallower. Still, Sal continued.
"Even then, I'd have to look up to find you."
Sal reached up with a wavering hand and lightly tapped Mathias' cheek before his arm fell limp.
The last thing Sal saw was happiness.
I'm so very sorry for the late update! I'd like to say everything will be faster now, but that may not exactly be the case. This chapter marks the end of the SalMat arc and so it's heading into a much larger story arc (hint: honey plays a role). Because of this, the next chapter will be a little late because I will take the time to properly refine the plot points.
After that, however, it should be smooth sailing :D
So, it's the end of SalMat!! What are your thoughts on this arc? I'd love to know which character you liked the most, or which moments you enjoyed! And did anyone get sad towards the end of this chp? even a little?
Chp pic: Visuals to accompany Sal's death. I am hoping to one day replace this with an original piece.
Note: I wanted to publish this asap and so editing has not be done, but I'll make sure to get to it.
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