[10.1] Beginning of the End
At the moment, there was nothing Salvador Orion wanted more than a nap satisfying enough to turn God green with envy. Of course, if the villagers strolling idly by knew of his 'blasphemous' thoughts, they wouldn't hesitate to take him straight to the bloody gallows in Hollow Square. How dare he think of God in that way. It wouldn't matter to them that he was due to serve- study- under the Royal Archmage, Lord Alistair.
The Archmage's title of 'Lord' was, as Sal learned the hard way, very misleading. Despite being referred to as 'Lord', Alistair easily outranked Barons, Dukes, Counts, Knights, and Earls. The only ones he didn't outrank were the Royals themselves.
Sal came to understand just how powerful the title of Archmage was when he witnessed its effects firsthand. He saw Lord Alistair casually refer to the King's Royal Advisor, Killian, as an 'unwanted nuisance who should take up a title that actually fits, such as jester' and emerge unscathed. This was after Lord Alistair had boldly declared his interest in Sal's abilities and his desire to develop them, much to Killian's misery.
So now, Sal was to report to the castle tomorrow at precisely 5:30 in the morning, before the first rooster rises. Which was why, for him, it was absolutely crucial he obtained a minimum of 3 hours of grazing around under the flaming sun doing nothing. He had it all planned, he was going to spend the rest of his afternoon without moving from his spot on the grass.
"Hey, what'cha up to?" a boy said, dangerously leaning over Salvador. The first thought that flew through Sal's mind was 'if he falls on me I'm breaking his skull'. He knew he wasn't the nicest person in the country, or even the town for that matter, so he had no idea why this brat would think it's acceptable to approach him.
"Ay, who are ya?" he said, now annoyed.
"My name's Mathias! I already know yours, you're Salvador!" the boy exclaimed as an innocent smile spread across his ethereal features. This proceeded to annoy Sal even further. What was this kid so happy about? Salvador couldn't fathom what reason this child had to be so bloody happy.
Upon further inspection, he realized Mathias may not be as young as he had initially assumed. As a boy of 11, Salvador was probably only a year older than him, and many inches taller.
"But I reckon Salvador is too long a name. I think I'll call you Liam since it also means savior" Mathias continued. He placed himself firmly on the grass beside Salvador without a second thought, becoming comfortable- as if he belonged there.
"Absolutely not. Why don't you leave me alone ya pest? That sounds fun, no?"
This greatly upset Mathias. He blew strands of his wheat colored hair out of his face, frowning. His button nose twitched with agitation as he no doubt thought of his next move.
"Alright, no Liam. Ah- I know. It's settled, I'm calling you Sal. It's a nice name, yeah? Savior" Mathias chimed, as if he was in a dream.
Sal hated the word savior. He unequivocally despised it. According to Sal, and all the wisdom he had garnered in his miserable 11 years, there was no such thing. No one ever truly saved anyone, not in a world like his.
For this very reason, he preferred the name 'Grim', given to him by his fellow thieves. If he hadn't gotten caught by the royal guard that horrid night one year ago, he would still be with them now, looting to his heart's content. Instead, he was here, trying to rid himself of the pest named Mathias.
"Boy, there's no such thing as a savior" Sal grunted then turned away from Mathias, hoping the tick would get the hint.
"Of course there is! After you complete your studies with Al, you'll be one yourself. All the Royal Archmages are saviors, they protect the King. Don't you know?" Mathias explained, oblivious to Sal's irritation.
It struck Sal as odd that this kid knew of his impending doom. After his capture last year, he was confined in his cell for several months, where it was discovered that he harbored a magical potential never before seen in the mighty kingdom of Calnoiva. Magic of staggering proportions. Enough to leave the Archmage himself stunned and speechless.
And yet, Sal still didn't understand what the big fuss was. So what if he was an ocean of mana while everyone else was a mere well at best? It's not like that made him wealthy- in the practical sense at least.
Alistair refused to teach Sal how to transfuse gold from this ability and instead ordered Sal to become his apprentice. When Sal was released three months later, everyone told him he was set for life. To them, by becoming the Archmage's apprentice, Sal's life was made.
Except he didn't think this was the case at all. Nobody ever asked him if he even wanted to be a wizard. And not just any wizard, the next Royal Archmage! To Sal, nothing was a greater curse than being bound in service to someone he did not truly believe in.
Sal deemed the current King incompetent, foolish, gluttonous, and selfish beyond measure. Never could he give his life for a King like that. And that was exactly what was expected of the Royal Archmage- unwavering loyalty to the crown.
Never mind the atmosphere of the palace, that was a whole different headache for Sal. Feet accustomed to the roughness of the crippling cobblestone streets were destined to slip on the extravagance of the Castle's marble tiles.
While most of the castle staff now knew of him, Sal was certain the identity of Lord Alistair's apprentice, him, was not known to the general public. How did Mathias know?
When he finally turned back around to question the intruder, Sal found that Mathias had already left.
Moments later a group of burly guards ran towards him and surrounded him completely, menacingly glaring at him. What in heaven did they want?
He promised he would show up on the agreed upon time, he even made a 'magical' oath with Lord Alistair. And yet, evidently, there was still distrust. It wouldn't surprise him if this was the work of that paranoid King.
"Where did that boy go?! The one from earlier? Spit it out brat, we ain't got all day" one of the guards bellowed as he grabbed Sal by the collar and crudely thrust him backward. There was no need to be so loud and handsy Sal thought, he wouldn't have answered honestly either way.
So they weren't here for him? Sal thought this was strange, the guards were always present for him. They were probably looking for Mathias. Much to Sal's despair, Mathias had now completely entranced him. What an enigmatic entity.
If the castle guards were after Mathias, did that mean he was an outlaw? One of Sal's kin?
Sal's mind raced through every fellow thief and scoundrel he knew, but failed to match any face to Mathias'. It made sense that he couldn't recognize the strange boy. Sal was certain he would have instantly remembered eyes that blue, so clear and resolute.
Eyes that full of hope didn't exist in his world, even on Mathias they looked to be a novelty.
"Sorry to disappoint, fellas, but unfortunately I've got an insatiable appetite" Sal said. He opted to act fast and offered a sly grin to the mountain of a man in front of him. Then he socked the monster square in the jaw without so much as a hint of hesitation. Mathias aside, Sal had his own sense of 'resolution'.
A wave of surprise spread through the group, they were stunned. Sal took the welcome distraction and used the opening between two of the men to his advantage. He dashed towards the village situated below the rolling hills they were on, making sure to blend into the crowd as quickly as possible.
That attack would definitely leave a mark. Sal knew it wasn't the strength of his punches that made them deadly. After all, at his age, there was not very much he could do strength wise. It was the precision with which they were thrown that was devastating.
Unfortunately, Sal had a gift of picking up on people's weak spots. It helped that most of the strongmen type were weak in the same places. It usually saved him time.
In hindsight, punching guards he'd eventually come to see around the castle probably wasn't his best idea. Especially since Sal was now realizing that the 'guard' he punched was no ordinary castle guard.
No. He was the King's right-hand man, the Crystal Paladin. The most respected and feared knight in all of Calnoiva. Addressed by the Kingdom simply as 'Wolf'.
As much as his ability and natural wits helped him survive, sometimes Sal's sheer stupidity got the best of him. This was one of those times. He was certain that he had now made himself a sheep, ready for Wolf's picking.
Well, Sal thought indignantly, he'll deal with that burnt bridge when he had to cross it. No sense in worrying now.
"Salvador Orion, Wolf had a lot to say about you yesterday. Though, I didn't understand much- his jaw was just so swollen you see" Lord Alistair said.
He did a bad job of hiding his amusement, but Sal could tell that the Archmage wasn't really trying anyway. The old man had surprised Sal with just how humorous he truly was. Sal was not expecting Lord Alistair to be so charming.
In fact, not hating his master was the very last thing he was expecting.
"Al, just call him Sal, it's easier. I suggested Liam but that just made him want to skewer me" Mathias mumbled from behind the elderly Archmage.
Mathias looked notably different from the last time Sal had seen him, just a day ago. This time he was absent of the various unidentified stains that had adorned his ragged ensemble and wore clothes of the highest caliber. Sal was certain most of the nobles only dreamt of the stuff this pest wore so casually.
Mathias also looked terribly sleep deprived. He kept swaying from side to side as he rubbed his eyes repeatedly. Lord Alistair laughed, his laugh was the type that emerged from deep within and vibrated across the room.
The Archmage scooped the child up in his arms as if he was nothing but another one of the lord's quills.
This made Mathias turn a rich crimson color, matching the cherries enclosing the Lord's private garden.
"What're you even doing here, little vermin? And why in the bloody hell are you dressed like that?" Sal asked. He watched intently as Mathias scrambled down from Alistair's grasp and took a step towards him, ready to answer.
From behind them, near the ivory gates, a loud gasp echoed.
"You dare call his majesty, the Prince, a vermin?! Your actions yesterday alone easily earn you the right to become the peasant's afternoon entertainment, right in the middle of Hollow Square!" Wolf scolded, irritated at Sal's presence.
Wolf made his way up the stone steps from the gates, stopping just before the entrance to the garden they were in.
Sal was equally as upset with this turn of events. Speak of the devil and he shall appear, Sal grunted.
And what was talk of the Prince? Sal had heard that the King's eldest was a young boy but there was no way the humbled boy he met yesterday was the same as the Prince so avidly hated by Sal's circle of looters. The Crown Prince, known only for his aloofness.
"I told you taking this street scum under your tutelage was a bad idea. My lord, there is still time to-"
"Wolf!" Mathias beamed and cheerfully ran straight towards the stern man. What Sal thought was the embodiment of ice-cold nonchalance, Wolf, melted as soon as Mathias entered the pictured. He bowed to the little boy, then gave the child a pat on the head.
Never in a millennia would Sal have equated Wolf to 'warmth'. And yet somehow, that was what he felt compelled to do thanks to the scene unfolding before him.
"Wolf, please don't call Sal mean things. As his only friend, that right is solely mine" Mathias explained. He turned to Sal and winked, laughing freely.
"Welcome to the Castle! It's your first day so you'll mess up a lot. Not to worry, I'm here. I'll watch you the whole time so I can later remind you of the stupid things you'll do today" the prince assured Sal with great sincerity.
Sal narrowed his dark brown eyes and was quick to respond "I may not be trained in magic but I have been known to give people squirrel tails when threatened. Matt, if you get too annoying, I'll experiment."
Then he grasped what he had just said. He had referred to Mathias as 'Matt'.
"You just called me Matt! Well, now we're officially friends! Come on, I'll show you around. And I'll skip the boring stuff. Instead, you'll get inside information on the best napping spots" Mathias chimed as he swung an arm around Sal.
It was an odd sight, the lavishly robed boy reaching up as high as he can to keep his arm around the boy towering a foot over him, clothed in soot coated rags.
"Hey, if you want, I'll show you how I swipe the cheesecake from Olaf the Head Chef. It takes great skill, a delicate touch is required" Mathias added under his breath so the others in the room would remain blissfully ignorant.
Despite his attempts not to, Sal grinned really wide. Maybe, he thought, just maybe living here won't be so bad.
Though Sal was certain that Mathias, Crown Prince of Calnoiva, was absolute garbage at any task requiring stealth.
This 'arc' will stretch roughly 3-4 more parts, in which I will try to briefly go over the exploits of Sal and Mathias, then in chapter 11 we will return to Tori and the rest back in the hideout.
This is a different writing style that I wanted to try out, I hope it fits with the tone of this arc.
What do you guys think of Sal and Mathias? We start off with the children version of them but will quickly move into their adolescent years as the story moves forward :)
Please let me know what you think of the two!
Chp pic: setting the scene for Alistair's home and garden.
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