"Attention all passengers, please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts, we will begin our descent to land in New York City at John F. Kennedy International airport," The pilot said over that PA system. I looked out my window to see the shinning lights of New York. Soon I'd be there with my beloved brother Jonathan and away from Michael.
"Excuse me, miss?" A voice asked. I turned my head to see a flight attendant.
"I am so sorry to bother you, but you wouldn't happen to be thee Rosé Groff would you?"
"I actually am," I replied with a smile. I loved running into fans, even if it was on a flight from LA to New York at 2 o'clock in the morning.
"Oh my god Sugar Creek is my all time favorite show and you are my all time favorite character in it! I did not expect that twist ending in the series finally that Monica was actually the killer all along! Is there anyway we can take a picture?" She asked.
"Of course!" She sat down next to me and pulled out her phone, snapping a few selfies. She then got up and said "you're an amazing actress and singer, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Thanks again!" And with that she was off. I smiled to myself, sure sometimes it was annoying to be constantly asked for pictures and autographs, but I know it makes people happy so how can I say no?
The plane landed and I grabbed my bag from under my feet, walked off the plane and went to the baggage carousel to get my other two suitcases.
"Excuse me miss I am such a big fan could I have your autograph?" I turned around to see my beloved older brother, Jonathan Groff.
"Jonathan!" I exclaimed as I pulled him in for a hug. He smiled widely.
"It's so good to see you! I've missed you so much!" He let go of me and picked up one of my suitcases "Jesus Christ what the hell is in here? A dinosaur!"
"No silly just clothes and makeup and stuff. I'm doing good and thank you so much for letting me stay with you for a few weeks until I find my own place."
"Rosé you are my sister, I would do anything for you, no matter what the press say. Speaking of which..." He pointed to the front door of the airport where a line of cameras and reporters were waiting outside, "let's take the back now shall we?" Jonathan grabbed my arm and dragged me to a side door, helping me and my luggage in his car before he began to drive.
I leaned my head against the window and watched the bright lights of the Manhattan skyscrapers light up the black sky.
"Wanna talk about it?" Jonathan's voice interrupted my thoughts.
"About what?"
"You know about what. About Michael. I haven't heard almost anything from you about the break up. I've had to rely on celebrity news websites like TMZ and E to try and guess what the hell happened between you two. You told me you loved him, you told me he was the one."
"Well things changed Groff, you of all people should know that."
"Don't play smart with me Y/n. I just want to help you. I read a rumor that he was cheating on you? Is that true?"
"Groff I really don't want to talk about it okay?!" I suddenly snapped in my "don't fuck with me or I'll rip your spleen out and feed it to the wolves" tone. Whenever I used that tone Groff knew to shut the fuck up. We pulled into the parking lot of his apartment and he helped me carry all my things up to his apartment.
"This is your room. It's not much, it's a tiny guest bedroom, but it'll do for a few weeks," he said as he placed down my bags.
"Yes it will. Thank you Jonathan, so so much. I'll probably wake up before you tomorrow and go on a jog. Practice for Hamilton starts at noon correct?" I asked as I began to put my clothes in the dresser.
"Yeah. Lin is super excited to see you again and the whole cast is excited to meet you! They are so excited to see you play Angelica!"
(A/n there will be no Renee in this story. I have nothing against Renee, I love her to death. She is incredibly talented and amazing, I just never know how to write her. In any of my Hamilton cast stories I usually don't write her in a lot just cause I don't know how to write her. I may make her an ensemble member, but I don't know. Again I have nothing against Renee I just don't know how to write for her)
I smiled "how is Lin doing? I haven't seen him in so long."
"I know cause you were busy wrapping Sugar Creek. I can't believe that eight season chick flick murder mystery is finally over."
"Hey!" I threw one of my t-shirts at him. He chuckled, "I'm teasing you Rosé, it was an amazing show. Don't the Emmy nominations come out next week?"
"Yes they do Groff."
"I read that you could be up for three nominations!" He exclaimed.
"That's great," I mumbled.
"Rosé why don't you sound excited? This is huge for you! You could finally get the recognition you deserve for your talent! You didn't spend seven hard years on that show for nothing."
"I know it's just for the past two months no one has been happy for me. It's just been rumors about what happened to me and Michael. Was he cheating on me? Was I cheating on him? It's like it's a fucking game of Clue for them."
"Rosé I know it's frustrating-"
"No you don't. Jonathan I don't mean to snap at you, but you don't know what it is like to have your relationship dissected like a frog."
"Rosé remember when I broke up with Zachary Quinto? My relationship was dissected then."
"I know, but you two quickly made it clear that the split was mutual. It wasn't for Michael and I."
"Rosé please talk to me. What happened between you and Michael? I want to help." As soon as those words left his lips I burst into tears. Jonathan quickly pulled me into his arms.
"Aw Rosé it's okay. I know it's rough, but you have to remember you're better off now. If he wasn't making you happy it was for the best."
"We were going to get married next spring! I loved him!"
"I know Rosé I know. How about you get some rest and we'll talk about it in the morning okay?" He asked as he wiped my tears. I nodded and slowly crawled into my bed. Groff through a blanket over me.
"Get a good nights sleep okay? We have a lot to discuss tomorrow morning and if that son of a bitch hurt you, I'll make him pay," Jonathan said as he turned off the light and closed the door.
(A/n I hope you liked the first part! Thank you so much for reading!)
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