Good Girl Gone Bad
I woke up the next morning and grabbed my phone, reading the headlines. First I looked at politics, then I looked at the headlines about me.
"Cause of Michael and Rosé's breakup? Former assistant tells all!"
"Did Rosé cheat on Michael?"
"Did Jonathan Groff cause Rosé Groff's breakup?"
"Is Rosé Groff trying to get rid of her good girl image?"
Only one of those headlines was true. I was trying to get rid of my good girl image. Throughout my whole career I've been seen as a "Good girl." They see me as a pre-wrecking ball Miley Cyrus. But I want to destroy that image, especially after my breakup. I'm still seen as just a young, innocent, actress, but I don't want to be seen as that anymore. I am a 29 years old, not 16. I can do what I want. Maybe if I tried to get rid of the good girl image the Michael headlines would stop? I opened my Instagram for the first time since the breakup. I checked my followers. 30 million! Damn! I'm doing good. I decided to post something to my story.
"Anyone know any good acrylic nail artists in NYC? I'm looking for a nail tech in NYC, the closer to Broadway the better! DM me with suggestions!" I hit post and waited for dm's to come in.
"Hey Rosé can I come in?" Groff asked from the other side of the door.
"Of course!" I said. He walked in.
"Hey. Are you doing any better?" He asked.
"Yes actually. Today is a selfcare day and I am going to rebrand."
"What do you mean by rebrand?" Jonathan asked, looking clearly worried.
"Don't worry about it Jonathan. Just some new clothes and stuff, that's all," I said.
"Ah," he said, "Well I'm gonna go have lunch with Lin. You have fun today."
"I will," I said. I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. I got undressed and got in the shower. As soon as the water was on I began to sob. Why did he do that to me? Why did Michael have to hurt me like that?! It's not fair! I loved him! I looked down at my chest, looking at my butterfly tattoo.
I got that tattoo when I was 21 as a reminder to not let people keep me down. When I met Michael, I thought I had met the person who I would let tie me down. But then he met Clarice. That's when everything had to change. But that's a story for another day.
I got out of the shower, putting my blonde hair in a tight bun. I got dressed in a leather jacket and black jeans. The leather jacked zipped so you couldn't see my boobs, but you could see my tattoo. I looked at my dm's. A lot of people were suggesting "Demi's Nail and Salon". It was only a 5 minute walk. I put on a pair of high heeled boots and headed out the door.
Somehow I managed to get to the nail salon without getting mobbed my paparazzi.
"Oh my god! You're Rosé Groff! Miss it is an honor to meet you!" A woman behind the desk exclaimed.
"Well it's an honor to meet you too! What your name?" I asked.
"Demi, I'm the owner of this salon. What can I do for you today Ms. Groff?"
"I need some acrylics," I said. She beckoned me to a table.
"What type of extensions would you like?"
"I would like some pink nails maybe with some holographic accent nails if at all possible," I said. She began to file my natural nails.
"I can do that! Any specific shape you want?"
"Coffin or square shape would be great!" I exclaimed. She nodded and began to make the extensions. I smiled, I forgot how much I loved having acrylics. I only stopped wearing them because Michael complained handjobs weren't as good. Demi kept doing her thing and about halfway through my manicure, I heard the familiar click of cameras outside of the salon window. I turned my head to see three members of the paparazzi.
"Demi I am so sorry they showed up..."
"Oh Ms. Groff it is perfectly all right!"
" me Rosé."
"Alright. If you insist...Rosé," she said. Soon she finished the manicure.
"What do you think?" She asked.
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, "it's absolutely amazing! Thank you so much! You will definitely be my New York nail tech from now on!"
"Oh my god really! Oh Miss thank you so much! That means a lot!" She exclaimed.
"Of course! You are so talented," I said as I paid her.
"Would you mind if we did a nail photoshoot to put on my Instagram?"
"Of course not! As long a I can also put it on my Instagram!" I said. She nodded and put my hand in a bowl of water, moving it every which way until she got the perfect picture, which she texted to me. I saved the picture and posted it to my Instagram.
"Thank you to NYCNailsbyDemi for the fabulous manicure! She will definitely be my NYC nail tech. Y'all should check her out!" I hit post.
"Again thank you so much Rosé!"
"Of course! Wait...I have a question for you."
"Of course! What's up?" She asked.
"Do you also dye hair?"
"Yes I do! Are you in the market for a dye job?"
"Yes actually! I was wondering if I could get like a dusty light pink dye job?" I asked.
"I can do that! Sit down and I will get that started. It'll take an hour or so, but it'll look so good!" She said. I sat down in the chair and she began to dye my hair.
~2 hours later~
"Oh my god Demi! It's so good!" I exclaimed as I looked at the finished product.
"Thank you! I'm glad you like it!" She said. I smiled and paid her, quickly posting a picture to Instagram.
(A/n this is Chrissy Chlapecka. I'm probably gonna use her as the face claim for Rosé. She is pretty iconic, you should check her out!)
I posted the picture with the following caption "Can we stay up all night? Fuck me until daylight?" I thanked Demi again and left the salon, only to be greeted by the flashing lights of paparazzi cameras.
"Ms. Groff! Can you tell us why you and Michael broke up?"
"Is it true that you were the one to break up with Michael or did he break up with you?" They yelled. I just began to run away, soon coming across a tattoo parlor. Hmh. I've wanted a new tattoo for a long time, but Michael hated tattoos. Luckily I wasn't dating him anymore so I could do whatever the fuck I want. I walked into the tattoo parlor to see a bald man, with a long, ginger, Santa beard behind that counter.
"Hey what can I do for you-OH MY GOD! You're Rosé Groff! It's an honor to meet you miss!"
"It's an honor to meet you too! Do you except walk in clients?" I asked.
"Yes I do! And luckily my three o'clock client just cancelled. What can I do for you miss?"
"Please call me Rosé. I was wondering if I could get a small tattoo of the Venus symbol on my left middle finger?"
"I should be able to do that!" He said. He spent a few minutes sketching and soon we came across a design we both liked. He put the stencil on me and began to tattoo me. I bit my lip at the pain. God I should of listened when my friend told me finger tattoos hurt, but oh well. This will be iconic.
"There ya go miss! All done!" He exclaimed.
"Oh thank you so much! It looks beautiful! Say what is your name?"
"Well my real name is Sam, but everyone calls me Bear," he said.
"Well Bear it is an honor to meet you. I will be sure to come back. I want to get more tattoos."
"Well Ms. Groff-I mean Rosé, it would be an honor to tattoo you," he said. I paid him and walked out, only to be greeted by the flash of even more paparazzi.
"Rosé! What did you get a tattoo of?"
"Rosé! Why did you dye your hair and get another tattoo? Are you rebelling?" One asked. I just began to sprint to Groff's house.
As soon as I got back, I went to my room. I dug through my stuff until I found the old engagement ring Michael had given me. I absolutely hated it. It was the ugliest ring I have ever seen. It was covered in so many diamonds it came to a point where it was ugly. I grabbed a hammer, propped up my phone and went on an Instagram live.
"Hey guys it's Rosé! I know I haven't done one of these in a while. I've been a little busy and I've been taking care of myself! Oh thank you for sending all the love in the chat!" I exclaimed. I talked a little more about nothing and waited for more people to join.
"Well now that more people are on, I have a short little thing I wanted to do...." I pulled out my engagement ring and showed it to the camera "as some of you know, this was my engagement ring that Michael gave me, but as most of you know, we broke up and he is dead to me. And this is what we do to engagement rings given to us by horrible people." I angled my phone down towards the table. I grabbed the hammer and began to smash the ring. People in the chat began to go crazy.
"Oh my god why are you smashing that ring?!"
"Girl you could sell that!"
"How much for your nudes?"
I just kept smashing. Some diamonds had turned to dust, others were still intact, but all of them were separated from the ring itself.
"I hope you guys enjoyed this Instagram live! I hope to see all you guys again soon!" And with that...I ended the Instagram live.
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