Yoongi looked at Jimin who was peacefully laying on his bed.
How did everything lead to this?
How was Jimin sleeping on his bed and on his pillow?
Then he remembered everything.
"Yoongi! I can't feel my legs!" Jimin screamed.
"Jimin, stand the fuck up that's why you can't feel your legs." He replied rolling his eyes.
"Oh! I'm so silly."
"You told me you have had vodka before you fuck nugget. Why did you lie to me?" Yoongi asked annoyed.
"I didn't know it would only take one sip to get me tipsy!" Jimin admitted.
"Where the hell are your friends?"
"I think I saw Tae in the bathroom." Jimin said.
"Okay, let's go find him." Yoongi's said. He looked around and saw how everyone was suddenly drunk.
Jimin followed Yoongi behind. Thankfully, he wasn't drunk. Sure, he was a bit tipsy and a little too excited but nothing more.
Yoongi and Jimin were walking towards the bathroom when they saw Jungkook and Taehyung heavily making out in a dark hallway.
Yoongi turned to look at Jimin who was mouth opened. "Okay, next friend." Yoongi said walking away.
Jimin smiled and mentally congratulated his best friend for finally making progress. "Where the fuck is . . .?" Yoongi's voice trailed off when he landed eyes on Jin and Namjoon being all close and personal with each other.
"Alright. It's hookup night." Yoongi mumbled.
"I guess so." Jimin whispered as he looked at Jin and Namjoon. He noticed how close Jin's hand was to Namjoon's upper thigh.
He gasped when he saw Namjoon's hand glide up Jin's stomach.
"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked.
"I don't want to see porn. Not right now anyways." Jimin said looking away.
"Porn? Where? Where's the porn?" Yoongi asked suddenly interested.
"Right there! Look at how close they are! And they're probably whispering dirty things to each other! Then we just saw Taehyung and Jungkook make out in the hallway."
"That's not porn." Yoongi sighed disappointed.
"It kind of is!"
"I'll show you real porn."
Jimin coughed loudly as he sharply inhaled. His face turned a bright red. Yoongi cleared his throat realizing what he had just said.
"Never mind. Let's go."
"Go? Where?"
"Home? Do you want to come with me? I can drop you off in the morning at your house. If you want."
Jimin nodded almost too quickly. He didn't want to seem desperate but he was.
Yoongi observed the way Jimin's lips parted as he quietly snored. He then trailed his fingers down Jimin's hand which happened to be centimeters away from him.
His finger slowly traced each and every one of Jimin's rings, eight of them to be exact.
Jimin moved his hand because he felt tickled. Yoongi immediately moved away from his face not to seem like a creep.
Jimin then yawned stretching until one eye opened. He quickly realized he was not in his room. When he saw Yoongi beside him.
"So it wasn't a dream?" He whispered.
"No." Yoongi clarified.
He felt the corner of his lips curve into a smile while he saw how Jimin's hair was wildly everywhere.
"Was I snoring? I know I was!" He said embarrassed.
"Just a little."
"Oh no. I'm sorry!" He apologized.
"Don't apologize for that. Stop apologizing for everything."
Yoongi frowned while Jimin smiled timidly. "Oops. I forgot."
"Well, this is interesting. You slept in my house, in my bed, and we've only seen each other two times before."
"We technically know each other through the internet."
"It's not the same."
"I think it's better." Jimin whispered.
"Should I take you home now?"
Jimin bit the inside of his cheek. He didn't want to go home yet. He wanted to spend as much time as possible with Yoongi.
"Or you could ask me those questions you've been dying to ask me."
Jimin's eyes lit up as soon as Yoongi said that. "Yes! Let's do that!" He said taking out the folded piece of paper from his jean pocket.
"Do you fucking carry that piece of paper everywhere?" Yoongi chuckled.
"Yes. I mean I didn't know if I was going to see you somewhere randomly on the street."
"So your plan was to stop me and interrogate me?"
"Of course." Jimin said as he held up the piece of paper.
Yoongi rolled his eyes with a smirk. Why was Jimin so fucking cute? Why couldn't he be punchable and kickable and not cute? It would be much easier for, Yoongi to not care.
"Okay, let's begin. Do you watch anime?"
"Yes. Sometimes. I like Dragon Ball, Attack on Titan and Death Note."
"Wow! Do you really? Me too! Me too! That's so exciting!"
Yoongi titled his head praising the way Jimin bounced on the bed happily. His laugh was hypnotizing and Yoongi couldn't get enough of it.
"Okay, alright, I'm done fangirling. Next question, do you like taking shower with cold or hot water?"
"Warm. Not cold and not hot, but if I had to pick I would pick hot. Because my dick shrinks with the cold and I don't like the feeling."
Jimin giggled. "Oh my!" He said quietly turning bright red.
Yoongi bit his lip to stop himself from laughing.
"Next question, sweaters or hoodies?"
"Hoodies a hundred percent."
"On average, about how long—?"
"I've never measure my dick. I say a good six or seven inches at least. I have a thick dick though."
"I wasn't . . ." Jimin couldn't finish his sentence because he felt beyond flustered at Yoongi's confession. Now he couldn't help but to picture this on his mind.
"Oh? You weren't going to ask my dick size?"
Jimin shook his head no. "Well, shit. Now you know." Yoongi replied with a shrug.
Jimin sighed and went back to the paper. His hand was shaky and he couldn't get that image off his mind.
Snap out of it, Jimin. Snap out of it!
"My question was on average how long do you think you spend on your phone?"
"What? That's a stupid question."
Jimin pouted embarrassed. He thought it was a great question to ask. Yoongi noticed Jimin's evident sadness so quickly added, "Stupidly awesome is what I meant!"
Jimin responded by grinning. "Thank you!"
"And to answer your question I spend around 2 of 3 hours on my phone weekly. I don't really use it much just to post pictures and comment embarrassing things on my friends picture. Oh, and to message you of course."
"That's good. I'm glad you're not an addict to social media. My next question is—"
Yoongi had a sudden urgency to hold Jimin's face and kiss him nonstop. So he did. He cupped Jimin's cheeks and pulled him in closer as he wrapped his legs around Jimin's waist.
Jimin dropped his paper on the bed as he stared deeply in, Yoongi's eyes. Both of their pupils dilated as they made eye contact.
"Jimin, I like you way better than when you said you were that girl and Taehyung."
He smiled in response, "You're better when you're yourself." Yoongi whispered touching his nose with his own.
Jimin could die.
"To answer the question you asked me days ago. I do like you, Park Jimin. I like you so fucking much."
When he felt Yoongi press his lips against his, his whole world lit up. This was everything he had been waiting for.
This was what he was living for.
And he couldn't wait to see what the future held for them both.
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