"Thanks for letting me borrow your Gucci shirt." Jimin said proudly as they entered the party.
"You can have it. I have a shirt similar to it." Taehyung responded.
"Wow. I wish I could relate to you. Like 'yeah, here have my Gucci shirt because I have thousands of them'." Jimin said.
"I don't have thousands." Taehyung replied rolling his eyes, "Just hundreds."
"I officially think that Kim Seokjin is my ultimate soul mate." Namjoon announced with a bright smile.
"And why do you think so?" Jimin asked looking up at him.
"Because we are too alike!"
"You guys are nothing alike." Taehyung said.
"Please, stop hating. No negative energy." Namjoon put his hand up as he took a sip of wine.
"Guys! Brownies?" A handsome man asked as he held a few brownies out.
Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows at, Jimin. "Brownies, Jimin?"
Jimin stepped back almost terrified. "No! I'm good. I'm good!" He repeated.
Both Namjoon and Taehyung laughed at his friend. "Nah, we're good. Thanks, Yuta."
"You're missing out." Yuta responded with a shrug as he walked away.
"There's Jungkook!" Taehyung whispered excitedly when he saw him enter through the door.
Jimin turned quickly and in fact he saw Jungkook . . . who was with Yoongi and Jennie. He then noted that Hoseok and his girlfriend were there too.
"Why did he bring her?" Jimin said quietly as his stomach filled with fury.
"She's a model so she was obviously invited." Namjoon said.
"Should I go say hey?" Taehyung asked.
"Fuck it, I'm gonna say hey." He added grabbing Jimin's hand.
Jimin immediately pulled back, "I'm not going with you."
"But why? Yoongi is there."
"Yeah, but we haven't talked since we met and I don't want to be all weird and clingy." He admitted.
"He won't say anything. Come on!"
"I'll wait here with Joon. You go on."
"But—fine. I'll be right back."
He watched Taehyung walk to them and he felt his breathing get uneven. He quickly turned away because he felt nervous and scared.
Would Yoongi ask about him? Will Yoongi ignore him? Will Yoongi even acknowledge him?
"Namjoon—!" As soon as he turned to speak to his friend he realized that Namjoon had walked away.
So now he was standing by himself and his nerves heightened. He turned slightly and from the corner of his eye he saw Taehyung pointing towards his direction.
Yoongi's whole group faced Jimin and he felt more panicked than ever. He started walking the opposite way to a food table.
Just as he was about to grab a strawberry a hand went in front of his and took it. Jimin looked up and saw Yoongi standing in front of him.
His breath hitched a little as Yoongi put the strawberry between his lips. "Trying to run away from me I see." He said calmly.
The tint from the strawberry juice made his lips a bit red and Jimin gulped as he thought how amazing it would be to touch them.
"I wasn't—"
"I wasn't—"
"I'm starting to think you really are a compulsive liar." Yoongi said throwing the half eaten strawberry back to the pile.
"I got nervous." Jimin said shamefully.
"You stay nervous. You need to relax."
Jimin nodded not being able to respond. "I didn't know you'd be here." Yoongi said.
"Me either. I wasn't planning on it. Then Tae told me you'd be here. So I thought I'd come."
"For what? Talk to me?"
Jimin nodded once again, "Or to simply look at you from a distance."
"So your plan was to come here and observe me from a distance?"
"Yeah." Jimin whispered.
"That's what a creep would do."
"Well I didn't know if you wanted to talk to me."
Yoongi shrugged, "I mean I guess I do."
Jimin smiled shyly. He was too in the moment that he didn't feel Jin approach them.
"Yoongi! Hey!"
"Hey. I see I'm not you're favorite anymore." Yoongi said with a frown.
Jin wrapped his arm around him, "I still love you dude. Oh hey! Jimin, correct?"
Jimin felt himself blush. Jin has actually remembered him. "Wait, you know Jimin?" Yoongi asked shocked.
Jin nodded his head, "Oh yeah. I met him a few months in a shoot with Taehyung and Namjoon."
"Months? Why didn't you tell me?" He exclaimed.
"Because you never asked? Wait, do you two know each other?"
"I'm deeply in love with him." Jimin blurted out. He covered his mouth immediately squeezing his eyes shut as if that would hide him.
Dammit, Jimin. You can't never shut up.
"Oh. Okay. Umm. Well, uh...Namjoon! Hey!" Jin said awkwardly walking away.
Yoongi kept staring at Jimin who was still frozen. Yoongi's face was warm and he shook his head trying not to blush.
When he thought he was controlled enough he spoke up, "I can still see you, Jimin."
Jimin cursed in his mind still squeezing his eyes shut. Maybe if I close them hard enough I'll disappear.
Yoongi waited a few seconds for him to open his eyes up, but he didn't. Then he grew immensely aggravated so he poked Jimin's side making him yelp.
With the sudden action Jimin removed his hand from his mouth and opened his eyes wide.
"That's what you get for ignoring me." Yoongi said defensively.
"I'm— I didn't mean what I said."
Yoongi raised both eyebrows, "I beg to fucking pardon but if I'm not mistaken you confessed your love to me multiple times. Was that also a lie?"
"Well—well no. I just...it's because...I...uh."
"Very well." Yoongi said turning around. Jimin quickly pulled his arm back forcing him to look at him.
Yoongi was perplexed by the action. Hoseok saw this from a distance and he was about to walk to them when Jungkook stopped it.
"Don't leave." Jimin whispered needle holding onto his arm.
Yoongi looked down at his arm and then back up, "Ouch." He responded.
Jimin let go quickly, "S-Sorry. I didn't mean to hold you so hard. I just don't want you to leave. Can you please stay?"
Yoongi reminded silent as he looked at the blonde haired boy who had a small pout on his face.
He knew he couldn't say no to such a beautiful human being. His pride and ego were so big he could've walked away right then.
But the boy had so much power over him and he didn't care about his pride or his ego. He just knew he couldn't walk away.
Yoongi nodded slowly as he admired the boy up close.
"Okay. I'll stay with you."
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