"Well, uh," I said, sitting up and trying to present myself in the best way, like this was a job interview and I wanted to be hired as "girlfriend" on the spot. "First off, you got to tell me how you're so dry. You look absolutely pristine."
"Thank you." Kate tips her head as if to bow. "Usually, you only hear a compliment like that for a car, so I'll take it. It was nothing." She shrugged and her elbows landed on the table as she threaded her French manicured fingers together. "I used this new-fangled contraption called an umbrella."
Our eyes met.
Kate lobbed me the ball.
Fiery excitement burst through me. If this was a game, like tennis, I would prove to her I could keep up. All smiles, I scooted my seat up again. Sitting across from each other wasn't enough. I wanted to be on her lap. "Is that so?"
"Yeah. I really think they're going to take off."
"I'll put money on it." I grinned, all teeth, and then glanced around. "By the way, have you ordered yet?" I already stood up. "Stay here and hold the table. Your drink is on me for being late."
A flicker of worry crossed her eyes, but Kate ended up sitting back and admitted, "Honestly, I've never been here before. How's the matcha?"
"Great. Everything here is great. You want a Matcha? Iced with oat milk, I'm guessing?"
"And lavender syrup, if they have it."
My shoulders jumped when I snorted. "Now, I know I'm on the right date. That's the gayest drink I've ever heard of."
Kate brightened. "Thanks. I'm aiming to be this month's top bisexual."
"As your lesbian ally, I'll make sure another gay person makes the drink. To help you." I gave Kate a sexy thumbs up and rushed to stand in the small line at the counter. I glanced at the rain still beating down the windows and let out an uneasy breath. This was going well. My anxiety sparked across my nerves. Not in a bad way. In an exciting way, like I didn't know it, but I've been waiting all year for this. I was anticipating every moment.
Stealing a glance at Kate, I noticed she had also been looking out the window.
"Hey, Marnie," the barista and store manager Wayne greeted me. He had that could be early thirties or mid-twenties look about him. Retail work aged people that way, but he was so good at his job, he always smiled like he knew to brag about it. "You want your usual?"
"Yeah, and an iced lavender matcha with oat milk. Plus, a couple of turkey and avocado sandwiches," I explained and slid over my loyalty card and the coupon that was the true inspiration for this date location. He punched in the order and after a few minutes, I returned with the drinks and slid Kate her drink with a straw. "I got food too. If you're new, you gotta try the menu."
"Thank you," Kate said.
"How much gossip have you heard about me from Sarah?" I asked, before sipping my iced Americano.
"Virtually none," Kate said, and I hid my surprise.
If I was this town's biggest yapper, Sarah was the queen of gossip. Did that mean Sarah really thought we'd like each other, so she didn't want to ruin things before they began? Well, at least Sarah was half right. I already liked this girl.
Kate asked, "What has she told you about me?"
"Nothing except that you're a blonde," I said, except I've heard quite a few things like Kate's parents' divorce, her homeschooled life, and being a huge cat lover.
"Well, you'll have to thank Sarah for choosing this place. It is great."
"Me or the place?"
Kate smiled again, this soft gentle curve like she's pressing down on it. There was a quietness to Kate that forced me to lean in and pay attention. "I'll let you know after the sandwich, because if it's good, I'll probably pick it over you. I pick most food over most people."
I clapped my hands and rubbed them together. "Now, we're talking. What are the top meals you'd eat but you have to push your family off a cliff to have?"
A strange question, but even stranger, Kate had an answer. "A fresh lobster roll. Extra butter."
The closest I ever felt to having a comfortable conversation with another person was this one with Kate. My whole life when I stepped outside the boundaries of my comfort zone after I've spent my whole life being told that I was too loud and that I needed to quiet down, talk less, and to breathe. The entire world thought I never breathed. That I would talk till the day I died.
And yet here I was in a waltz, falling into perfect step with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. It was smooth and easy, like a fallen leaf riding the flow of a stream. A shoe fitting on your first try. Hitting every green light on your way home.
My aunt texted me.
It seemed they had assigned her to pick me up from the cafe. If it was up to me, I'd never leave, but Sarah warned me that Kate had a prior engagement, and they'd have to be gone before dinner time. Kate must've felt the same way because I was the one who had to remind her.
We got up and Kate waited with me underneath the awning. It was too cramped inside to wait, and I felt a pinch of guilt for hogging a table for too long when we had finished our drinks and food hours ago.
"Um, thanks for waiting with me," I said, glancing at Kate. Standing together, Kate was clearly a few inches above me and not just because of the heel on her boots. She had legs miles long and posture way too good for a teenager.
"What kind of date would I be if I abandoned you to the flood?" Kate asked, dropping her hands from being crossed. Her fingers brushed the tips of mine, and my eyes flickered up at her. She cleared her throat and shyly tucked her hair behind her ear and revealed her pinkened skin. I smiled, staring at her blush.
Thinking I could see more of it, I slowly parted her fingers with mine and together, we held each other's hand. Her hand was so cold, but so soft, like silk. Maybe it would've been more polite to look away and stop staring when she was embarrassed.
She was so beautiful.
The prettiest girl in the world and my eyes were capturing it and if I looked away, I would miss a new discovery. The glow from the cafe painted her in a golden light, and that made her glossy lips sparkle. Her blush dusted the top of her cheeks and ears while wearing the daintiest pearl earrings. She looked like a princess.
I said the first thought that crashed into my brain. "I want to see you again." Kate's brow flicked up her forehead, and I panicked, feeling my own face get hot. "If you want to go on another date."
A small smile pinched Kate's lips as her eyes flickered from my eyes to my mouth. She must've thought of something funny because she laughed to herself a little before she leaned in. Surprise made the butterflies panic in my stomach and flutter wildly. She kissed me, pressing her lips to mine, and I melted into her gentle touch. My peach fuzz prickled from the heat.
Tilting my head, I kissed her back and slid my hand across her jaw to rest on the back of her neck as I softly brushed her silky hair. Her body electrified inside of my touch and whatever was whizzing around her hit my sparks. I could see stars and taste the bubble of soda pop on Kate's tongue.
Our kiss broke, and I stood there, catching my breath and trying to remember my name. My nose brushed hers and I tried to look into her eyes, but she looked down. I bid my time being mystified by her eyelashes. The kiss caused me to feel like my soul evaporated, my thoughts were leaking, and my body had broken down, threatening to explode like a gas leak.
"I—" Kate said when a car honked as it slid to the edge of the sidewalk. The family van sat there, running with Aunt Lindsay at the helm and waving like a crazy person. I cringed so hard I felt like I'd be crushed into a small paper wad only suitable for the bottom of a trashcan.
Turning back to her, Kate had straightened like a ruler replaced her spine. All her edges were perfectly straight and narrow. Her hands suddenly clasped in front of her the way chorus girls did. A flip had switched from girl to princess. Even her smile sat differently on her face as she nodded to my aunt, more stuck on with staples than naturally lifting.
"Thanks again," I said as an internal clock inside of me was clicking down the time we were spending together. A strange sadness sat heavily on my chest.
"It was my pleasure," Kate said, her small smile returned and with a wave, I said my last goodbye. Nodding, I ducked my head and braved the rain. At the car, I continuously pulled the handle until Aunt Lindsay unlocked it, and I barreled inside, huffing and shaking my hair and clothes out.
"I'd ask you if you had a good time, but I think that's obvious," Aunt Lindsay said with a smirk louder than the thunder.
"Best night of my life," I said when my realization hit me like a pile of bricks. A gasp ripped up my throat, and I opened the door again, receiving a loud curse from my aunt. "I forgot your number—"
But the words disintegrated in the rain.
Kate was gone.
Happy Friday! I hope you're doing well and can enjoy the weekend. If you like my writing, please consider preorder my novel, THE TRIAL PERIOD wherever you buy books! And please, vote and leave a comment.
I'd love to hear your thoughts! Tell me about your best date, your worst date, or your dream date. What is your initial thoughts on Marnie and "Kate"? If you were Marnie, would you be asking for a second date or would you just lock it down? And how do you think Marnie is ever going to see "Kate" again without her number???
And if you're enjoying your read, check out my other books! They're also a good time :)
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