Coming out
So, uh...
I came out to my gay friends first. ag7002 Ziendor Phantrashno1_2022 awilbrink to name a few. I'll just leave that at that. They are supportive, fun, LGBTQ+ inclusive and just hella fun to piss off (jk, I love them all to pieces). My family is a different matter.
My brother is actually also pansexual. He says that he is mostly straight, but if he met a guy he liked, and the guy liked him back, then he wouldn't mind fucking him. Exact words. He's 10. Scary. So hey, he's the first family member I came out to. And he was like "Psst, I don't wanna know who your fucking, thanks" and then rugby tackled me in a hug. So that was nice.
I already know my whole family is supportive and non-homophobic cause my cousin came out as lesbian last year, and everyone took it great. So that was reassuring. But nonetheless, it's still scary as shit. Most of the time.
Anyway. My mum. Let's start with her. She is a great person, love her to pieces. She gives the best hugs and is a wall of support. She is also one terrifying motherfucker when she wants to be. Which also seems to be when I'm trying to be serious and come out. She isn't actually scary, just looked scary to my gay frightened mind. Anyhow.
So I came out to my mum in the car. On the drive home from... Ballet?... No clue, can't remember. So we're in the car, and I turn off the radio, and I sit back and say:
"Mum. How do I say this?" She then says:
"Usually, you start with the first letter of a word, and then move on to the next, making a word, and then a sentence with it!" And we laugh, but I'm still nervous as fuck. So I just laugh more. Then it becomes awkward. So then I continue and say:
"So mum. I... I like girls. More than boys. A lot more than boys." And then wait. We're stuck in traffic, so she sits back and looks at me. Then she says:
"Ok. That's fine. But, you're kinda young. (*I came out when I was 11*) I support you, but it's just, you've never been in a relationship with either sex before so I'm not, not excepting you, I'm just saying that you haven't experimented, and might not know what you want yet" and I get what she means, but I just... I dunno. But she excepts me, and she's great and puts up with my gay singing all the time which is great 👍.
I haven't come out to my dad, because I just haven't. I'm pretty sure he just knows. He has a highly tuned gaydar for a straight, white, cis man. So we just laugh about gay stuff, and he's cool.
So hey. That's that. When people ask, at like school, or (once) at a birthday party, I tell them:
"Yes. I am pansexual with a preference for women" and then I explain it. I am happy with my identity and (joked with my friend the other day) I have jars of self-confidence on my shelf. I sell this shit on the black market. It makes more money than cocaine. It's great 😂
So hey. I've come out to almost the whole world! I mean, not yet, but, with it being on this, I haven't got far to go, lmao!
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