Chapter 9
"Let's have some fun!" She exclaimed before they walked into the store...
"So what is your ascetic?" Jack asked as they were now in the juniors area of the store. (A/n: here that means pre-teens & actual teens section)
"I don't really have one. Whatever my father gave me is what I would wear and that was a lot of stained hand-me-downs." Aiden replied with a bitter smile.
"Well, now you can wear whatever you would like so just pick whatever catches your eye and don't worry about the price okay?" Amy said as she walked up to the boys, already holding a few pieces of clothing for Jack to try on.
"Are you sure?" Aiden asked thinking that this place was rather expensive.
"Posotive dear now both of you go and pick some things out." She said shooing them off into the clothes.
*Three hours later*
By now the three were on their way home with their trunk full of Aiden's new wardrobe, along with a few new clothes for Jack and A.J.
"When I get a job I will be sure to pay you back," Aiden said as he fiddled with his fingers in the back seat of the car.
"Don't worry about it. On an off note, Jack, you should take Aiden to the park when we get back." Amy said as she waved off Aiden, acting as though she didn't spend about three hundred dollars on his clothes.
"Yeah! The park is kind of run down but everything still works perfectly fine. It just looks a little sketchy but I promise everything is safe." Jack said excitedly as he faced Aiden.
Aiden smiled at his enthusiasm, it called him knowing that Jack would be with him for a while.
"Sounds fun!" He said back in an attempt to match Jack's energy.
*Once they get back home*
"Alright help me get the clothes to Aiden's room and then you can go to the park," Amy said making the boys nod and load their arms up with bags.
They got all thirty bags in one trip, everyone having five bags per arm.
"JAZZALYN! COME OPEN AIDEN'S DOOR FOR US PLEASE!" Amy yelled once they made it inside the house.
"OKAY MOM!" Jazzalyn yelled back as she left her room and opened the door to Aiden's unfinished one.
"Thank you, dear," Amy said as the three of them got up the stairs.
Jazz nodded before leaving back to her room.
They all dropped the bags off near the closet before leaving the room.
"Can I change into a pair of those clothes before we leave?" Aiden asked Jack as Amy went back downstairs.
"Sure! I'll wait in my room." Jack replied before walking into his room and flopping down onto his bed, pulling out his phone from his pocket, and started scrolling through Pinterest.
Aiden quickly changed into some black ripped jeans and a semi-tight MCR t-shirt along with a pair of running shoes before leaving for Jack's room.
"Ooooo~ so you're an emo?" Jack asked once he noticed Aiden by his door.
"Um... no?" Aiden replied sounding confused. He liked black and MCR but he didn't count himself as "emo".
"Alright but here, wear this. It goes with the outfit." Jack said as he got up and went to his accessory box.
He then pulled out a black choker and a chain choker and handed them both to Aiden.
"You don't have to wear these but they would go with the outfit. Oh, and these rings too!" He added a skull ring and a smooth black ring to the pile of accessories.
"Um. Alright." Aiden said as he took the things and put them on.
"You look great! Now let's go to the park!" Jack said ignoring a few thoughts that sounded in his head.
"Thanks," Aiden said as he was dragged outside by the hand.
"BYE MOM, BYE MUM! WE ARE GOING TO THE PARK!" Jack yelled before shutting the door, not hearing whatever they replied.
The two walked for about two minutes, still holding hands, before they reached the park.
Jack was right when he said that it looked rundown.
All of the equipment had some rust on it, a few swings were being held up by paddocks, the tire swing was crooked and looked like it would fall any minute.
There was also a rope that led up to nothing on the main playground and a slide that was blocked off at both the top and bottom.
"Are you sure this place is safe?" Aiden asked as Jack smiled largely at the playground.
"Yep! Oh, and there is a short trail over there if you want to walk later on." Jack replied as he let go of Aiden's hand and ran off towards one of the swings.
Aiden smiled before following him.
"There are three sets of swings here?" He thought aloud as Jack sat down on the swing that was highest off the ground.
"Yep! These *he pointed to the one he was on and the one next to him* are the only ones that aren't held up by locks though." Jack said as he started to swing back and forth.
"That's safe." Aiden chuckled as he sat down on the swing next to Jack.
Jack laughed at the comment.
Aiden's eyes looked across the area as the two sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying swinging.
"Is that a "play at your own risk" sign?" Aiden asked looking slightly concerned.
"Yeah, but that's just for little kids. Wanna go play on the jungle gym?" Jack replied as he jumped off of the swing, it flying sideways and almost hitting Aiden in the face.
"Sure." He replied as he too jumped off of the swing.
So they walked over to the jungle gym and started to climb to the top where they sat there.
"Now we are the kings of this place!" Jack exclaimed with a giggle as Aiden laughed with him.
They stayed there for a while just admiring the calmness for a while before they heard "JACK! AIDEN! COME EAT LUNCH!" coming from the house.
"COMING MUM!" Jack yelled back before he and Aiden started to get down.
"We can come back later on if you want," Jack said once the two started walking back to his house.
"Sounds nice but I was wondering if we could watch one of the movies you were talking about?" Aiden asked making Jack's eyes sparkle as a grin crossed his face.
"We should watch Luca! It's pretty new but it's so cute!" He said before grabbing Aiden's hand and dragging him towards the house...
1,122 Words! Just in case anyone was wondering, yes the park here is real & yes I have been there before.
Swings w/ locks^
Broken tire swing^
Ladder leading to nothing^
Blocked slide & "play at your own risk" sign^
(All photos taken by my twin KbaeStar plz go and follow them💖)
And to make it all even better, this was right next to a graveyard that some of my family is burried at 😅
Idk, it was still Hella fun & there was also the jungle gym & a roundabout there as well.
Anyway that's all, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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