Chapter 3
⚠️Talk of them being kidnapped, cussing⚠️
It started to ring...
Aiden was shocked that the call had gone through at all.
"Why are you calling me right now? Shouldn't you be in class right now?" Mrs.Jane asked as she answered the phone.
"Yes I should but I was kidnapped so I'm not," Jack replied hearing a scoff on the other end of the phone.
"Don't say dumb shit like that. Everyone knows that if you are going to kidnap someone then you should take their phones. Now why are you really calling?" His mum sassed.
"Mum I'm not making this up! Facetime me if you don't believe me! I'll show you!" He protested, ticking as his head jerked forward and his shoulders hunched up before going back to normal.
"Fine but if this is some prank then you will be grounded until you're fifty-seven." She replied before hanging up, her Facetime bubble popping up on the screen almost instantly.
Jack answered the call. "See! I told you I wasn't making it up." He said as he flipped the camera around showing the room as it was being lit up by the flashlight.
Mrs.Jane stopped making her coffee and looked at the screen with worry.
"Show me your face." She demanded wanting to make sure that he was physically okay.
Jack flipped the camera around and showed himself, Aiden's shoulder showing on the screen next to him.
"Who is that next to you? I swear if anyone dares touch you." She began to rant as she ran out to her car before heading to the police station.
"This is my new friend Aiden!" Jack replied with a smile as he showed Aiden on the camera.
"Hello ma'am, If you could figure out where we are and help us I would be forever grateful. I have been here for almost three years and I don't wish to be here for much longer." Aiden said making Mrs.Jane's eyes widen as she sped up.
"THREE YEARS?! Oh Hell no, don't worry. I am going to get you both out of there as quickly as possible. Just stay on the call with me okay?" She replied as she pulled into the police station's parking lot.
She quickly unbuckled and grabbed the phone before running into the station.
"Hello ma'am, how can we be of assistance today?" A young lady officer asked politely.
"I need you to track down where they are at right now and then go and find them, please. One of them is my son and the other is his friend, they have been kidnaped but were able to contact me. So please find out where they are." She stated as she gave the lady her phone.
The officer's eyes widened slightly before she turned around to a different officer.
"Go give this to Tommy and get him to find the location, once he has done so then get a team off to find them." She ordered getting a nod from the other officer before they ran off.
"Alright ma'am, we should have a team out to get them within thirty minutes at the latest." She said with a grin as Mrs.Jane gave out a sigh of relief.
"Thank you so much. Could I use your phone so I can call my wife and tell her everything that is happening?" She asked getting a nod before a phone was handed to her.
"Thank you." She said before dialing her wife's number quickly.
"Hello Love, is everything okay?" Amy (aka mom) asked, Cassie (aka mum) didn't normally call first.
"No everything is not okay, Jack got kidnapped but was able to keep his phone so he called me and now I'm at the police station. They said that they should be done tracking where he is within thirty minutes." Cassie replied hearing a gasp on the other side of the line.
"WHAT?! Oh my goodness, I'm going to go and get the kids from school and go home. When will you be there too?" She asked as she started to get into her car.
She had left a quick note on the counter at a coffee shop she worked at and explained that she had to leave for family matters.
"I will be there as soon as they tell me that they are on the way to pick the kids up and bring them back to safety," Cassie replied confusing her wife.
"What do you mean kids? I thought you said that only Jack was kidnapped?" She asked sounding more worried as she pulled into the middle school parking lot.
"Well, there was another boy there. He said that he had been there for three years and hadn't hadn't saved. They are going to save him too." Cassie replied as she paced back and forth.
"Goodness, that's terrible! Give me a minute, I have to pick Jazzalyn up." Amy said before putting the phone to her chest and checking her daughter out.
"Okay, I'm back." She said as she waited in the empty lobby for Jazzalyn to come down.
"Alright well, that was all on the information I have as of now. I will hopefully be home soon, stay safe. Love you." Cassie said as she stopped pacing.
"Okay, I will. Love you too, bye." Amy replied hearing a quick "Bye." Back before the call ended.
"Thank you," Cassie said to the officer once again before turning and sitting down in one of the waiting room chairs.
*Time jumps backward to when Tommy gets the phone*
"Hello, guys!" A new man appeared on the screen as he hooked a few things onto the phone.
"Hello?" Jack replied as he looked confused at the man.
"My name is Tommy but you can call me Tom if you want, I go by everything. So what are your names?" The man now known to them as Tommy asked.
"My name is Jack Jane," Jack replied before looking up at Aiden.
"I'm Aiden Kenith." He replied with a small nod of the head.
Tom nodded his head while tearing out two sheets of paper, one with "Jack Jane" on the top while the other had "Aiden Kenith" on the top.
"Nice names! Do you guys mind if I ask some questions to you?" Tom asked with a grin trying to keep the vibes positive.
"I don't mind." Jack said while he looked at Tom, he reminded him of "Jack Hodgins" from the show Bones.
"Go for it," Aiden replied making Tom nod, his smile not really leaving his face.
"Alright question one...
1,104 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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