Chapter 13
⚠️None that I know of, plz tell me in the comments if I'm wrong⚠️
"HERE! We need to go in here!" Jack said as his eyes lit up, instantly walking into the store.
"Aren't they expensive?" Aiden asked in a low tone as he was dragged along, making sure nobody else heard him.
"Well yes they are but their stuff is adorable so I'm getting stuff," Jack replied as he let go of Aiden's hand, looking around the store with a smile.
An hour later Jack had bought himself a black cat hoodie, a black and pink cat hat, some black ripped jeans, and a pair of large black platform boots.
He moved to the changing room and tried everything on after telling Aiden to wait outside of the changing room for him.
Once he had all of the clothes on he walked out of the stall to show Aiden.
"Soooo what do you think?" He asked as he did a small twirl.
Aiden's eyes widened at how adorable Jack looked before clearing his throat and looking away from him with a blush.
"You look cute." He replied honestly as he scratched the back of his neck, his blush darkening when he heard Jack's squeal.
"Awww you think I'm cute! I will definitely be getting these." Jack said with a large smile before going back into the dressing room.
Aiden blushed again as he waited for Jack to come back out.
He was suddenly bumped into by someone making him stumble forward before catching his balance and turning to see who it was.
"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." The person apologized before looking up at Aiden, instantly growing a blush on their cheeks.
"You're fine, I'm not hurt. Are you okay?" Aiden asked, oblivious to the person's blush.
"Y-yeah I'm fine. Thanks for asking." The person replied, their eyes shifting to the side as their blush darkened.
"Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little red?" Aiden asked sounding concerned for the stranger.
"Y-yeah I'm okay." The person said as they covered their face with their hands.
"Aiden? Who are you talking to?" Jack asked as he walked out of the dressing room, all of the clothes and accessories in his arms.
"Oh, um... I don't know their name." Aiden replied as he pointed to the blushing mess of a person infront of him.
"I'm Satie, sorry for not saying before." The person now known as Satie said, taking their hands down from their face to look at the two boys.
"Nice to meet you, Satie. Could I ask what you two were talking about?" Jack asked with a kind smile as he reached his hand out for Satie to shake.
"Oh well I accidentally bumped into your friend and I apologized, that's all," Satie said as they shook Jack's hand as Jack smiled at them.
"Oh okay." He nodded, taking his hand back.
Satie looked between the two boys with a blush on her face. Two hot boys were talking to her... how could she not blush?
"We should probably go and check out. It was nice meeting you." Jack said after a minute of awkward silence.
"Oh right! Um... could I maybe have your number before you go? Sorry, that's a weird question." Satie asked Jack as Aiden wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him closer to his side.
"Oh... never mind. Sorry for being a bother. Bye!" She said with a now embarrassed blush before running off to her friend.
"Well, that was interesting." Jack giggled as he started to walk over to the check-out area.
"Yep." Aiden agreed as he wrapped his other arm around Jack's waist, now hugging him from behind as they walked and waited in line.
"Are you okay?" Jack asked wondering why Aiden was so clingy all of a sudden, not that he minded but he was still curious.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Aiden replied as he rested his head on top of Jack's shoulder.
"I don't know, I was just checking," Jack replied as they were called next in line.
They checked out rather quickly, Aiden still not letting go of the hug.
"You two are an adorable couple." The cash register person said with a smile.
"Oh, we are-" Jack was cut off by Aiden, "Thank you." He said with a smile of his own when he saw how dark of a blush Jack got.
They finished checking out and left the store, now holding hands instead of hugging because it was easier to walk that way although any time they would stop for any reason, Aiden would be back to hugging the smaller boy.
The reason for all of the affection/PDA was because Aiden didn't like the thought of other people dating Jack so if they all thought that they were together then he wouldn't have to worry about people trying to flirt with him.
Yes, it was kind of creepy and gives off low-key Yandere vibes but that's just how it is.
The two continued to walk around the mall until they came to the food court.
"Ahh yes, my favorite place in the entire mall," Jack said with a smile as he took in the amazing smell of all the different foods.
"Agreed." Aiden agreed as he eyed the pizza place and the cookie place right next to it.
"Let's get some food!" Jack cheered as they both walked over to the pizza place first to get Aiden his food before going over to the Subway where Jake got a sub.
They found a table and sat down to enjoy their meals, occasionally talking about random things to keep themselves entertained.
"So what type of music do you listen to?" Jack asked before taking a sip of his lemonade.
"Well I listen to a little bit of everything but I don't really like country music. I know a lot of it because growing up it's what my dad played on the radio but I don't really like it." Aiden replied before taking another bite of his pizza.
"Same! We should listen to some of my playlists later! I bet you would like some of the songs." Jack said enthusiastically with a large grin.
"Sounds good." Aiden smiled back, what else could he do? Jack's smile was contagious.
Just then the other two seats at their table were pulled out and two girls sat down, each one of them leaning close to one of the boys.
1,128 Words! I have 0 clue where this book is going!😅😂
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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