Episode 1. Part 1.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away......
Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute. Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Foundation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo.
While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi knights and one padawan learner, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict.........
Pale, white skin reflects off of soft white hair as it flows and curls around itself as it lays against the small of her back, her blue eyes shining with merit and fear as she watches the stars pass by slowly through the windshield of the small passenger ship. The two bodies clothed in brown cloaks stood behind the small Padawan as she observes the universe sailing by. The two cloaked men include her Eldest brother Obi-Wan Kenobi and his master Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-wan reaches down to pick up the youngest ones hood laying underneath the white strands of hair before slowly lifting up the hood to cover the small girls features from sight. The girl turns and gives him a soft smile before turning back towards the cock pit that holds two republic pilots.
Although she wasn't his biological sister, he would do anything for the eleven year old girl who grew exponentially physically and with the force, he couldn't help but be proud knowing she would make a great Jedi Knight, the likes of which have never seen before. Obi-Wan knew the looks she receives by other Padawan children while at the Jedi Temple, he knew the rumors that circulate about her strange appearance, "she's been marked by death." That was the rumor that made the young girl try and hide her features all together. Why she lost multiple masters throughout the years, why Master Yoda has taken the young one under his wing, helping the girl even though he hasn't taken a Padawan under his leadership for years. "The force has chosen her, you see? Marked by the force she is, chosen one will be able to pick her out immediately. She will save him, you see."
People wouldn't have feared her if her blonde locks hadn't literally shifted white at the age of two in middle of the Jedi temple while the young's ones were playing hide and seek. The color in her skin faded, leaving the young girl ghost white to the point that Obi-Wan thought she was dying and rushed her down to the medical wing of the temple where she spent two weeks in a solitary room with medical droids poking and prodding her skin, running every test available. The only thing they could find was her midichlorain count soared to 19,000 over night, the highest they've seen so far. Yoda named the young orphan Rhaella, a unique name for a unique little girl. He believes that something happened that day that disturbed the balance of the force so much it literally marked the little girl on that very same day.
The girl sees flashes of another world when she sleeps, hearing a voice that calls out to her, almost as if that person is waiting for her, as much as she is waiting for them. "Captain." Qui-Gon calls to the young woman that's seated on the left of the cock pit. "Yes sir?" She asks as she turns her head to face the three clocked figures behind her. "Tell them we wish to board at once." She nods before looking above her at the creature in red robes displayed on the screen above them, his name is Nute Gunray, a Neimoidian trade viceroy. "With all due respect, the Ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately." She informs Gunray as we approach the outer ring of ships surround the large green planet below. Rhaella grabs the Padawan braid hanging on her right shoulder, significantly shorter then the other strands as her right hand slips in the robe to grab the grey cylinder clipped onto the belt on her small waist, making sure it's still there before waiting for the Jedi Master to make a move. Nute briefly moves on the screen before replying back, "yes, yes of course...as you know, our blockade is perfectly legal and we'd be happy to receive the Ambassadors." The screen goes black as the ship makes its way towards a docking bay full of droids and larger machines.
Once the docking bay doors slide open a sliver droids stands in front of us. "I'm TC-14 at your service this way, please." The droid says as it walks to the right down the metallic grey hallways of the station. I follow a few steps behind the Jedi master and Padawan as I train my blue eyes behind us, the base was too empty for my liking. "We are greatly honored by your visit, ambassadors." The droids says as it stops and faces our sides as we continue down the dark corridor. "Make yourselves comfortable. My master will be with you shortly." The droids finishes as I reach the side of my brother. "Shouldn't they be greeting us instead of a droid master?" I question shortly as the bot makes its way back down the corridor. Qui-Gon nods his head as he faces the young girl looking up towards him. "Patience young Padawan, has Yoda not taught you that?" He says nicely as he surveys the room. "He did Master Jinn, but he also says to trust your instincts and the message the force sends you, and right now I sense danger." Obi nods his head along to his sisters words. "I also have a bad feeling about this." He states as the two take down their hods before watching the young girl follow suit as Master Jinn turns to his Padawan, "I don't sense anything." "It's not about the mission master. It's something...elsewhere, elusive." Obi-Wan points out as the three start making their way towards the center of the room once the door has been shut. "Don't center on your anxieties, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now, where it belongs." Obi watches as his younger sister makes her way to the glass table as he tries to explain their worries. "But master Yoda said I should be mindful of the future." "But not at the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the living force young Padawan." "Yes master." Rhaella watches as master and Padawan make their way to the far side of the wall were large bay windows show the planet below. She sighs out before closing her eyes and trying to meditate for the time being. She hasn't had the chance to get a peaceful meditation in, in a while, a fact that Yoda points out more than once this past month alone. But, she couldn't help it, when she closes her eyes she can hear the alluring words of the person that was waiting for her. Sometimes even while her eyes are open she's faced with strangers standing before her, talking and walking through harsh sands, while the sun beats down on them. Sometimes on the rare occasion she can feel the heat on her skin, and feel the sands squish around her feet when she walks, but all too soon the Dream is over, and she once again feels like a piece of her leaves her side once again, leaving her but a half of herself. She is mindful of the way the force works, she knows it better than most but she doesn't want to admit her concerns-no fear of what she sees. "Be mindful of your thoughts. Do not fear, fear leads to hate and hate leads to the dark side." She's read every book the Jedi have of the force and it's connections, but nothing like what she's experienced has been recorded, and she doesn't know how to breach the subject to her master, the others will find another reason to fear her.
"How do you think this trade viceroy will deal with the chancellor's demands?" Rhaella's eyes widen a fraction of a second at the mention of the chancellor, if anything in the world she ever fears, its Senator palpatine, who follows the chancellor everywhere. She knows the man hasn't done anything to earn her distrust, but she can't get over the fact that it feels as if the force is trying to choke her to death when she's around the man. The feeling of death lingers around him, she has mentioned her discomfort to her master, Yoda has advised her that it may just be because of her relationship with the force. She knows that Yoda is the most experienced with the force, and she shouldn't question his knowledge but she knows that, that is not the answer. Rhaella shakes her head softly before opening up her eyes to listen back into the conversation. "The negotiations will be short." Master Jinn answers Obi's question before turning back to the window as we await for the others.
"Is it there nature to make us wait this long?" Obi questions master Jinn who sits at the top of the table. Rhaella's eyes glance across the room for the twentieth time in the span of thirty minutes. "No. I sense an unusual amount of fear for something as trivial as this trade dispute." Jinn answers back as Rhaella's eyes watch as the same silver droid makes its way to the table where she sits with the two other Jedi. Her eyebrow raises as she sees the droid carrying a tray with drinks as it makes its way to Obi and Jinn handing them the glasses from the tray. Rhaella's right hand makes its way to the gray cylinder strapped on her waist, sensing the hostility towards the Jedi through the force as she watches the droid skip past her as suddenly a sound as if A bomb exploded shakes the ship and before she can think of anything she grabs her lightsaber from her belt and brings it out in front of her and watches as the white beam of light extends from the silver cylinder as Obi's blue beam and Qui-Gons green beam joins hers, standing in a defensive position waiting for any signs of retaliation. My eyes widen as I look towards the vents on the ground as a green smoke starts to fill the room. "Dioxins." Master Jinn states as I shut down my lightsaber and watch as the others do as well before taking one last deep breath before ceasing breathing all together. My eyes widen a fraction of a second as I hear the stomping of metal droids making their way towards our room. I lightly shove the silver droid forwards as the metal doors slide open once again. "Oh! Excuse me." I softly snicker but realize my mistake as i make a sound as if I'm choking on air as I strain to listen. "Check it out, Corporal. We'll cover you." "Roger, Roger." They were definitely droids, but how many it was hard to tell on sound alone. Suddenly Master Jinn and Obi step next to me as we ignite our lightsabers once again as we slowly edge ourselves closer to the door. "Uh-oh. Blast them." I raise my light saber before spinning it around my hands creating a resistance as the rays hit my lightsaber and bounce back to hit the droids and Obi jumps into the center and starts to slash the droids down one by one as Master Jinn follows behind me through the mess. I swing to my right slashing across the chest of the nearest droid before using the force to shove it onto two other droids and cutting through them before they could shoot. Slowly the forces are eliminated as Obi-Wan uses the force to shove the last three droids down the hallway from us.
We make our way slowly down the hall cutting down any droids before they can get a clean shot at us. I swing my saber around my back before twirling it in front of me as I send one last shit back to the droid before joining to watch as Master Jinn shoves his green saber through the locked door and starts to melt through the metal. I take point behind his back to cover him, in case anymore droids were on their way. Jinn feels a slight resistance trying to melt the door, he pulls back before shoving his saber back through the metal as I spin my saber blocking the shots from the droid as Obi-Wan slashed them down. Suddenly I watch a couple of destroyers roll down the hallway in front of us as Obi tense's when he sees them. "Master! Destroyers!" Obi yells towards his master as I turn my head slightly as I watch the lock start slowly melting off. Master Jinn turns swiftly as we watch as the destroyers stop before activating their force fields and then start to fire their heavy artillery. I start to swiftly swing my lightsaber once again in front of me blocking the shots before they hit us. "They have shield generators!" I roll my eyes at Obi's obvious statement as I start inching closer to the droids. "It's a stand-off let's go." Master Jinn says as he grabs the back of my cloak before dragging me away. "I could've handled them!" I whisper yell to the Master who has yet to release my cloak as we race down the halls before jumping into the ventilation shafts.
Obi lands softly to my right as we slowly make our way through the crates and boxes, before facing an army of droids laid out in the hangar. "Battle droids." Master Jinn explains as I poke my head out from the boxes as Obi quickly moves between the spaces of the crates. "It's an invasion army." My eyebrows raise as I watch lines of droids start to descend out of the large red crafts parked in the hangar. "This is an odd play for the trade federation." Qui-Gon states as weapons start being dispatched. "The only thing I can come up with is if they're going to use them against planets like Naboo." I state as Obi nods his head in understanding as Master Jinn looks towards me, "we have to warn the Naboo then and contact Chancellor Valorum. Let's meet up. Stow aboard separate ships and meet down on the planet." I nod my head in agreement as Obi turns to his master. "You were right about one thing, master. The negotiations were short." I snicker out as I softly punch Obi shoulder as we prepare to sneak onto their ships.
"We're screwed!" I yelled out to Master Jinn as the landing crafts start to speed up behind us as I watch the multiple species of animals run in front of us out of fear as the ships start tearing down the trees and land. I watch as one of the citizens raises his hands above their head in front of us. "Oh, no!" He yells out in a high pitched voice as Master Jinn and I near him, "get away! Get out of here!" Master yells as we near him, my legs were starting to cramp from the continuous running after I accidentally kicked a droid between its legs when the ship landed, I though they were still powered down, apparently they weren't. Master Jinn knocks him down as we drop to the ground so the ships continue to pass above us. "Ay-yee-yee! Wha!" The dinosaur like creature continues to make weird noises while under Qui-Gon. Master jinn grabs my hand as we get up before taking off horizontally away from the landing crafts. "Was'n dat? Hey, wait!" The creature yells after us as we try and speed up our pace through the woods. "Oh, mooie-mooie! I love you!" I laugh out at the strange mans words while Master Jinn looks uncomfortable at our new company. "You almost got us killed. Are you brainless?" I look through the trees as I follow close behind Master Jinn, Hoping Obi was okay and safe. "I spake." I snort out a snicker as master looks at him, "the ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Now get out of here." I go to rebuttal the masters claim before the citizens faces us both. "No,no, Mesa stay. Mesa culled Jar Jar Binks. Mesa your humble servant." I raise an eyebrow before looking at Jar Jar. "Hi Jar Jar my name's Rhaella Kenobi nice to meet you." I say as I hold out my hand and Jar Jar starts to shake my hand really fast before I pull it back in case I risk popping my shoulder out of place. "That won't be necessary." "Oh, but it 'tis. 'It's demanded by the gods, it 'tis." Suddenly I hear blaster fire from the left of us as I watch Obi dodge the beams raining down on him. "Oh, no! Whoo!" Jar Jar yells out as he hides behind our figures, "stay down!" Obi makes it to us just in time for Master Jinn to raise his lightsaber to send the laser back to the droid, shooting it down in the process. "You saves my again." I give a small chuckle as Jar Jar gets back up from the ground as Master Jinn deactivates his saber. "What's this?" "A local. Let's get out of here before more droids show up." Obi nods his head as he keeps his eyes on Jar Jar to his left. "More? More did you spake?" I chuckle as I look back to Jar Jar. "Come on Jar Jar!" We start picking up the pace once again, "ex-squeeze-me, but de mostest safest place would be Gunga city." "You're a Gunga Jar Jar?" I ask looking back as he nods his head, "yess miss Ella." I give a small smile to the nick name as I look to Master Jinn for his decision. "Can you take us there?" "Uh, on second thought, no." I shake my head as I let out a few breaths of air before looking around the deserted forest. "No?" " 'Tis embarrassing, but, uh, my afraid my've been banished. My forgotten. Da bosses would do terrible tings to me. Terrible tings to me if me go back dare." I look at Jar Jar before we heard the rumbling of trees being knocked down and destroyed. "You heart that?" Jar Jars large ear lifts as he puts a hand to it, "yah." "That is a sound of a thousand terrible things heading this way." Master Jinn starts walking towards Jar Jar with Obi flanking him, "if they find us, they will crush us, grind us into tiny pieces and blast us into oblivion." Obi- Wan continues as Jar Jar backs up with every step they take towards him. "Oh. You said point is well seen. This way hurry!" Jar Jar states before pointing his finger in a direction as we follow him.
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