3- Platonic with a capital P
Will POV
"Max?" Will shook the squinting redhead who in response just turned Will's head to what caught her eye.
'Is that Mike?' Will internally questioned. His smile dropped when he saw that Mike no longer had his gift. Will looked on, unable to do anything except feel a little upset. Max had her eyes fixed on the Raven-haired boy, but not for him. Rather for the beautiful girl he came with.
The Brown hair boy began to walk off, the redhead closely followed behind. The pair ran home, Max reassures, Will smiling as he listens to Max's words of wisdom. Max had always had a sixth sense when it came to Will, she could tell how he felt without even looking at him. He had a sixth sense for her too although his sense was weaker. He internally giggled.
The hazel eyed boy despite his kind nature was treated cruelly at a young age by the hands of his father, Lonnie Byers. Although never physically hurting Will, Lonnie would make remarks, ridicule and get verbally abusive towards little Will if he didn't act like a stereotypical male. Once his mother, Joyce heard, his parents started getting into fights - bad fights. He had no friends; the only person to keep him distracted was Jonathan. But Jonathan couldn't distract him all the time, Will was scared and terrified, no amount of loud music could drown the sound of yelling from the kitchen.
He only had one place where he could preoccupy his mind, 10-year-old Will took some money from his piggy bank and snuck out his room through his window. The small boy grabbed his bike off the porch and began to ride - head empty - until he reached his destination - the arcade. He played some games until the brown-haired boy grew hungry; his stomach growled. He slugged over to the vending machine tiptoeing barely managing to reach the buttons to get what he wanted. But alas he finally did, but his food was stuck. He hit the machine feeling his eyes water, he was frustrated at everything; this was little Will's breaking point.
"Are you crying?" A girl with fiery red hair scoffed. Will felt as if his tears were about to trickle, he feared the worse. Bullies. He couldn't let anyone bully him in his happy place. He ran away from the girl who was left puzzled as he ran around the side of the building.
Will fell to the ground as a stream of tears flew. A shadow emerged; it was the red-haired girl. Will huddled into a ball, cuddling his legs afraid what this girl would do.
But he was met with silence.
The little girl sat next to him slipping him the sandwich he purchased.
"I think your food got stuck in the machine, but don't worry I get the five-finger discount" she giggled, glancing at the boy still cocooned.
"Take this chocolate bar, it makes me feel better when I get sad" she continued, "I'm Max! I'm from California" the little girl introduced herself, Will lifted his head.
"I'm Will" nodding slightly, afraid to look her in the eyes. The girl passed him the chocolate bar. The pair ate their food making occasional conversation, it was quiet; both enjoyed the comfortable silence.
As if in sync they finished eating at the same time.
The red head grabbed the small boy walking to the vending machines as Max spoke "Would you like anything else to eat?" Will sheepishly nodded as he pointed to a bag of M&M's on the third row. Max put her hand into the machine and grabbed the bag. The boy was in awe as he was handed his M&M's, the pair walked into the arcade side by side playing every game they could until they ran out of money.
They walked out, still together
"You're quite cool Byers!" she giggled "See you Will" Max added
Will waved, still in shock 'She is soo cool, and my first friend' he squealed to himself gleaming, and Max got on her skateboard skating home smiling at her new friend.
The young boy hopped on his bike again heading home the happiest he has been in a while.
Will Byers was the type of boy who always believed in soulmates, ever since he met Max in the arcade on that fateful day when she taught him how to steal from vending machines, he knew that they were soulmates, not the type who were usually depicted in movies. He loved Max sure, and she loved him back but not in a romantic way. The understanding was mutual, platonically they were both one half of a whole. A person who would be there through thick and thin.
Max was that person for him. And on Will's 16th birthday, when bullies ruined his party at the Roller skating rink. Max being by his side made him feel at ease.
Sometimes he wished he could like Max more than a friend, the way a boy would usually like a girl, maybe everything would be a lot easier. If only he could control his feelings and be 'normal' like his father would want him to.
When he revealed his secret, he thought this was the end of his relationship with Max, he had lost her forever. This wasn't how his birthday was supposed to be. It was all over. His walls crumbled and Will was left vulnerable for the first time since his parents' divorce.
But instead of storming off, telling him the same things the bullies at school would. She stayed. She sat on the dirty floor with him; even though he knew Max did not completely understand, she didn't ignore his feelings. Instead, she tried to make him laugh and they became closer because of it.
"Will?" Max snapped him out of his thoughts bring him back to the present.
1042 Words
I really love the dynamic of Will and Max's friendship, so I had to write a chapter just for them and how they met.
If Will ever did come out to Max I'd imagine it being like Robin and Steve, Max would defo judge Will liking Mike. I hope you enjoy it
Stay safe everyone <3
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