23- Mixed Message Mike
Mike drags the smaller boy to the large walk-in wardrobe; making Will sit on the plush stool that sat in the middle of the closet. Will looks around the room taking in the clothes surrounding him, Mike smiles, sticking out his tongue focussing on clothes, picking out shirts then placing them back into the clothing rack
The chestnut-haired boy examined Mike; his skin, his hair, his body. Will blushes
"How about this one?" The taller boy holds a classic black dress-pants in one hand while grasping a faded yellow shirt in the other. Will assessed the two clothes, would he be able to pull it off. He nods remaining confident. Mike throws the clothes at Will signalling him to change outside. The chestnut haired boy leaves the closet to change his clothes, the shirt was good but far too long, he tucks it in admiring himself in the mirror, walking back into the closet
"Ahem" Will clears his throat attempting to get Mikes attention, Will smiles keeping a bright smile as the ravenette turns around. His jaw drops. Mike blushes flipping around to the clothes rack again
"You look really good; I've found what I'm going to wear so can you please leave the closet so I could change" Mike admits slipping at glance at Will again
"Oh, could I see it?" Will grins
"It's a surprise" the raven-haired boy answers winking
Will pouts exiting the closet closing the door behind him, he walks towards Mikes bed sitting down. The bed was plump allowing Will to spring up and down; a soft giggle escapes his lips. Will examines the room seeing the décor that litter the room, the room was typical of what he would expect from Mike; it was clean, a bit too clean for Wills taste. It almost seems sterile. Out of the corner of his eye Will notices a guitar staring at it deeply
"Pretty sweet, huh?" the ravenette comes out the closet (pun intended) walking over to the guitar, picking it up off the ground
"Yeah sweet" Will copies
"Me or the guitar?" Mike jokes
"The guitar, definitely the guitar" the chestnut-haired boy giggles staring at Mikes outfit
"Is that the bucket hat you gave me but in blue?" Will adds pointing at Mikes hat
"I was hoping you'd have yours so we could match" The taller boy stammers fidgeting with his fingers, looking down at the guitar
"Oh, mine is in my work bag" the smaller boy states rummaging through his belongings pulling out a yellow bucket hat. Both boys smile as Will places the hat on his head walking back to Mikes bed taking a seat next to the raven haired boy
"We are like a matching couple" Mike jokes staring into the eyes of the smaller boy, leaning closer, their legs touch, Mike pulls in their lip's inches apart, Will closes his eyes anticipation fills him, lips moving closer and closer until both could feel the hot breath against their skin and then...
Ding Dong
Mike jumps back walking out the room towards the front door, a disgruntled look on his face. Will sat in wonder, was Mike about to kiss him? His first kiss with a guy? And it didn't even happen, the chestnut-haired boy speculates. He could still feel his heartbeat as the heat of his cheeks darkened. He lays his head down on Mikes bed, scowling that they weren't able to get close enough to kiss.
"WILL!" A voice shouts from downstairs
"Come down, our friends are here" the voice adds, Will pounces out the door practically flying down the stairs, reaching the ground. Before him stood Max and Lucas, they smirk watching the face of the smaller boy, he attempts to hide his blush to no avail.
"So how was the closet" Max blurts to Mike, his eyes widening,
"W-what?" The ravenette struggles
"I meant finding clothes in your closet for Will" Max adds, a small chuckle escapes Lucas avoiding eye contact with the two boys.
"It was- it was good! I mean Will looks good in anything" Mike justifies trying to stop his stuttering
"I bet he does" the athletic boy smirks, Mike opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by the flock of guests arriving at the house, allowing the pair to pass through.
The two friends drag Will to the ever-filling house, walking to a table.
"See we told you he likes you; did you see him blush as soon as we mention you" Lucas whispers, the trio turn their attention to Mike greeting the guests that enter his abode
"Did anything romantic happen when you were alone? you both seem redder then usual" the redhead questions looking towards the two
"Well we did almost kiss" the chestnut-haired boy mumbles
"KISS!" The friends scream in Unison, Will places a hand over both of their mouths, directing other people to turn their attention away. Even Mike turns his attention towards them, Will awkwardly grins unconvincingly waving. Mike furrows his brows shrugging His shoulders then continuing greeting guests again
"Who kissed who?" Dustin walks over with Suzie, they walk hand in hand, both practically the happiest couple ever since they met. They have always been Americas favourite couple.
"Someone got kissed?" El walks over elegantly dressed as usual; followed by Robin and Steve.
"No one got kissed!" The chestnut-haired boy loudly says in one go,
"Oh! Why so sensitive Byers?" Robin leans an arm on Steve
"I'm-I'm not" Will stammers walking away to hide from all the embarrassment.
The group watch Will walk off in a random direction.
"I still don't know who got kissed" Suzie states lifting her glasses up the bridge of her nose
"Oh! Mike and Will almost kissed!" The redhead shares whispering to the group
"They haven't already?" El tilts her head
"The way Mike talks about Will, I thought they were dating" she adds
"What does he say??!" The curly haired boy's eyes light up.
"Just about how Will is so understanding, and smart and a good person and overall perfect" the brunette shares as a smile paints the others faces
"We need to think about their ship name, how about Mill?" Steve questions, the group feel indifferent, Dustin Of course nods, unsure about the name however Lucas shakes his head
"How about Byler?" The athletic boy confidently states, the group exchange looks all nodding
"So how about we make bets? See when they start dating" Robin adds clasping her hands together.
Will spends thirty minutes hiding in the bathroom, he leaves the room walking around, people litter very inch of the house, most where drunk, he attempts to look for Lucas and Max or any of his other friends. Walking around the house the rooms disorient him, feeling like he was walking in the same circles over and over again. The chestnut haired boy was fully sober never even taking an ounce of Alcohol in fear of being like his dad.
The smell made him nauseous Will took a step outside the back door.
1185 Words
the second to last chapter
I hope everyone enjoys it
Stay Safe <3
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