11- A Bubbling Feeling
Mike walked towards the studio building; Will's voice still rings in his ears. Usually, people ask favours for themselves, but all Will wanted was to do was be a good friend to the red head, Mike smiled; could Will be a good person? He shook his head, he doesn't want to get his hopes up. Many of the people he met since fame use him for his name and face, Mike hung his head low stepping towards the room that read "Robin Buckley-Executive producer". He knocked on the door hearing no answer on the other side, he turns the handle
The door was locked, where is she? The raven haired boy thought to himself, he clicked his fingers- he knew exactly where she is, He walked down the corridor, towards another office but this time it read "Steve Harrington- Executive producer" he heard familiar voices from inside
"And sometimes I just feel like my brain is moving faster then my mouth or rather my mouth is moving faster then my brain, and... I'm doing it now aren't I?" He heard a woman's voice scramble
He knocked on the door and walked in. He smiled as Robin and Steve turned around.
"What can we do for you Mike?" The funky boy asked leaning against the wall.
"Oh umm I just wanted to ask about something" Mike mustered up the courage as Robin and Steve nodded In unison
"it's about Will, the boy who saved me"
"What about him?" Steve tilts his head, placing a hand under his chin.
"He wants to see you to talk about his friend" Mike clearly states
Steve waves his arms around, "NO. NO. NO. Absolutely not"
"Why not?" Mike's face scrunched up
"Because look" The blue eyed girl took a deep breath. "Mike... He literally snuck into the set and then a fire broke out, what would have happened if he didn't get out... And we still don't know what caused the fire, I just find it a bit coincidental?" She tripped over her own tongue as she spoke swiftly, the three continued arguing, their commotion was heard down the hall, and a curious curly haired boy decided to investigate the source.
"Are you saying Will caused the fire?" Mike Spat in retaliation, he was offended; feeling the overwhelming need to defend Will.
"I'm saying, we just don't know" Robin spoke shaking her head
The door rattled and a silhouette casted to the wall; getting bigger, their stood Dustin gleaming his pearly whites. He was unnoticed by the three still engaged in an argument.
"MIKE! We don't know what caused the fire and we aren't going to talk to Will." Steve scolded putting his hands on his hips and furrowing his brows. Mike scoffed
"OH, I know what caused the fire! Maybe it was the stupid ass candles Dustin put everywhere on set! What kind of movie villain has that many candles?" Mike crossed his arms shouting. The curly haired boy stood in shock; he had never seen His friend get this worked up over anything before.
"I know Byers is innocent" Mike reassures whispering
"Wait Will? Will Byers? I brought him in the building with me" Dustin's presence was finally acknowledged as the three turned their attention towards the curly haired boy
"You did what?" Robin's mouth hung open "so we just fired that poor girl for no reason" she felt a twinge of regret pacing around the room mumbling to herself. She and Steve huddled, the two whispered to one another discussing how to rectify this situation. Mike and Dustin stood idle; the pair looked at each other. Not knowing whether they were allowed to talk or not.
"Okay! So... we have discussed the whole situation" Steve started
"And we have decided to give the girl her job back..." Robin cut off Steve
"But what do we do about the boy?" The funky boy hopped on the desk looking at Robin. She shrugged in response; Dustin took a seat on the couch which left Mike pondering what to do.
"H-How about... we give him a role here? I mean he did save me." The raven haired boy bit his lip, the feeling in him started to bubble up again, he wanted to see Will. Robin and Steve look at each other. They weren't sure if it was a good idea. Mike regret what he said, he should've have put more thought into it first.
"Fine...On one condition! You can't give anyone else roles". Steve sighed. A grin appeared on Mike's face.
"I still need to tell that girl she is unfired before she leaves" Robin rushed out.
"ROBIN! YOU FORGOT YOUR OUTDOOR SHOES." Steve hopped off the desk closely following behind her with a pair of shoes in his hands.
Mike takes a seat next to Dustin, still processing the events that happened in the past few minutes.
"Did Will ask you to get him that job?" Dustin asked, a hint of venom lacing his words.
"Mike, you can't keep handing out jobs, you're too nice for your own good." The curly haired boy continues.
"NO, it's not like that at all, Will just seems to be genuinely sweet and kind" Mike turned red, not even noticing it. "And I kinda wanted to see him again" the raven haired boy mutters to himself
"Okay. I'll believe you... I just don't want another Troy situation..." Dustin looked down and Mike fidgeted with his hands. The raven haired boy hated to hear Troy's name ever since the incident. The pair look at each other. Dustin put on a small smile.
"Hey! But at least this time you have me here, I'll beat his ass if he tries anything." Dustin sat up placing a hand on Mike's back chuckling. Mike did the same. The pair sit in silence for a short while. A relative harmony encompasses the room. The door launches open revealing Robin who staggers in out of breath. She is followed by Steve walking calmly by her side
"I told you not to run" Steve rubbed Robin's back.
"Not now dingus" She retorts catching her breath.
"THEY WANT ME BACK" Max practically vomited the words out her mouth
"And guess what? they aren't going to kill my character. Apparently, Mike like vouched for me." Max cheered. She jumped onto Will, enveloping him into a big hug, they stayed tight until Max pulled away.
"Oh really?" The brown haired boy smiled. He was going to talk to the producers himself, did Mike get confused by his favour? He was lost until he was whipped out of his thoughts.
"AND they said they have a surprise for you, we both have to go in tomorrow" she added jumping up and down, now this part Will really wasn't expecting, a 'surprise?' Were they going to arrest him for sneaking in? he glanced at Max confused; only slightly nodding. He turned his head towards the road as he started the engine. The red head fiddled with the radio and the pair went home recalling the roller coaster of events that have occurred today.
1216 Words
new chapter
Dw next chapter will be completely Will's POV and it'll stay like that for a whileI had to write this chapter on my phones to sorry if it is worse then usual
Stay safe everyone <3
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