Little sparks of Love!!
It was a shock!! I never knew l would meet her. I met her!! The girl whom l told everyone who made my heart skip a beat for her. She is soo cute!!
But does she have a boyfriend??
Who the hell is she calling babe!? After a little while she hanged up and sat before her gadget.
Bela-Ummm... Mr.Mehra you wanted to tell something??
She asked.
Angad-You can call me Angad itself!!
I said smiling and she nodded showing one of her killer smiles.
She said softly smiling at me.
Angad-It's just....
I started and stopped. Damn l just wanted to see who is Siddhart's Sister so that's why l told it's serious. What do l tell her?? What if l talk to her about the dare. No! No it would be akward.
Angad-Bela it's just that l wanted to tell you is Sid studies great!! And he gets the permisson to study with my Sister today!!
I said remembering he wanted permission to do group studying with Avneet.
She asked excited.
I said smiling.
Bela-Ok Angad l'll tell him. Hopefully he doesn't die in excitement!!
She said chuckling and l laughed.
Angad-Ok Bela carry on!! Bye!!
Bela-Bye Angad!!
She said and l left the meeting. Why?? Why am l feeling like this?? Why do l feel like l'll die when she give that dimple smile of hers.
Avneet-Baby!! Stop!!
I heard her saying again. I turned to my left and saw Avneet and Robin running behind Ananya. She giggled and ran to my side. I carried her in my arms when she was passing by.
Angad-Your a naughty baby!! Aren't you??
I asked tickling her. She laughed in return.
Avneet-Very naughty baby!!
She said coming to us.
Robin-When would her mother and father come??
He asked most probably as it's half an hour by now that they left her here.
Angad-They must be done with shopping the necessary things!! They might be coming by now.
I said and they nodded.
Angad-I'll look after her. I am free from now!!
Robin-Yipeeee!! I am going!!
He said and ran away leaving me and Avneet to chuckle.
Avneet-I'll go and bring lunch for you!!
I said and took Ananya with me. Walking to and fro rubbing her back slowly. She was asleep.
I laid her on my bed with some pillows around her. Avneet brought me food and kept it on the table.
I called her and she looked up from her phone.
Avneet-Yes Bro!?
Angad-Ummm.... l've set you up for group studies with a Boy!!
I played.
Avneet-What the hell!!
She yelled looking at me angrily.
Angad-Shhhh!! Ananya is sleeping!! Quiet!!
I said. She rolled her eyes.
Avneet-Bro!! I can't study. That too with a Boy!! No way!!
She said.
Angad-Ok then!! You don't want to study with that Boy?!!
Avneet-I just said it now!! Clean and clear without even stuttering!!
Angad-Ok then l'll tell Siddhart that Avneet doesn't want to study with him!!
I said and went forward for my phone but my Sister came in a swift and took it from there smiling sheepishly.
Angad-What!? You said you don't want to study then what's the problem!!?
Avneet-I Loveeeee Studying!!
She said emphasising the middle word.
Angad-Oh really!! But it's a boy Avneet!!
I said smirking and she huffed.
Avneet-Sorry Bro!! Please!! Please pretty please!! I promise l'll study!!
She said.
Angad-Fine!! I was just pulling your leg.
I said and bursted laughing seeing her glaring at me.
Avneet-Anyway when do l have the Group Studying with Sid?!
She asked excited.
Angad-At four in the evening!!
Avneet-Ok l'll go prepare myself!! Bye!!
She said and kissed my cheek. She ran away most probably to be presentable before her crush.
I chuckled and started eating after washing my hands.
After sometime Ananya's parent's came and took her but my thoughts were surrounded by Bela. Her smile, the way she laugh's, the way she stared at me when we both was looking at each other.
My God what has happened to me?? I was wondering when a message popped from my boy gang.
Was Flirts
Hey folks!! We are planning for a meet up
with my Girlfriend and her friend!! Who is up for this?? ( Yuvi )
I am up!!
I am up!! ( Vyom )
Ok at three then!! ( Yuvi )
Ok!! So at three is it!! Let's go Angad!! You shouldn't atleast look like a Professor now.
Time flew really quick and now it's 3. The call came at sharp three and l attended it keeping it infront of me.
Vyom-Hey Professor!! What's up??
Angad-Vyom!! Shut up you a**. I am a Professor for my Student's not you!!
Yuvi-Chill stop fighting!!
Vyom-We are not fighting Yuvi!! We aren't kids!!
I said and Yuvi rolled his eyes. Vish. Yuvi's girlfriend showed up after sometime but her friend didn't.
Vish-Sorry!! My Babe would be a little late!!
She said.
Yuvi-Her friend!!
Angad-He gets jealous easily Vish!! Still you call your friend Babe!?
I asked suprised.
Yuvi-It's a girl!! If not why on earth will l let a boy be friend with my girl!!
He said and the three of us started laughing like maniacs.
Vyom-Anyway how is Avneet and Robin doing??
Avneet-I am doing great and so is my dumb brother Robin!!
I heard her saying searching for something. She was in my room??
Yuvi-God!! Sasss girl!!
He said and they did a virtual fist bump while l rolled my eyes.
Avneet-Ok l have to go!!
Angad-Off course you can. As someone must be waiting!!
Avneet-Shut up Bro!!
She said blushing leaving us to chuckle at her.
Vish-You look cute!!
She said.
Iraa-Thank you Vishi!!
Vyom-You know her!!?
Avneet-Yep!! She got me Ice Cream when l fell down!! That was like when l was 7 years old and most probably Vishi was 15 then.
Yuvi-Most probably she bought it for you not knowing how to pacify a crying baby.
He said and we laughed while Vish glared at Yuvi. Vish left the call to talk to her friend.
After sometime of talking Vish and her friend joined us but.....
From now on Two Updates!! Mondays and Fridays!!
Hope you like this Chapter of Pandemic Love!!
Love you all!!
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