Chapter 52
I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't move my body. I felt...dead. But I couldn't be, I'm thinking, and if I'm dead, I wouldn't be thinking right now.
I could hear my surroundings, not very clearly though, only faint sounds and what seems to be whispers, or maybe that's just how I was hearing everything.
My mind flashed, but no images or anything were present there at all. But wait, there was something, but I couldn't even quite make out what it was. I saw...a tree, I think, but that was all. I heard people screaming. Then my mind went black and I didn't know what happened.
My hand twitched, which gave me a sign that my body could move, so maybe I didn't try before. My eyes fluttered rapidly before I eventually opened them, but as slow as possible. There was light that I had to close my eyes again for until they were adjusted enough to reopen.
Suddenly, my eyes flew open, taking in all the surroundings around me. Underneath of me, there was bed. Next to the bed I was in, there was a chair and a small table. In front of me was another door, assuming that it was either a bathroom or a door to the outside. I didn't know.
To my right, the one other door opened, and a lady in a white nurses jacket walked in, stopping in her place.
"Oh my god. Oh my god!" She yelled louder the second time, then ran out of the door down the hallway. That was weird. Following behind her, there was a male doctor. After they stepped in, two other people stepped inside behind them.
Their eyes were shocked, maybe to see that I'm awake. "N- Natalie?" Logan ran over to me, followed by Jo. I smiled weakly, then pointed that they both sit down beside me.
"Hey." I slowly reached my arms out and hugged Logan, smelling the cologne that he always wore, no matter what. I looked over to Jo, who was was crying. "Hey Jo." I lightly laughed, then brought her into a hug too.
"You're awake. I can't believe it, you're awake." Jo said, grabbing my hand.
"How long has it been?" I asked, unsure if I wanted to know how long I was in the coma for. No one said anything, but Logan soon spoke up. "About a month. It's been a chaotic, dreadful month without you."
I smiled at Logan, then placed my lips to the side of his cheek, letting him know that I'm extremely thankful that him and Jo were both here. He pulled back, his face bright red from embarrassment.
"I wasn't expecting that." He giggled, while scratching the back of his neck. I just laughed along with him before Jo decided to change the subject. "How do you feel Natalie?" I turned my attention to her. "I feel okay, not the greatest though. My arm is obviously broken, and my head, I think, has a bandage on it."
I felt the top of my head and I touched fabric that wrapped all around my forehead. Logan reached out his hand and pulled mine away from my head. "Take it easy, and be careful. We'll take care of you back at the Palm Woods, okay?"
I nodded and I couldn't wait to go back home to see my mom and dad.
Jo helped me change out of the hospital clothing and into my normal clothing. I tossed the clothes in the hamper beside me, then sat on the toilet seat to put on my shoes so we could leave.
"Are you nervous?"
I looked up at Jo after tying my one shoe. "A little, actually." I smiled, then tied my other shoe, and standing up to open the door. Logan went downstairs to sign my release papers while we finished cleaning up the room.
When I stepped out of the bathroom, Logan wasn't back yet, but the male doctor and nurse were. "Hello. Your friend Logan should be back up here in just a few moments from signing papers."
"Okay, thank you for telling me."
She smiled once, then before she and the doctor left, Logan returned, holding a book bag in his left hand. "I thought you could use this to put your things in."
I took the bag from him as Jo started placing the things that I had with me, and I didn't know I even had anything. I zipped the bag shut, setting it back onto the hospital bed beside me.
The door reopened, and a boy with blondish hair and hazel eyes stood at the door frame, and he was, or is, crying. "Oh my god, Natalie. I love you so much." He ran over to me, and pulled me into the most uncomfortable hug I've ever been in.
I pushed myself away rather quickly and stared up at him, my eyebrows pushing together in utter confusion.
"Who....are you?"
Vote & Comment! Yikes, looks like Natalie doesn't remember Kendall, but remembers Logan and Jo. Do you think she'll remember Carlos, James, Camille and her parents?
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