Chapter 24
Everything was back on track. I got to see Logan, James, Carlos, Jo, Camille and Kendall again. My mom has been coming home everyday annoyed and frustrated with everything that Bitters had told her to do. He doesn't do anything, he just sits at his desk.
"Natalie, it's almost four in the afternoon." I was woken up by Kendall lightly shaking my arm. "Huh?" I said, still half asleep and stretching my arms out. He laughed. "Come on, let's go do something." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door, all while I was still half asleep.
I was becoming really dizzy and had to squeeze onto Kendall as we walked down the lobby and towards the guys. "You okay? You're a bit dizzy." Kendall's arm swooped under me and was carrying me bridal style. "Yeah, I'm okay- ouch." I gripped the side of my head that was now throbbing with excruciating pain. I bit my tongue to stop myself from screaming.
Kendall set me down on my feet carefully, and I lost my balance, falling to the ground. Everyone ran around me, asking thousand of questions all at once. "Natalie, look at me." I blinked rapidly and tried to focus on Kendall. "You're turning white. Natalie, what's wrong? Are you okay? Look at me." My eyes rolled to the back of my head and before I knew it, I blacked out.
I couldn't open my eyes. All I could see was blackness. My limp body was lifted up from the floor and I didn't know who's arms I was in. What's happening to me? Am I dead? I didn't know.
I regained consciousness and my eyes fluttered open. Four guys were hovering over me, their eyes on me, watching my every move. I slowly sat up, looking around at my surroundings. Where was I? Who are these guys staring at me? All of them were still blurry figures.
"Um, do you guys mind not staring at me? It's really weird." I nervously laughed. They all muttered under their breath and acted like they were doing something other than staring at me. My focus became clear, and that's when I recognized them. Big Time Rush. Kendall, Logan, James and Carlos. "What happened?" I asked.
"You blacked out an hour ago." Carlos explained, a corn dog in his hand. Carlos and his corn dogs, I swear. "That's never happened before. God, my head hurts." They all gasped and arms were around me. "Guys, I'm fine. It's a little pain, that's all."
Making them move so I could get up, I stretched my legs out and held on to Kendall for support so I don't fall. "We have to go see Gustavo." James said, pulling out his phone. "Okay, now Gustavo is mad." All of us ran out of the building and sprinted to Rocque Records.
Gustavo screamed his lungs out at the guys, resulting in me holding onto Kendall and James for dear life. Carlos was gripping onto his helmet, and Logan was standing away from us with his arms crossed, not even moving a muscle.
"Are you done yet?" Logan asked, clearly annoyed already. Gustavo raised his hands up and shaped them into claws. Kelly was at his side in a minute and made sure that Gustavo didn't pass out.
"Go in the studio before I strangle you guys." He grumbled under his breath and stomped away from all of us. I threw my head against Kendall and groaned. Kendall's arm wrapped around me and pulled me in close to him. "Ew, stop with the PDA!" James yelled, shooting his arms up in the air, a disgusted expression on his face.
"Oh please, like you haven't been involved in PDA before." Carlos raised an eyebrow, and James' face shrunk and his face turned red. "Uh, I- I...what?" James hurriedly walked out of the room and straight into the studio. At this point, I don't even know what's going on. Gustavo's stressed out because I'm back. Like so what? I came back for Kendall, big deal. Well, it's a big deal to me and Kendall.
"Okay dogs. Griffin wants an updated version of Big Night. He said something about making a remix album or something along the lines of that. Carlos, you know what to do." Gustavo flicked his hand up and Carlos started singing.
1, 2, 3 all my boys and girls
We're gonna party like it's the end of the world
Let's get it started, started, started
All their voices have really changed since their first album. Singing wise I mean. James' voice is basically the only one that hasn't changed, which actually doesn't surprise me.
Ohhhh it's gonna be a big night
We're gonna have a good time
It's gonna be a big, big, big, big, big, big night
I practically melted at the sound of Kendall's voice. Okay, enough about me and Kendall. Let's get to the part of James and Jo. Yeah, not so good. They went out a few times, got into fights, kissed and made up, then all over again.
It's been like that ever since I moved, from what Jo told me. As of right now, they're on a "break", but we all see them sneaking around Palm Woods together. Camille and Logan haven't broken up since before the girls camping trip.
So, I guess not everything is back to normal.
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