Namjoon headed to the music room where his brother was currently playing the piano. He knocked on the door and waited for him to respond.
A few seconds later he knocked on the door yet again. His brother stopped and sighed. "What?"
"Can I come in?"
"Hi. How are you doing?" Namjoon asked with a smile.
"Want to come out and eat dinner? You've been here the whole day."
"I'm good. I actually want to get back to playing." He responded placing his fingertips back on the instrument.
"Taehyung," he softly said.
"I don't like to see you alone. You don't even want to see your friends anymore. I'm worried about you."
"I'm fine."
"Why don't you try to talk to them? To the model I brought home?"
"I don't need to. I'm fine." He repeated aggravated.
"You've been avoiding every call. Why don't—?"
"What do you want me to say Namjoon? We have nothing to talk about. It's awkward now. We can't even hang out either. What can I do in this wheelchair, huh?"
Namjoon looked down at the floor a pang of pain spreading through his chest. He hated to see his brother upset.
Taehyung noticed and quickly tried to change his tone of voice. He was angry. Not at Namjoon.
How could he when he was an angel?
He was simply angry at what he was going through. Which was no ones fault. It was only his.
"I told you I'm fine."
"Can you at least talk to him? Please?"
"I don't need him to babysit me. I have friends. What about Chaeyoung huh? She's my friend."
"Yeah. She is...but she's not here all the time. Try to talk to him. He's been here for days and you haven't even tried."
Taehyung looked at him and then away. "You don't have to worry about me. You have to live your life too you know? What happened is not your fault. You couldn't have prevented it. If it makes you feel better I will talk to him."
"Really? You will?" He asked hopeful.
He nodded as he started playing again. Namjoon smiled happy, "Thank you. I will let him know."
He quickly walked out to get him. "Model 576B?" He called.
"My brother wants to see you." He whispered.
"Yes I'm aware. I heard it. My hearing exceeds the normal range."
"You're not suppose to eavesdrop. That's a bad habit you shouldn't catch onto."
"I do apologize. May I meet Taehyung now?"
"Yeah. Hey don't-don't make comments about his wheelchair okay?"
"What about it?"
"I don't want him to feel bad about it." He whispered.
"I want to make him happy. Why would I do that for?"
"Okay. Yeah. You're right. He's just a bit defensive about the situation. That's all."
"Understood. I hope he likes me."
Namjoon sat on the couch and nervously bit the inside of his cheek. At the moment he wished he had hearing like him. Even though he did just tell him to not eavesdrop.
The boy knocked on the door. Taehyung froze and spoke out loud. "Come in." He said unbothered.
The model slowly approached him and stood next to him. Taehyung sighed annoyed. But when he turned around and looked at the boy he was taken back.
His hair was a soft brown, his eyes were brown and wide, and he had the cutest little nose. He bowed in front of him.
"Hi. I'm model 576B. Pleasure to meet you."
Taehyung didn't know what to say so he only waved at him a bit flustered. "I see you like to play the piano."
"Yeah." He mumbled looking away.
"I like your hair." He said admiring the bright blue.
"I wonder why Namjoon didn't give me blue hair."
Taehyung shrugged still avoiding eye contact. He didn't expect him to be so human. To talk like they have known each other for years or to look like that. He was still trying to process it himself.
"Did you do it yourself?" He asked casually.
"Chaeyoung helped."
"The short lady that teaches you piano?"
He nodded in response only confusing him more. "You're very good at playing the piano. Is she really teaching you or you're teaching her?"
Taehyung sighed quietly. Chaeyoung had been giving him lessons for a while. He had learned to play it pretty quick.
She just kept coming to keep him company. She didn't really say it, but it was pretty obvious she felt bad for him.
And this is what this boy was doing too. He only wanted to keep him company because his brother told him too.
Not because he wanted.
"That's none of your business." He snapped shutting his piano.
"I didn't mean to upset you. I apologize."
"Whatever. I'm going to my room."
"I can help yo—"
"I can roll my own chair." He bitterly replied.
"Okay. Bye Taehyung."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Yoongi groaned staring at the empty mayonnaise container.
"Are you upset?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi turned around infuriated only to see him sitting on the center of the table in a criss crossed position.
"What are you doing there? Tables are not for sitting. You do not put empty containers back in the fridge because it gives false hope."
"It was pretty fun to see your reaction." He smiled.
Yoongi threw the container on the floor. Jimin looked at it and then at him. "You filthy humans make a mess. I hope you know you're going to have to pick it up."
"I feel like I'm raising a child. You're so stubborn and make me angry all the time!" He said with a red face.
"You're making yourself angry." He responded flipping the page on his book.
Yoongi rolled his eyes picking up the container. Then he shut the fridge heading to the food cabinet.
"I finished your jelly. There's plenty of peanut butter left though."
"My jelly too?" He shrieked in disbelief.
"Of course. You gave me a sweet tooth. I have to satisfy it somehow."
Yoongi scowled at him. He looked up from his book, "Fix your face please. That jelly container was mighty small. I can tell you're used to living by yourself since you only buy things for you."
"Wow. Thank you for rubbing in my face that I am single and a loner."
"But you aren't. I'm here with you."
He huffed, "I don't know if that's any better."
"I could say the same about you."
Yoongi decided to ignore him and proceeded to find something else to eat. He had to remind himself that no matter how hard he tried to upset Jimin he wouldn't get the satisfaction to do so.
Jimin was emotionless.
Unlike Yoongi who felt a whole sea of emotions throughout the day. If he had a penny for every time he had a mental break down he'd be a millionaire.
Which he already was because he was a scientist and all. The point was that he had plenty of mental breakdowns. He blamed his insecurities and self esteem.
"Tell me human, what are you going to eat?"
"I guess a peanut butter sandwich."
"Sounds yummy."
"I have to go grocery shopping."
"Your fridge has been reminding you. You've been ignoring him."
"I'm busy. I have a busy life."
"I can grocery shop for you. If you give me money."
Yoongi shook his head no, "You're not going out in public by yourself. I'll just have to stop after work or something."
"Aww. Are you scared I might get stolen?"
"No. I'm scared of what you could do in public." He replied sitting down on a chair.
Jimin was still sitting on the center and kept reading. "I can behave better than you can." He told calmly.
Yoongi wrinkled his nose and mumbled under his breath. "I cAn bEhaVe—"
"Now Min Yoongi, imitating others is not nice."
"You're not nice."
"Am too. By the way your books are very ingesting."
"What books?" He asked standing up and leaning closer to him. "That's my college books. You think that's fun?"
"Of course. Otherwise I wouldn't have read the other five.
"You have a weird definition of fun." He mumbled sitting back down.
"I know. Hey, can I ask you a question?"
"You just did."
"Let me rephrase that. I'm going to ask you a question."
"So? What's the question?" He asked with a mouthful.
"What happened to your lover?"
The question surprised Yoongi. He cleared his throat chewing the food in his mouth. It felt more dry and hurt to swallow. Not just because it was peanut butter and bread.
It literally hurt.
"Okay. So it's a sensitive subject. I won't bring it up again." Jimin responded. Though he couldn't feel what Yoongi felt he could see it on his facial expression.
He was heartbroken.
"I'm going to go grocery shopping now. We have almost no food left." He said getting up and leaving his unfinished sandwich on the table.
When he was outside he took a deep shaky breath closing his eyes. Then he felt it. The lump on his throat and the sea of emotions threatening to spill from his eyes.
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