"Oh no. What's wrong? Why's everyone so sad at my party? Is it really that bad?" Jin asked disappointed.
Yoongi cleared his throat wiping his tears quickly. He had never cried for someone else before.
Hoseok was the only exception by far.
"I'm fine."
"You're crying. Something must be really wrong." He asked leaning on his car.
He had snuck out of his own party to get some fresh air outside. In reality the only reason he had thrown this early celebration to begin with was for Namjoon.
Just an excuse to see him.
Even though he had told himself he only wanted to play with his emotions it backfired on him. Big time.
Namjoon was so lovable.
It was impossible not to fall for his charm.
And just as Jin thought he could get a distraction he found his best friend crying outside. The night seemed to be getting worse by the second.
"You're my best friend, right?"
"So, if I ask you a question will you tell me the truth?"
"Of course yes."
Yoongi took a deep breath, "Is Hoseok dating again?"
Jin stayed silent unsure of how to respond. How cold he say the truth without hurting him? Yoongi was still clearly hung up on him.
"Jin?" He asked quietly. His silence was only feeding his inner thoughts which were not pleasant.
"Hey! We need some more beer!" A random guy screamed interrupting the silence.
Jin couldn't help to be thankful for this. "Is he here?" Yoongi proceed to ask. It should be Hoseok who he should be asking not him.
"Where's the beer?" The guy asked.
"I need to speak to him. As your best friend can you at least tell me that?"
"Dude. The beer. Do I need to go bu-?"
"Oh for fucks sakes. There's no more damn beer. I have disinfecting alcohol bottles in the bathroom it's the same shit. Now bye." Jin snapped.
The guy groaned stomping away. He stabilized his breathing and finally looked at Yoongi.
"He's not here, but I think you know where he's at."
Yoongi nodded biting the inside of his lip. "Yeah. I think I do. I have to get going. I need to..."
"Yeah sure."
Yoongi started walking to the house leaving Jin confused. "I thought you were leaving." He stated.
"I am. I just have to look for someone first."
Jimin was sitting in a dark room crying still applying pressure to his hand. He was trying not to be a crybaby.
Yoongi had just hurt his feeling so much. He felt more than everyone here and to feel that much was a curse.
His pain was heighten to the point he didn't know how to handle it. A sudden noise made him abruptly look up.
A tall figure entered the dark room. It was a man. Jimin could tell by his silhouette. He tripped over something hurting himself.
"Fucking shit. Damn."
Jimin kept quiet unsure whether he should speak or not. The man turned on the lamp and rubbed his shin wincing.
It took a few seconds but the figure felt someone staring at him. Jimin noted that he had a bottle of disinfecting alcohol on the other hand.
The man turned around and jumped startled. "What the fuck? Who are you?"
"Who are you?" Jimin asked equally confused.
"You're bleeding!" He exclaimed kneeling down.
"Uh huh. It's okay. It will go away."
"Have you called the ambulance?"
"No. I'm truly okay. You humans are so paranoid with blood."
The guy looked up at him unsure, "Are you really okay? Will you bleed to death?"
"Very unlikely."
"Dammit. Not because of you of course. I just wanted to get that Jin dude in trouble."
"So you want to blame that arrogant rich kid for my bloody hand?"
"No. Now that I think about it that's too extreme."
"What did he do to you?" Jimin wondered.
"I asked him for beers and he told me too drink this." He said holding up the alcohol.
"You should only drink that if you want cirrhosis."
The guy laughed, "Fuck no I'm not drinking this. I just took it to be rebellious. What the hell is cirr...that fancy word?"
"It is chronic liver damage. It can happen from drinking too much."
"Ahhh. Does drinking socially count?"
"No. You can drink just do it moderately and don't over do it."
"Noted. Why were you crying? Because of your hand?"
Jimin nodded though this wasn't true. "Yeah. It hurts."
"Let me take a look at it. I might can—holy shit. Fuck that. Cover that up. You need to go to a hospital right now." He said quickly looking away.
Jimin stared at the deep cuts in his hand in amusement. It had at least stopped bleeding as heavily.
"It's not that bad."
"Still cover it up." He squealed horrified.
"Right. I forgot blood makes you queasy." He wrapped it back up and sighed.
"Is it all covered?"
"Okay. That is something." He mumbled pulling out a plastic bag from his pocket.
"What's that?"
"Can I have one?"
"You don't look like that type of person."
"I'm hungry."
He laughed, "This will only make it worse."
"Then can I have one?"
"It's just that you really don't look like-"
"If you don't give me one you're a ball sack"
"What?" He chuckled.
"Ball sacks are weak."
"Shit. That ain't me. Fine you can have one at-"
Jimin took the bag and dumped them all in his mouth. "Oh my gosh! No! You're-oh-! You're oh my fuck—"
"What's the matter? Don't you have more?" He asked as he swallowed.
The guy smacked his forehead, "You're going to be so stoned!"
"I won't." Jimin stated.
"How do you know? I know you will."
"Let's just say I'm not your average person. I mean I didn't bleed to death."
The guy seemed to calm down a little more, "Yeah, yeah, you're right. It won't be as bad. Maybe it won't do that to yo...nope you're just going to have to throw it up. Come on buddy."
"I don't want to vomit. Believe me this won't affect me. I assure you."
"You're very confident right now but you just don't know. Come on get up." He said pulling on him.
Jimin remained seated. "Fuck. You look so tiny but are very heavy."
"Trust me it won't affect me."
"Let's get up. Hurry." He groaned pulling as hard as he could.
Jimin finally gave up and stood up himself. Poor guy. He would only get a hernia at this point if he kept pulling.
"Okay. I saw a bathroom down the hall—"
"Listen, I'm an operating system that is designed to be indestructible. Alcohol and drugs don't work on me. I should know because I was designed that way. You have nothing to worry about."
"Holy shit. It's taking effect. I didn't know it worked that fast! It usually takes me—"
"It wont take effect. Why don't you believe me?"
The guy took a deep breath and kept leading him to the bathroom. "Okay. Sure. I believe you." He mumbled following his lead.
"And you know what else?"
"Umm what?"
"The guy I love is going to erase my memory in two and a half months."
"Oh, shit. Okay." He said amused. Wow. They were really affecting him.
"He's still in love with his ex boyfriend. They dated five years but broke up a little over a year ago. His ex has already moved on and he's still a infatuated with him. Isn't that something? My lover is so toxic."
"Yeah. That is fucked up. That's pretty insane. He is totally toxic. Alright now lean on the toilet and stick your finger down your throat. Come on. One, two, thr-"
"Hey! What are you doing to him?" Yoongi screamed.
The guy straightened up and blinked fast. "I'm...making him puke."
"Get away from him." He said grabbing Jimin's forearm and pulling him away.
"I can explain—"
Before the guy could finish his sentence Jimin spoke up. "I don't know him." He said stepping back.
Yoongi sighed, "Jimin come on. Let's go home. We need to talk."
"I don't know this person." He repeated bitterly.
"Stranger danger! Stranger danger!" He screamed as Yoongi walked closer.
"Fuck. Jimin. Please. Come on."
"He said he don't know you. He doesn't have to go with you." The guy told.
"Are you serious? He doesn't know you! I know him very well. He's just angry at me. Come on."
Jimin sighed walking out of the bathroom. "You don't have to go with him if you don't want to." The guy added.
"It's fine. He's the toxic person I told you about."
Yoongi raised both eyebrows confused and a bit hurt. The guy nodded in realization. He was about to say something else when Yoongi closed the bathroom door behind.
They guy didn't even get to tell him his name.
"What were you thinking trusting that guy?" Yoongi scolded.
"Jimin are you going to talk to me?" He asked trying to keep up with him.
"What did you mean about me being toxic? Am I really?"
Jimih didn't bother to answer and kept on walking until he saw his vehicle. "Jimin—"
"I'm done."
"I'm done with this. I can't keep holding on to you if you don't want me to. You're obviously still in love with Hoseok. I can't change that. The only reason I'm going home with you is because I have no one else. Don't worry. I won't bother you no more."
Yoongi shakily extended his hand out to touch him. It suddenly felt like all of the air was being taken from him.
Jimin looked at him. Deep sadness was plastered all over his face. He didn't want to let go, but he had to.
"I'm done damaging myself to fit in your life. I'm destroying myself for you and you don't even care about me."
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