Yoongi waved goodbye to the employee standing by the gate. He dug inside his pocket looking for his car keys.
When he finally found them he accidentally dropped his empty coffee cup on the ground. Before he could reach over to pick it up someone took it.
"Still drinking coffee huh? You know it's horrible for your teeth?"
"Jin. Hi. Yeah...I'm still obsessed with coffee." He whispered.
Jin smiled handing him the cup back. "So you work here now?"
"Yeah. Umm...yes."
"Cool. I totally forgot about that. I'm still waiting for your call."
"Sorry. I...I don't know." He told unable to lie.
He was a horribly liar to begin with. Jin's intimidating gaze didn't make it any easier to deal with.
"You don't know?"
"It feels weird talking again. Am I making sense to you?"
"No. It doesn't make sense. You're the one making it weird."
He sighed, "I suppose. I can't get over what happened."
"But, I'm still your best friend right?" He asked concerned.
He nodded, "Of course."
"Do you want to come to a dinner I'm hosting? Namjoon will be invited too. I know you work with him."
"Dinner?" He wondered. The first person to come to mind was Hoseok. The thought of seeing him after so long made him queasy.
"Yes. It's Thursday evening. Nothing big really. The dinner is actually for your boss."
"My boss?"
"Yep. He's been really nice to me. Even more than my father," he chuckled. Then cleared his throat before they got into that subject.
It was a forever long story.
"Anyways. Yeah."
"Will he be there?" He whispered.
Jin shrugged, "Do you want him to be there?"
Now the one that shrugged was him. He wasn't sure he was ready to face him. First, he wanted to know everything about Hoseok's life.
He wanted to know if he was dating someone. Was he happy? Did he miss him? He needed to know this before facing him.
It was for mental preparation.
"I don't know." He finally responded.
"Maybe I should invite him. I think you need some closure."
"Closure? Why-why do you say that? Is he..." over me?
"I'll rather not get into it. He's my friend too. I don't want to be in the middle of this. I care about you both."
"Don't invite him." He quickly said. After hearing the word closure it scared him. Jin nodded in understatement.
"Okay. I won't."
"I should get going. I need to do some stuff."
"Alright. Can I count you in for that dinner?"
"Great. Umm..." he awkwardly extended his arms for a hug. Yoongi cleared his throat and leaned in for one.
He remained tense for the couple of seconds that they were close. When he pulled away he forced a smile.
"Goodbye Jin."
"Bye. I'll see you Thursday."
Yoongi kept walking to his car finally being able to take deep breaths. He turned on his car and immediately drove away.
Meanwhile Jin kept waiting outside the building. Until a a familiar lanky figure was walking out.
"Why did you block my number?" He asked approaching him.
Namjoon sighed and kept trying to get by. Jin stood in the way and though they were both the same height Jin was much stronger.
"I don't want to be associated with you. I thought I made that pretty clear."
"You stupid dick. You should be thankful I spoke good of you. He would've fired you if I would've said the word."
Namjoon felt the tips of his ears turn red. "I owe you nothing. You're so full of yourself it makes me sick. I never told you to speak good of me. The only reason I didn't tell my boss how you really are is because he obviously cares about you. I don't want to ruin his affection for you. You're the one that owes me not viceversa."
Jin opened his mouth to say a come back but his mind went blank. Namjoon headed away leaving him behind shocked.
He had never encountered someone like him before. Everyone else had always been nice to him even if it was fake.
He was used to manipulating people to his advantage. The simple fact that Namjoon was the complete opposite only attracted him more.
Namjoon was almost to his car so he sprinted to him. "I'm hosting a dinner this Thursday. You better be there." He told.
He scoffed, "Get a life and leave me alone."
"I said you will be there." He harshly repeated only this time gripping his forearm.
Namjoon tried to pull away however his grip was simply too strong. "Let me go!" He whispered screamed.
"Not until you say you will be there."
"I fucking told you I'm not your toy. I won't do what you say. I could never picture myself talking to someone like you. You're everything I despise about humanity."
Jin suddenly let go. Sure he was heartless 99% of the time. That didn't mean that 1% didn't creep in at times.
And Namjoon's statement hurt.
It physically hurt.
He quickly recomposed himself when he spotted his dads friend coming out of the main entrance.
"Hello Jaegeun! How are you?"
Namjoon turned around and spotted his boss. They greeted in a hug and everything. He wanted to walk away so bad, but couldn't. That would be rude. He didn't want to be like Jin.
"So, I was telling Namjoon about a dinner I'm having over at my house. If you want to come that'd be great. Namjoon you are coming, right?" He smirked.
"Oh no. I...I have to do something that day. I can't."
"What? But he would love to have you there, am I right?"
"Yes I would! Come on Namjoon. Let's go."
He nervously bit the inside of his cheek. "Uhhh...I'll see if I can make it." And by that he meant hell no.
"Anyways, I should get going. Bye." He added quickly excusing himself.
Jin looked at him the whole time until he was in his vehicle. He smirked and turned back around.
Now he was definitely more intrigued.
"Mortal, I demand new towels."
"Oh no. You're clearly feeling better if you're demanding shit." He chuckled.
He had just walked in and that's the first thing he said. "I don't like mine. I want yellow ones."
"Of course you do. I don't see the point of getting new ones. They're perfectly fine."
"They're blue."
"Like the sky."
"I want yellow."
"Like this dick."
"What?" Jimin shrieked.
"I'm messing. Okay fine. I will get you yellow towels. Happy?"
Jimin nodded excitedly. When Yoongi turned around to set his stuff down the comment he had said earlier came to mind.
Then he felt his face get warm. He touched it and his eyes widen. Blushing. He was blushing.
"What did you make for dinner?" Yoongi asked.
Jimin faced away from him and cleared his throat. "Uhh...spaghetti."
"Cool. I'm going to change and we will eat, okay?" He walked by him and Jimin then turned the opposite way.
"Whats wring?"
"Nothing." He responded.
Yoongi shrugged and kept on walking. When he was finally away he walked to the nearest mirror.
His face got redder as he saw his reflection. Oh no. First insecurity and now embarrassment? It was all happening so fast.
He looked away and paced around. It took a few seconds for the blushing to go away. He distracted himself by fixing the food plates.
Yoongi arrived minutes later wearing gym shorts and an oversized t-shirt. "It's ready." He said.
"Thanks. You can actually be nice sometimes." He teased.
"Yeah same time you." He smiled.
Yoongi immediately picked up his fork and Jimin grabbed his forearm to stop him. "Have you washed your hands you unsanitary rat?"
"Yes. I actually have. You ain't my momma last time I checked."
Jimin rolled his eyes as he finished washing his hands. "Whatever. You act like my dad and last time I recall I don't have one. So ha!"
"Your point is totally irrelevant." He laughed.
Jimin stuck his tongue out at him making Yoongi raise his eyebrows. "Oh. We're being petty now aren't we?"
"Yes we are." He stated.
"I can fucking do that too bitch." He said sticking his out.
"Jokes on you, you animal because my tongue is bigger."
"No mine is."
"No look at mine!"
"I think we should measure them just so you know mine is clearly the biggest." Yoongi said.
"How do we do that?"
"We can put our tongues against each other." Yoongi suggested.
They kept quiet after his comment. He wished he hadn't said that because it had just made things weird.
Jimin could feel a blush creeping in again. "No! Gross! I don't want your bacteria."
"I don't want your bacteria either." He told looking away.
A few minutes went by with no words being said. Until Yoongi finally spoke up again. "Hey Jimin,"
"Jin invited me over to his house."
"That disrespectful unmannered boy? You're not going are you?"
"He's my friend. He's nice to me."
"He's so unpleasant. I don't understand how you deal with that."
"He's nice to me." He repeated.
"What do you want me to say?"
He shrugged starting to play with his food. He needed approval. If he agreed he'd go. He just needed some sort of pushing to go.
"You want me to encourage you to go, right? Because you think no he will be there."
Yoongi slowly nodded his head. Jimin was now the one avoiding eye contact. He was designed to be brutally honest.
And if he was honest he didn't want Yoongi to go.
But either way he made himself lie. "Sure. You should go." He said quietly. Yoongi smiled and continued eating.
Jimin got an unpleasant feeling in the center of his stomach. He hated feeling.
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