"Hey. How are you?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi raised both eyebrows as a greeting while he swallowed the food in his mouth.
"Good and yourself?" He asked once he could speak. Sure he talked with a mouth full in front of Jimin, but not if front of others.
"Good. Wow. I see you're defenitely switching it up now."
"Ahh. Jimin made this. He has a lot of spare time."
"That's so nice of him. Jungkook makes food for me too! He's the sweetest."
"Oh Jimin didn't make this for me. I stole it."
"Oh. Okay." Namjoon responded confused.
"How was your weekend?" He asked taking a seat in front of him. He opened up the container which was filled with spaghetti. Jungkook had made for him.
"Ehh...it was okay. It was my work weekend so that was fun."
"Don't you like spending time with your model?"
"That's very debatable. How was your weekend? Didn't you go see uhh...Jin?"
The reason he had brought that up in the first place was because he still hadn't messaged him. He couldn't bring himself to make plans with him.
It was simply too weird and it hurt to even think about it. It was too painful to know that their friendship had slowly gone down the drain.
Namjoon stopped eating and looked up. He had a blank stare. It took him a couple of seconds to speak again.
"Yeah. I did."
"You don't sound very thrilled about it."
"I will try to say this the nicest way I can. Your friend is a dick."
Yoongi hummed taking a sip of his water. Namjoon raised an eyebrow, "You don't seem very surprised about my comment."
"I'm not. Jin can come off as rude and arrogant."
"He is rude and arrogant. I don't understand how you're friends with him."
"I've known him for a long time. He's very nice to me, but I am aware his personality is strong. Not everyone can handle that."
"I sure can't. I'll much rather work with his friend. He was really nice to me and had the prettiest smile! I mean he was such a happy person that it literally made me happy just to see him. His hair was this washed out orange and it looked really good. I could never pull that off."
No, it can't be.
"His friend? Do you know his name?" He whispered.
"Uhh...Hoseok. That's what Jin called him. I'm telling you he was really..."
Yoongi stopped listening once he heard his name. His thoughts were racing to the max so even if he wanted to pay attention he couldn't.
It was Hoseok.
He had orange hair now.
He was happy.
He was still friends with Jin.
He was over at Jin's house.
That was so close to him.
"Everything okay?"
"Huh? Yeah. I-I should get going." He mumbled getting up. The food didn't taste as good as it did a while back.
"Okay. Talk to you later."
Yoongi nodded walking to the exit. He stopped abruptly and turned around to look at him. He couldn't not ask this question.
"Hey were they with anyone?"
The only thing Yoongi really cared about was wether Hoseok was with someone new. The queasy unsteady feeling was getting worse as the seconds went by.
"No. It was just them two."
He sighed relieved, "Okay. Uhh...bye. Have a good lunch."
When he was back in his office he took a seat staring at the white wall. Then he couldn't stop himself from opening up his drawer.
There he kept the picture frame that was once part of his desk decoration. It was a picture of them two.
Hoseok looked so in love with him back then.
If Yoongi could design a machine that could take you back in time he would with no doubts. He'd give anything to relive the happiest moments of his life.
"Mortal, I demand more mayonnaise."
"You go through twenty jars a week. That's ridiculous don't you think?"
"No. It's not."
"You need to find something else to eat."
"Can you take me to get some ice cream?"
Yoongi hummed, "Hmm. Okay. Only because I want some too."
"What? You're actually being nice? Wow." He teased.
"Keep on and I won't go." He said grabbing his keys.
Jimin mimicked him and Yoongi frowned. "I know what you're doing." He said without even looking.
"You know me so well."
"I did design you so yeah."
When they were in the car Jimin turned on the radio at full blast. Yoongi tried to turn it down but was stopped.
"I like the music."
"It's too loud. People will be able to hear it as we drive by."
"Yeah so?"
"I already told you I'm not like you. I actually care."
"Always caring too much. That's your problem." He rolled his eyes.
A couple minutes went by and he finally pulled up in a store parking lot. They walked in and Jimin immediately went to the nearest freezer.
"Hey! Wait up!" He told rushing behind him.
Jimin didn't listen and kept on going. He finally caught up to him and found him on the floor in a criss crossed position.
"Jimin! You can't sit here!" He whispered embarrassed.
As the people kept walking by they looked at him. "Why not? I can see better like this." He told looking at the variety of flavors.
"Jimin please get up." He said softly. His face was red from all the attention they were both getting.
"Sit with me. It looks less weird than you hovering over me."
"No I don—"
"Ball sack. Do it."
Yoongi shook his head no. So he grabbed him and pulled him down with no problem. "Stop it!" He quietly shrieked.
"You care too much." He replied reaching over to grab a Oreo flavor container.
Yoongi wanted to get up, but he was so humiliated he thought if he sat still no one would notice.
"I can't believe you did that."
"What do you think of this?"
"I tried to be a well manner human and you only pulled me—"
"Or how about this one?" He asked again and held up a birthday cake flavor.
Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek unable to respond right away. Was it stupid that little things reminded him of Hoseok?
"Ah. It's that bad huh?"
"That's Hoseok's favorite." He quietly mumbled.
Jimin nodded putting it back. "Okay. Noted. I liked the Oreo better either way. You want one too?"
"Yeah." He vaguely said.
They both got up and proceeded to check out. Yoongi made sure to grab a bag of disposable spoons on the way.
When they were back in the car they both started eating the ice cream. Jimin was savoring every seconds of it while Yoongi didn't look as happy.
"This is too good. I'm almost done with mine!" He screamed excited.
"Tell me about Hoseok. Before you two split up. He means a lot to you if you still think about him."
Yoongi sighed resting his head back. "Hoseok is light. He's...sweet, funny, caring, and so loving. He's a great dancer compared to me. Loves to eat sweets and hates sour candy. Sprite is his favorite drink and green is his favorite color. He loves to draw and be creative. He's everything I'm not and that's why I love him."
"Why didn't you make me like him?"
"What do you mean?" Yoongi asked looking at him.
"You could've made me look and be like him and you didn't."
He chuckled sadly, "Jimin it doesn't work like that. I couldn't have done that. It would've been weird. That's like cloning. It's—"
"So why didn't you make me be like him then? I could be making you so happy right now."
"I guess I feel guilty."
"Why? Because of him? Do you feel like you're cheating?"
"Yes and also because...I'll be using you. And that makes me feel bad, okay? Like you said I care too much."
"So you'll rather hate me then?" He teased.
"Well...yes." He admitted.
"Oh sucks for you Min Yoongi. One way or another I'll get you to like me eventually."
And he would.
so sorry for the late update. got really busy at work. take care luvs <3 (excuse any typos that i missed). also how are you guys liking this story? let me know what you think (:
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