"Who's the Real Villain?"
*This is kind of a prompt/part of a story*
Izuku stared down at the body of Twice. These so-called 'heroes' decided to kill him. Yes, he was a villain, but that didn't mean he deserved to die.
The other L.O.V. members looked at the same scene, either tears streaming down their faces or shaking with anger.
"Tch.." Izuku stormed forward, blocking Twice's body from the view of the 'heroes' and the students. Izuku ripped off his mask and glared angrily at them.
All Might immediately recognize the boy, and of course, Katsuki knew him well.
"You really call yourselves 'Heroes'? How can you call yourselves heroes when you only save people you deem important!" Izuku screamed. What remained of the L.O.V. stared at Izuku in shock. He was normally subdued, quiet, but this anger this hatred it scared even them. They could feel it rolling off of him in waves, it was crushing, and it froze everyone in their tracks. If Bakugou and All Might didn't know any better they would've assumed it was a quirk.
"Answer me!" Izuku screeched, "How the hell can you guys call yourselves heroes when you kill people! How can you call yourselves heroes when you stand by and watch people be abused and neglected!"
Izuku turned and looked into Bakugou's eyes, scalding emeralds clashing with petrified rubies, "How that hell can you call yourself a hero when you know exactly what you did to me." Izuku growled out.
Izuku chuckled, rage still clear in his aura and vice, "Oh that's right! You were born with a 'heroic' quirk! IT doesn't matter that you're an abusive narcissist with a superiority complex! It doesn't matter that you bullied and abused me for over ten years!"
"And it sure as hell doesn't matter that you repeatedly told me to kill myself! And for what! Because I'm a useless quirkless moron who'll never be worth anything to anyone?"
"Thats not my name!" Izuku screamed, "Call me that again and I will cut your fucking hands off! You're a hero you aren't supposed to do things like kill people 'Kacchan~'" Izuku ended in a mocking tone, "But me? I'm a fucking villain! This is the life I was forced into because of your bullshit society!"
"Your system is flawed and no matter what it talked The Leauge will bring down and reform this broken society! Even if it takes killing every 'hero' on the planet!" Izuku ended, just before a purple mist portal enveloped him.
The league had escaped again, but this time they left many people with doubt of what they were getting into.
I can definitely do better than this, but this was just kind of a quick blurb thing.
Tell me if you liked it and what you would like to see from this possible fic.
I'm thinking some Villain Shinsou~
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