I'm Sad ✌
I'm sad so heres a lil scenario that my brain came up with about if Izuku stayed quirkless
Izuku was slammed on to the chair by his classmates, who had begun to crowd around him as a way to block his escape.
Not that he would try to, hes stopped trying along time ago.
They were att looking at him, some with broad grins full of sadistic delight, others filled with curiosity at what quirk would be tested on the quirkless boy today.
This was nothing new. His classmates would test their quirks on him all the time, it's been like this since he was announced quirkless.
He's used to being treated like this. Used as a punching bag, a test dummy, seen as less than the dirt beneath people's heels.
"Whose trying out their quirk today?" One of his female class mates said, scanning the group of eager possible participants and spectators.
"Me." Another girl announced as she stepped forward. Excited whispers grew into cheers and encouragement as she got closer.
Izuku didn't pay any mind to them. His once vibrant green eyes staring down at the floor, white noise blocking him from hearing the crowd, head devoid of all thoughts.
She reached her hand out, gripping Izuku's face as she activated her quirk.
Almost immediately a cloud of white smoke formed above the greenette's head.
It began to show his memories. The most vibrant ones that always stuck out to him.
Those just so happened to be the worst ones. The ones that haunt his dreams and keep him awake at night. The ones that are always trying to buzz around in his mind to remind him of how worthless, useless, stupid he was.
The memories started with his diagnosis. The day he was declared quirkless, his early death sentence.
It faded into another, his next day at school. When everyone turned on him, began looking at him in disgust, started to ignore him at all costs.
The next memories shown was a week later the first time Kacch- Bakugou, his name is Bakugou, used his quirk on him.
He still has the scar from that. It maybe small and faded, but he can still feel the phantom burning, just like he can still feel the imaginatory pains of all of his other scars.
The memories continued to play, all of the worst moments of his life. Each and every one, the replay seemed to be getting slightly faster as time went on.
Until that day in middle school. The day of the sludge villain. The day he met his hero, and they crushed his dreams.
The day he fully began to lose his will to live.
The memories speed back up slightly after that. They continued to show everything. Every time he was slammed into a locker, punched, kicked, everything.
It stopped when it reached his most recent memory of being slammed down onto the chair he's currently sitting in, eyes glazed, mind empty due to the quirk.
The cloud above him faded, his conciousness retuning, but he did nothing to move from the position he was in, slumped forward, eyes focused on the floor in front of him.
His classmates looked at him on pity, a few had tears streaming down their faces. Someone moved forward in an attempt to touch Izuku, most likely as a way to make sure he's alright.
He's not. He hasn't been fir years.
The berly there touch only served to make him flinch away, violently, to the point the chair fell backwards and a load thud sounded through the room.
He lay there fir a few seconds before he maneuvered himself into a standing position.
Empty, pain filled emeralds observed his classmates for a moment. He saw those with tear stained faces, everyone now looking at him with pity or some sick, twisted form of compation.
He turned and began to slowly walk away. He stopped just before the door fir a few seconds, turning his attention to the teens whose eyes followed him.
"Don't try to change the way you treat me just because you feel bad now that you know my past." He said quiet, and monotonously.
Turning away, he made his way out of the room, down the hall, out of the school.
All the while his classmates were frozen with what emotion none of them knew.
After that day, everyone who was there that day after school began to avoid Izuku.
They didn't want to hurt him more than they already had, weather it was for themselves or for his sake, no one could say.
Lmao, yeah I'm sad.
My mom found out I was suicidal today even though I have been for years and she just never noticed to that's fun.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this little sad oneshot kinda thing? Idk. It doesn't really belong here, but idk where else to put it. I had a oneshot book, bit I got rid of it because I didn't use it, like, at all.
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