This is going to be a MomoTodoIidaDeku
Momo, Shoto, and Iida are all soulmates - they are very happy together and have a great relationship. They are seen as the power thruple of UA.
Izuku and Katsuki are soulmates, but they just don't work together. Especily not after Katsuki nearly killed Izuku. He shoved him and Izuku ended up falling into traffic, Katsuki freaked the fuck out and got supper protective over him, but Izuku wasn't having it
"Don't start acting like you care about me now. You have been nothing, but horrible to me for years! I'm not giving you anymore chances, you went to far so many fucking times, Katsuki, but this was the last straw! You almost fucking killed me!"
Izuku got his soulmark removed, leaving him markless
(Should I give Izuku a trauma induced quirk or should I leave him quirkless?)
Izuku and Katsuki both get into UA,but they don't talk to each other, Aizawa know about their history and refuses to pair them up together.
Over the half year everyone in 1-A is together they start wondering about Katsuki and Izuku and why they don't get along - Our power thruple have also started to catch feelings for the markless boy
They end up asking him out in a kind of over the top way - They basically just put a bunch of candies, plushies, and other gifts infrount of his door with a love letter from each of them asking him to go out with all three of them - IZuku is flustered, but ultimately says yes
This is the point that it really sunk in for Katsuki that he's never getting Izuku back, he does end up congratulating Izuku and asks of they can tell the class about what happened so they stop getting bothered about it - Izuku agrees
They tell the class a few weeks after Izuku joined his poly lovers and everyone is horrified and pissed (Iida nearly jumps Bakugou [This man tried to kill someone for revenge don't tell me he wouldn't beat Katsuki's ass for his S/O])
(I'll write more on this later-)
(Suggestions are opened, I might make this a TodoIidaMomoShinDeku though instead)
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