7 Deadly Sins
Izuku and his six brothers all have a quirk related to one of the seven deadly sins.
Izuku - Gluttony: Izuku's quirk makes him have an appearance similar to a demon, but also makes him look and smell sweet in the literal sense of the word. The more food he eats the more energy and power he has, the effect is doubled if the food consumed is sweet or sugary in some way. Dinks also effect his quirk, though on a smaller scale.
Yamikumo - Sloth: Yamikumo''s quirk makes him have an appearance similar to a demon, but also makes him look like the night sky in a way. The more he sleeps/rests the stronger he is. If he sleeps during the day his power intake is doubled.
Lux - Greed: Lux's quirk makes him have an appearance similar to a demon, but also make him appear to have gold, silver, and jewled flecks sprinkled in/on his hair, eyes, and skin. His quirk causes him to hoard anything he sees as valuable, the bigger his hoard and the nearer to it he is, the stronger he is.
Isami - Wrath: Isami's quirk makes him have an appearance similar to a demon, but also makes him have a firey appearance and an intimidating aura. His power comes directly from fighting and winning, the more fights he wins in a row the stronger he gets. The effects don't last more than 8 hours after the last battle he had.
Hoshi - Pride: Hoshi's quirk makes him have an appearance similar to a demon, but also give him a literal natural glow, and eye catching appearance. The more eyes he has on him, the stronger he is.
Yokubo - Lust: Yokubo's quirk makes him have an appearance similar to a demon, but also gives him an extremely desireable physique to both the male ad female sexes. While he is male, he officially looks and sounds like neither due to his quirk. His quirk becomes more powerful the more lustful acts he commits (I.e Making out w/ toung, groaping, etc.) [Every act he tasks part in is consentual - He's had to many experienced with others trying to touch him without his consent. If he sees that shit happening he'll throw hands]
Urami - Envy: Urami 's quirk makes him have an appearance similar to a demon, but also gives him the appearance of a gorgon, specifically medusa. His hair is made of snakes. He gains power by making others jealous of him. It also works in he is made jealous though at a much more diluted scale. (He only has scales, snake hair, and slited eyes. He doesn't have a snake tail)
Yokubo is the oldest at 19. Urami secnd oldest at 18. Hoshi third oldest at 17. Isami is the direct middle child at 16. Lux is the third youngest at 15. Yamikumo and Izuku are twins, both are 14, but Izuku is the youngest by two minuets.
The family's last name is Midoriya-Morningstar, but most of the family just uses one or the other. Especily the twins they normally ask Izuku to be called Midoriya and Yamikumo to be called Morningstar to avoid both confution and indirect rudness by using their first names without permission.
Thier Dad, Hisashi Lucifer Midoriya-Morningstar, had a fallen angel quirk.
Inko has a poltergist quirk, but its labeled as minor telekinesis.
(I'll add to this AU more later)
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