Perfect moments and unwanted company
Everyday was the same process do chores, and go looking for wade and shane from dusk until dawn. Then take watch for the night.
Thats what i was doing now taking watch.
"(Y/n) you ok up here?" Mark asked concerned.
"Y-yea just hoping to find wade...and shane i guess."
He scoffed.
"Shane was a bit of a douche."
"A little bit?"
"Okay he was a huge douche happy?"
"Very." I said smiling.
He laughed. "Youre horrible that guy could be dead and youre making fun of him."
"Well look who said he was a douche." I retorted playfully.
"Touche m'lady." I he said playfully.
I smiled. "So we dont talk much anymore,how you holding up?"
"Im good i dont know why i wouldnt be."
"Well i mean your best friend and your mom died and your other best friend is missing.i wouldnt be ok."
"I mean i feel like theyre in a better place down here is hell im glad they dont have to suffer anymore.its just the way it is now people die its as simple as that."
"Soo mark i went through my sketch book and my sisters fanart is missing."
"Oh are they now." He said in a funny voice.
"Yes they are and i think you took them."
"Ok i did i couldnt help it they were so cute the chibi drawing of me was sooo adorable!!!"
We both laughed.
"Okay since you like my sisters cartoon styled drawings how about i sketch you?"
"Sure i got nothing better to do."
"Yay ive gotten nothin better to do either,"
We both laughed once more. I got out my sketchbook which i left in this tower cause i spend a lot of time up here.
And mark sat in an extra chair i had.
"Sketch me like one of your french girls." He said playfully,
We both giggled
Mark made a chilled pose while sitting in the chair. He was leaned over with his elbows on his knees and he put his fingertips together. The wind begin to blow in his faded red hair. His light brown eyes glimmered in the moonlight and the moonlight made his skin illuminate.
It was like i was seeing him for the first time. He was....beautiful. i blushed and continued to draw him in his moment of perfection. I took a mental picture just so i never forget it. For the first time i actually felt happy.
Mark's pov:
(Its been sooo loong i know.)
She was drawing me. While looking at her i felt like i was witnessing perfection. Her (eye color.) Brightened in the moonlight. The wind blew her silky (hair color.) Into her face a bit it was beautiful. When shed look at me id catch her smiling or biting her lip like she was thinking about something. I couldnt help but smile. I captured this picture in my mind just so i can remember all isnt bad in the world. There is still some good, some pure some innocence left. Like her (full name.) Is the one thing good in this world from what i can see. And thats all i need.wait did i really just think that?
Could i be falling for her?
Could i?
I think im falling for her.
"Alright well i got the basic outline for your sketch ill have it done in two days at the most." She said closing her sketchbook.
"Oh ok." I said snapping out of my trance.
"Under a spell are we?" She asked playfully.
"Noo!" I lied. "Just deep in thought."
"Was the thought bad?" She asked worried.
"Oh no all good thoughts." I reassured her.
"Okay good.....i always wonder what goes on in that head of yours" she said ruffling my hair.
"A war." I joked
She smiled.
"No shit sherlock."
"Hey (y/n) you havent slept in a while you should go lay down."
"No!" She quickly replied.
"Why not."
"I cant, i feel like if i sleep again somebody will die or disappear."
"What if you have someone else do your job for you?"
"No thats how wade went missing!!"
"What if someone you trusted stood watch for the night?"
"Like whom?"
"Like rick and a bonus Daryl you know hes a a sharp shooter."
"I mean i gue-"
"Great!!" I took my walkie talkie off my hip and 'called for rick and Daryl.
"Hey guys she said yes you guys doing good over there in the other watch tower or do you wanna come over to watch tower a?over"
"We're good here in tower b. Over" rick replied.
"Good over and out." I said.
I grabbed (y/n)'s hand and we walked over to the cell block. I wanted to make sure she really went to bed and wasnt pullin my leg so she could waltz back into the watch tower again. Once i walked her into her cell i went to my cell and laid on the top bunk i stared at the ceiling thinking about (y/n) how beautiful and radiant she looked. She kept me up i couldnt stop thinking about her, so i got up and went to her cell to check on her.
She too was still up.
"Cant sleep?" I asked.
Your pov:
"Cant sleep?" A sexy masculine voice asked, i jumped. It was mark i took a sigh of relief.
"Yea." I replied.
"You jumped why?"
'Youll have to tell him sooner or later.'
I sighed "ok after i met you guys i had this strange feeling like i was being watched at first i thought maybe it was just my imagination and i carried on i thought itll go away soon but it just followed me here to the prison "
Marks eyes popped out of his head.
"Has been watching you and you havent told me?!?" He almost yelled.
"I thought it would go away!"
"Have you been feeling this way lately?"
"No but i still get nervous."
"Well tonight ill sleep here with you tonight tomorrow we will tell sean and we're going to be watching over you."
"Mark ill be fine im not a baby."
"I dont care if somebody's stalking you then eventually they will try and do something stupid."
"But you shouldnt stay up watching over me."
"Im not im going to sleep right next to you. Youre sleeping in my arms!!"
I blushed.
"For protection purposes!!"
"Ok" i laid down and mark laid beside me wrapping his arms around me. I blushed more.
I thought about my friends and what they are saying while looking down on me from the cloud probably going all legally blonde the musical on me.
'Oh my god oh my god you guys!!my bestie(y/n) falling in love before my eyes. If you want a perfect couple then these two would qualify oh my god you guys!!'
I giggled and went to sleep.
i wake up my head on mark's chest i blushed.
'friends do this right?right?!'
i got up and we down stairs and ate breakfast did a regular attendance check to make sure everyone is here and safe. soon mark came down in a skin tight tshirt showing off his muscles.
he threw his beige button up shirt over it and began to button it up.
"good morning everyone!" he said enthusiastically.
"good morning!!" everyone said in unison.while eating.
"morning mark." i said smiling.
"hey (y/n),did you sleep pretty good last night?"
i blushed a bit mostly because my mind took it the wrong way. WHY?!
"uh yea thanks for comforting me."
"speaking of which where's jack we need to tell him."
"hes outside, but look i dont htink its really necessary i dont want him to worry. its just a creep watching me that's all its not like they've done any harm."
"not yet and its not gonna happen im going to tell sean and we are going to find this creep and put a stop to him before he does something."he said. he took an apple from the table and took a bite."good apple growing by the way keep it up." he said giving me a kiss on the cheek. i blushed even more.
'he...just....kissed my cheek!'
"ooooooh lovestruck are we?" thomas asked.
i just gawked for a slight second."shut up thomas!!"
sean stormed inside of the prison like jacob from twillight.
'oh shit'
"(y/n) why the hell didnt you tell me?!?!"
"Tell you what ?"rick butted in
"she's being stalked!!" sean yelled everyone panicked a bit.
"quiet down its not a big deal nothing extreme has taken place." i said calming them down
"but it possibly could we need to take extra steps to make sure this place stays safe." rick said.
"we've done that what more can we do?"
i raised my hand.
"NOT YOU!!!" sean said.
i pouted.
carol,maggie,tyreese,and sasha raised there hands.
"great you three will be in charge of taking note of all inside activity until we find who this stalker is!!" sean said getting down from the table.
they all nodded.
"we better get going for a daily search for wade and shane." i said to him.
"you are staying here and you are going to get rested ill ask glenn to guard your cell. me,mark,thomas,daryl and rick will go looking for them." sean said in a demanding voice.
"sean im not a kid!!"
"but you are my sister and if there is some creep stalking you im not taking any chances for them to snatch you up along the journey!!!!"
i sighed heavily. "fine."
"no funny business missy you are not allowed to out of this prison until i get back!!!"
"yes father!!" i said sarcastically. i roll my eyes and cross my arms.sean hugs me.
"i just want to protect you sissy." he whispers. i smile you cant stay mad at him for too long.
"i know,now can you go? i want to see you guys before the sun goes down."
"youve stayed up later with mark." he said smugly.
"shut-up ya dirty minded irish bastard!!" i said playfully.
"HEEY!!" true." sean said he left and went to find shane the douche and wade the weirdo.
i went to my cell and continued to draw my picture of mark. i still can remember him last night every detail. from head to toe. his messy faded red hair,his white tshirt under his beige unbuttoned button-up shirt. that blew in the west wind while the moon light hit him perfectly. making his light brown eyes seem so brighter and the moonlight washing over his skin making it shine. he was so...perfect,
'i guess you can say there is still perfection in the apocalypse'
"shut-up brain." i said to myself.
"you said something?" i heard glenn asked
i thought that jack was joking when he said that he'd have Glenn at my cell.apparently not. but i really want to get out of this prison i felt useless like i wasnt doing enough.
wade was missing and what am i doing?
sitting here drawing pictures of my crush!!
Oh god im admitting hes my crush!!
i need to get out of here this place is turning me into a softy!!
i get out of my cell and try to sneak pass glenn.
"(y/n) where are you going?"
"tooooooooooooo see laury." i lied.
"ok im coming with you."
"come on glenn really?"
"yes,sorry sean's orders he said if you go anywhere i have to be behind you at all times."
"(y/n) i kinda need relationship advice."
"from me?why?"
"cause youre a girl and girls know what a girl is looking for in a guy."
"arent you dating maggie"
"no!!i want to ask her out but i dont know how."
"i cant exactly say how but i say make it somewhere where it could be your special place, a place that no one knows about just you and her, somewhere you can get a view of the beauty of nature."
"are you rick ross's daughter?"
"no im just an artist."
glenn shakes his head. then maggie comes back with a new arrival another member!! i was actually happy about it. up until she lifted her was the bitch that my ex cheated on me with!!!i grabbed my gun and pointed it at her head.
suddenly mark runs inside "(y/n)!!!"
Mark's pov:
me and the others arrived at the prison exhausted and saddened that we still havent found shane and or wade yet, not even a clue.
"hey mark can i talk to you for a second?"
"yea, sure man what's on your mind?"'
"well mark i just wanted to ask if you-"
glen ran towards us.
"guys (y/n) has a gun is about to shoot the new arrival!!!"
"What?!?!?!?!?" i said sean and i ran inside and (y/n) was pointing her gun at the new arrival from the second floor balcony.
i ran upstairs and tried to grab the gun from her.
"mark no!!" she yelled in anger.
"who is she what has she done?" i asked trying to remain calm.
"that there is the the two-faced skank who stole my ex from me!!!"
i looked down the new arrival it was Chelsea?!
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