Our first 'date.'
Your pov:
I got up took a shower and enjoyed it very much. Once i did i put on a cute little dress i was given. With some alot white converse. I hate heels. I dont do makeup so i just went with what i had.i didnt look to bad. I actually looked hot!
Back to reality. I sat on the couch and waited for mark to come out of the room he was changing. He did and he looked amazing even though he was only wearing a simple white tshirt with jeans and white nikes he looked amazing to me.
Marks pov:
She looked stunning. When i seen her i was like.
Oh my god. (Usher reference XD.)
I couldnt keep my eyes off her,
Your pov:
"How do i look?" I asked shyly.
"Too good to be in the middle of an apocalypse." He said.
I giggle.
"Come on." He said grabbing my hand.
He lead me out of the door.
We walked through the town admiring everything we see hand in hand.
We bump into Jack.
"Oh i see hand holding is this what i think it is?!" Sean askd wiggling his humongous eyebrows.
"Yes its a date its what two people who love each other do to get to know each other better." Mark said as if he were a teacher teaching a kindergarten class.
"Even though ive been with you for as long a si can remember and i pretty much know you already." I said.
"Awwwww i ship it!" Sean said childishly.
Mark and i both giggle.
"Well continue on your lovey dovey stroll." Sean said.
I havent seen sean in so long i felt like i should hug him any chance that i Can I hug jack. "I missed you brubby." I said.sweetly.
Sean hugged back. "I missed you too sissy now have fun on your date we will have our brother and sister day tomorrow ok?" He said.
"Kk." I let go and hold Marks hand again.
We continue on our walk. "What was that far do you and sean have a pass i dont know about?" Mark asked
"No no i just really missed jack we havent seen him in forever yknow and we thought he was dead. And he isnt hes well and alive and nowadays a life is nothing to be taken for granted." I said.
"Youre right about that, thats why your life is so precious to me."
I smile brightly and blush he stops us and lifts me off of my feet and kisses me sweetly.
I wrap my arms around his neck. Time stops in the instant and fireworks go off.
Until he puts me down.
"What was that for?" I said.
"I couldnt help myself the time seemed so perfect the sun was shining on you the wind was in your hair you look so beautiful i couldn't help myself." He said rubbing the back of his neck.
"How did you go from being mr. Bossy to mr.right overnight?" I asked jokingly
He laughed. "You have that affect on me!" He said smiling.
Soon we went to a store where they had a bunch of old things teddy bear, toys, jewelry,even cameras. Everything was free! Because money means nothing in the apocalypse.
I found an old time camera i took a picture of mark while he was looking at some watches.
When it came out of the little printer slot thing. I took it out and looked at it and giggled. The concentration on his face was adorable.
Soon mark came behind me with something behind his back.
I showed him the picture. "Your state of concentration is so very adorable." I said,
"Not fair ill get you later as for now i got you something."
"Ohh let me see!" I said jumping up and down.
"Close your eyes."
I did so.
I felt something around my neck.
"Ok now open them." He said,
I did and when i looked down there was a beautiful golden necklace with a diamond studded M on the chain. When i looked up from the beautiful necklace Mark was holding a hazel colored teddy holding a heart that said.
'I wuv you beary much.'
"Aww Mark thank you!!" I hugged him and he chuckled.
He gave me the teddy and we walked along talking and holding hands. He spun me around every now and then making me giggle.
"Hey this is where the psychic lives lets go see her." Mark said.
"Really Mark how do you know she real."
"I dont and thats the fun part come on lets go."
"But i- woah!"
He carried me up the stairs and put me down once he knocked on the door.
A regular looking lady came to the door.
"How may i help you?" She asked.
"We were just wanting to get our fortunes told and all that jazz!" Mark said.
"New comers i see. Come on inside and sit at the table."
We sat down at the table. The house was dark and covered in skulls and all sorts of voodoo looking crap.
'This place gives me the heeby jeebies!'
"Yes thats why i decorated it this way it gives of an eery feel." She said.
Mark had a puzzled look on his face.
"Did you just?" I asked.
"Yes dear i read your mind now what would you like to do see your past your future see yourself in a past life?" She asked.
"You can do that?!" Mark asked,
"Oh yea its very much possible for me to that would you like to see?"
"Yea sure!" He said.
"Can i see 1st?" I asked.
"Sure sweetheart give me your hands." She said holding out her own.
I give her my hands.
"Youve actually seen your past self already in a dream."
"You mean that wasnt just a dream?!" I asked.
"No that was you recalling something from your past life! Have you recently crossed paths with this wade guy?!"
"He actually kidnapped me and Mark here saved me." I said smiling looking back at him.
"Mark is your husband." She said with her eyes still closed.
"No hes my-"
"I know but in your past life he was your husband. Thats why you two are together now." She said.
I blushed.
'Did you really have to say that?'
"Yes." She said.
"Why cant you read Mark's thoughts?!"
"I can hes thinking about how cute you look right now in your dress,how much he loves you and is thinking about how to ask you to be his girlfriend."
"You couldve left out that last part!!" Mark blurted,
"Not really." She said.
"So tell me about my past life what did he mean by you were mine first?" I asked her. She knows im referring to my dream.
"In your past life you dated wade before you married Mark first boyfriend you ever had actually."
"Ok ive heard enough from my past life! She was obviously desperate as hell if she dated wade. Why did she date wade!!"
"To make mark jealous, it worked.but wait you know of a sean?" She asked,
"Yea why?" I asked
"He was your brother in a past life."
"Ok well im done im freaked out enough." I let go of her hands and walked out.
"Come back if you want to see the future." She said.
Mark followed me.
"What dream is she talking about?" Mark said.
"Ill tell you about it later for now lets just get to the house." I said.
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