Help me....
Your pov:
The past few days have been nothing but torture.
He slaps me.
Then says he loves me.
He calls me a bitch
Then apologizes for it.
He calls drawings he tells me to create a bunch of shit on paper
Then says he loves it and that hell cherish it forever.
I dont love him and im scared of whats to come.
I sit in my corner chained to the wall bleeding from the last time wade was here he just left for some reason. I stopped caring and just started appreciating the time that hes gone and hope that he gets i can leave.
Sadly he comes back every time.
I lift my head up to see the many drawings of wade on the was hung up by nails.stabbed into them.with every picture along with it comes a horrible memory of abuse.
"Mark,jack,please help me."
I heard footsteps at the door i jump. Hoping my pleading work.
It didnt it was wade.
"Hey babe look i know we havent been together very long but i think its time that we experience each other."
I know what that means and i dont like it.
I shake my head rapidly.
"Youre nervous i get it dont worry ill go easy on you i promise." He said stroking my bloody cheek.
"Oh honey youre bleeding lets get you patched up."
He goes over to one of the drawers and pulls out a rag and some rubbing alcohol.
He comes over to me and applies it on my wounds.
He seems a bit different there was something in his eyes...
Wade's pov:
(Wade you son uf a bitch!!).
Lately i havent been feeling so starting to have second thoughts about all this.
Im starting to have flashbacks of my previous victims the one thats haunts me the most is bob. I have even began to loose sleep. I start hallucinating. Why? (Y/n) must be worried sick about me acting this way. I dont want to worry her so i wont tell her.she also still tends to call out for mark and jack. Im getting sick and tired if it!!i have a plan to get rid of them once and for all.i walk to the prison and sneakily unlock the gate of the prison and run off.when i far enough away i watch walkers stumble in.
'Good riddance.' I thought to myself smiling. I then walk home.
Jacks pov:
Its my only question.
Why did all this have to happen when (y/n) left?!
This is too much pressure on me. Cause Rick has lost it completely he keeps seeing hallucinations of laury and we have a new arrival apparently she knew Andrea before she left. Name michonne and shes highly dangerous with a katana.
I wake up in panic as i hear screaming.
I grab my gun and go down to see walkers coming inside the gate!! I call everyone to get up.
Rick,glenn,michonne and i ran outside. Killing off as many walkers as we could. There were just too many for us to handle.
"Michonne!!" I yelled.
She looked at me.
"Go tell everyone to pack up get everyone out of here!!" I yelled.
"But sean!!"
"Dont worry about me get rick and everyone else out of here!!"
She reluctantly nodded and went inside. I continued to shoot walker after walker.unti l ran out of bullets.
"Dammit!!" I ran inside and went to (y/n)'s cell and grabbed her stuff. There was something missing. Her knife. Mark must have taken it!!i grab some of my things as well as some food.
I go down to see everyone gone. I grab a knife and stab walkers until im safely outside of the gates of the prison. When im far enough away i look back.
'(Y/n) would be hurt.'
This place she called home. This place she worked so hard for. This place she was glad to call a safe sanctuary. Is now infested with walkers. Im sorry (y/n) i let you down.i continue walking along.
Marks pov:
Its been 4 days since ive left the prison.
ive been searching for (y/n) endlessly almost without rest. Ive made at least two pit stops at abandon places.
Ive began to start doubting ever finding her. But then i regain hope,
I was tired and almost out of water ive been walking for hours non-stop again. I decide to sit down and rest against a tree.
I take a small sip of water.
"Noooo!!!" I heard i female scream.
I jumped i got up and ran as fast as i could.
'That sounded like (y/n)!'
A/n:cliffhanger!! Sorry guys. I love leaving cliffhangers on this book.. but hopefully tomorrow i will have another upload. If you dont already know im still in the middle if final exams so yea updates will be slow. Im sorry. But dont worry soon that wont be an issue because this book is about 2-4 pages away from the ending soo if you dont already know. I love to let you guys determine what goes down in the final chapter so leave suggestions in the comments section i will always answer you. I am open to any and everything!!!so go ahead dont be shy. If you want to see some serious drama go down or something sexy to go down let me know!! Thanks for reading good bye!!
Ps:if you didnt notice i changed the book cover you likey?
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