An 'I love you' is long over due but here it is...
Your pov:
I woke up with Mark's hand around my waist, my head on his chest.
I could hear his beautiful heartbeat. I decided to stay still for a bit just to hear the melody that plays in his chest. I smile as i listen and think about the kiss that we shared.
So sweet...
So kind...
So passionate... filled...
It was something id treasure forever something i even now long for. I wished for another wished to feel his soft lips on mine.
I bite my lip thinking about it. Mark shifts a bit and takes his hands from around me. I felt a bit disappointed but then i smiled at a brilliant idea that struck.
I get up as swiftly as i can. Praying i dont wake mark. Hes on high alert nowadays and it ains easy to not wake him.
I get up put on my jacket then go for the pantry where there were some guards standing in front.
"What do you need?" One of then growled.
'Like that is supposed to intimidate me ha! What a laugh!'
I chuckle. "Dude drop the tough guy act because you dont scare me my boyfriend is more intimidating and he doesnt even have to growl he just looks at you."
'Did i just call mark my boyfriend?'
"Ok lady what do you want?"
"Yeast,cinnamon alot of it if possible, regular sugar, brown, sugar,butter,flour,eggs,water oh and milk." I said smiling.
"Sorry we have a limit to what we can give you."
"Oh then give me pancake mix,water and cinnamon,syrup and some juice if possible.
They hand me what i need in a bag.
"Thank you." I walk over to the pit where they let us cook our own food and make 8 pancakes 2 for me and 6 for Mark once im done i go back to the house and place the two place on the table with plastic forks and knives on a napkin. I pour some juice into two Styrofoam cups.
Mark's pov:
I woke up remembering that (y/n) came in my room last night to sleep with me. But when i looked over she wasn't there i got up panicking and rushed through every room.then i ran into the kitchen and there she was. I sighed in relief.
Your pov:
I heard a panicking mark running down the hall he ran into te kitchen and when he seen me he sighed in relief.
"Good morning, howd you sleep?"
"I slept pretty well, how about you?"
I blushed a bit. "Um i slept better than i have in the past year and a half."
"I did too, you did all this?" He said gesturing to the breakfast set up.
"Yea, i missed cooking cinnamon pancakes."
"This is so sweet of you." He wrapped his hand around my waist pulling me closer and kissed my forehead. "Thank you." He sat down at the table and began eating. I sat there in shock but shook myself out of my moment in history and sat down next to him and enjoyed my two pancakes. He moaned in enjoyment. But my brain went places....nasty places.
"These are delishes" he complimented.
'Brain stop it!'
I giggled. "Thanks it took me a few times but i eventually got the perfect batch f pancakes."
"Well you did amazing and if all this is eventually over i need you in my kitchen." He joked.
"Sexist!" I said joking shoving him.
"Hey im not sexist i just need an awesome person a girl to be more specific to cook for me!!"
"Alright i guess since you called me awesome it would be possible."
"Yay!" He cheered making us both giggle. He looked at me.
"You got a bit of um syrup...there. here let me get it." He reached over and wiped a bit of syrup of the corner of my mouth. Then staring in my eyes and coming closer. Bringing me in for another long awaited kiss. Soon he pulled away.
"I love you."
He said after we pulled away.
"I love you too." I said.
"And i dont mean in a brotherly way or friendly way i mean i love you like i cant stand being away from you for too long thats why i always used to make you sleep with me(not in the way you are thinking you perve. XD.) not because i was being protective i knew you were strong young lady you could handle yourself i knew that. But inside i knew i loved you to the point where i.couldnt sleep wouldnt sleep unless you were resting your pretty little head on my chest. I love waking up next you. You give me hope for better you are my everything." He said stroking my cheek.
I smile and he smiled back and pulled me in for another sweet kiss.
"how about we go around town for a bit i saw some interesting things maybe we could go to the clothes department and pick out clothes and then i know this may seem strange but how about we go and get our fortunes told. Jack told me about this lady who is psychic and i know its not a lot but thats a day out on the town during the apocalypse." He joked never moving his hand from the back of my neck.
"That sounds amazing." I said smiling.
To be continued.....
A/n: ahh its about time you two got together!! Ive been dying to get this out!!
Wanna know a secret i know exactly how the story plot goes how it will end what happens next its all in my head i just cant wait to put it all on here for you two enjoy i rarely have writers block!! XD but how do you think you and Mark's 'date.' Will go? What will this psychic tell you about you? You will see next chapter. Lus ya bai!!
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