"So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you."
-Paulo Coelho
I'd like to think my Saturday was spent productively and it was very entertaining, so when Zoey demanded an explanation for ignoring her invite to a party, I told her I had great reasons for my rejection. I think I won our debate.
"I danced ... like a lot."
"Yeah yeah, it was, um, exhilarating. And I used Tumblr for like an hour, lot's of scrolling... reblogging." Which is a total lie, I had used Tumblr for 7 hours of my very productive day.
"Mhm, go on." She said sharply, I could imagine her face right now, she'd look ticked off but amused at once.
"And the best part of my day was the memes, I laughed at memes and I shared the treasured memes with my online friends." Specifically Bucky Barnes or Sebastian Stan memes. "And I watched Tangled again." Flynn Rider is husband material.
"You. Are. Unbelievable. That was your super awesome and productive day for which you blew me off?" Zoey screeched.
"Yes. That is correct." I say casually.
"You are becoming so anti-social, it is unhealthy. How will you find your Flynn Rider huh, Rapunzel had guts and went out, what're you doing in life?"
"Umm actually Rapunzel's locked in a tower for her entire life and Rider literally waltzed in to her room. And FYI I socialize with you and Sam and Bree and the pizza delivery guy-"
"Oh, stop comparing your life to a Disney movie, Scarlett." Wow, I'm not even going to say anything. "Listen, today I have to spend the day babysitting Miranda, but next Saturday we are going out. And I will not take any excuses."
"Okay whatever, sure. I've got to get my English essay done now." I mumble, to be honest, I was starting to feel a little down and a little isolated, a day out with Zoey would be best for me.
"Alrighty, you optimistic nerd, see you tomorrow. I'm picking you up, better be ready by eight." She sighed.
We ended the call with our goodbyes, and I put the phone down, determined to get my essay done, I pulled out my laptop and got typing away.
Around two hours later, I was still on my first paragraph. Let's just say I get distracted easily, and I did regret procrastinating but I found myself watching a video of a kitten crushing M&Ms under its cute little paws so that beat finishing the essay.
Finally, with a load of chocolate to keep me going and a load of B.S to reach the word count, I'd finished the essay a little before midnight. Relieved, I did my usual night time routine, and went to bed.
Monday's school day passed by with Zoey's constant chattering, boring classwork and me avoiding Evans which was difficult since he's in two of my four classes, thank you to whoever set my timetable up. Zoey kept telling me it's ridiculous what I was doing as I would inevitably have to face him in detention, which was true.
I was sitting in the detention room where the sign from yesterday had been noticably ripped off from the door, presumably by Ms. Harten. Evans sat in the back again and was playing some rock song loudly on his phone. Apparently, the emo chick found it hot and kept giving Alex looks, she looked constipated to me. That weird PDA couple were gone, I bet they'd only had one detention for making out or passing notes or some weird couple thing like that. Another few students lingered in the back who looked like they couldn't care enough to tell Evans to shut his annoying music off.
Just then Blake strolled in and started waving an attendance folder in the air, "Alright you average losers, Ms. Harten's running late and she gave me the attendance and task lists as she trusts me blindly, I do believe she has an unrequited crush on me."
I rolled my eyes, smiling, "Let's not get cocky, Blake."
He looked at me and snorted. Realization dawned over me, and I must say pun not intended. Blake opened his mouth to take attendance but then frowned because Evans was still blasting his music, which was so rude.
I turned around and narrowed my eyes at him, "Do you mind?"
He just smirked at me. "The question is, do you mind?"
What? "Yes." I hiss.
"Good." And with that he just turned the volume up, still smirking.
"Could you please let Blake take the attendance, Evans, we're wasting time." He swiftly stood up and walked over to my desk, then bent down to my level.
Looking straight at me, his face serious, and he said with a low voice, "I'd love to waste time with you all day." And that is the day, Scarlett Devereaux's heart gave up.
I just sat there frozen, and starting blinking rapidly. Oh my goodness, what will people think, oh gosh he looks so sexy right now. Oh my God, please shut up inner voice. Then he burst out laughing, "You should've seen your face Dev, priceless! But the offer's still standing." He winked at me.
I opened my mouth then shut it, speechless. Blake was grinning too, and the emo chick looked pretty angry, then again she was always angry looking.
"Shut up, Evans, stop being immature." I say, finding my voice again.
"Whatever you say my Queen." He bowed.
"Okay, I get it, you two have the hots for each other but could we please refrain from the flirting in detention, and Alex shut off your music." Said Blake amused.
I could feel my face go red, I growled at Blake and Evans just stopped laughing instantly as he turned off his music, then Blake started droning off about our tasks. Evans and I walked out after picking up our cleaning supplies and headed towards the lockers. I could literally feel the awkwardness radiating around us. Evans put the bucket down and took his sweater off revealing a navy blue fitting t-shirt he was wearing inside, I looked away before he caught me staring.
I started wearing the clear gloves and picked up a soapy sponge, and then the evil side of my brain thought up an evil thought that amused me a lot. I dipped the sponge once more to make it extra wet and pulled back my arm. Then threw the sponge as hard as I could on his face, grinning at my success. Bullseye!
His entire face was now wet and he was in shock. Then he realized what had happened, he wiped the water off his eyes with the back of his hand and looked up at me with a murderous glare while I just laughed my guts out. He picked up another soaking wet sponge and walked towards me slowly, his angry face slowly turned in to a smirk. "Shouldn't have done that Devereaux."
"And you shouldn't have acted like an idiot in the detention room." I say.
I stepped back and he stepped closer. I backtracked further until I hit my back against the locker, trapped between a wall and a hard chest, it looked hard okay, I didn't feel him or anything; I'd lost my ability to think. His eyes glinted mischeviously and he raised his hand over my head squishing the dripping sponge to pour all the soapy water on my head. I gasped.
"Oh you've done it, Evans." I ran over to the bucket and started splashing the water on him and he attacked me with sponges and gloves. Before we knew it, we were laughing, wet and had created a big mess in the hallway. It was like old times again, back in the cafeteria food fight we started, back in the music room, blowing trumpets in each other's ears, fighting about slime and glitter and pranking each other, only this time we were laughing with each other.
"Dev?" He looked at me, smiling.
"Yeah?" I breathed out.
"You're cleaning this mess up."
I hate fall and I hate the dead leaves constantly falling and I think I generally hate colours, my closet is filled with black clothes, and fall marked the beginning of winter and it brought me closer to the day of my losses. As I walked home, the leaves crunched under my shoes and I thought about the homework I had, and Dr. Decker's next meeting, when the noise of a car distracted me. I just kept walking ignoring the car which was slowing down, but then it honked. I turned to see Evans, waving through the window, so I ignored him again. He rolled down his window, "Need a ride?"
"Not from you, Evans."
"Think about it Dev, it's cold, the streets are empty, and you're walking awfully slow." I opened my mouth to refuse again but then I thought what's there to lose, I had freezing fingertipes, plus, I had delicious hot chocolate waiting for me at home.
"Alright." I opened the door and climbed in. "Thanks." I mumbled.
"Didn't catch that, did the Scarlett Devereaux thank me?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Don't make me regret this, Evans." I rubbed my hands together which were starting to warm up in the heat.
Evans blasted another rock song and started drumming his fingers against the wheel. "Do you have to listen to rock like all the time?"
"Hey! Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts her cakehole." My eyes widened and I'm pretty sure I died and came back to life.
"Huh." Evans and I finally have something in common. I noticed a few art supplies in the back seat, like easels and paint bottles. "Oh, it's a left from here." I point out as Evans started to go right.
"What? Don't you live down Eglinton street? That way's the Eaton neighborhood."
"Uh, no we moved last year."
"Oh, okay. So how's your brother Logan? I haven't seen him around since..." Since everything went downhill.
"Yeah he... moved out." I say, my voice hinting that I would provide no further explanation. "It's that street, just in and straight."
"Wow, this is a really nice neighborhood."
"Yeah, that's my house." I point out. He stopped the car in front of my lawn, and turned to me.
"Alright well, see you tomorrow Dev."
"Sure, uh, thanks again Evans." I grabbed my bag and opened the door.
"No problem."
I closed the door and started to turn away when Evans rolled down the window. "Wait! Uh, I just wanted to say- okay, shit." By now Evans was mumbling something to himself, then he took a breath and spoke up again. "I want to apologize for being a jerk yesterday and I want to start over- if that's okay with you."
I didn't know what to say, Evans wanted a clean slate, he wanted to start over. And even after everything we've went through last year, I just smiled and said, "I'd like that." Then I turned around and walked in to the house without looking back.
A/N: so this chapter was sort of a fluffy filler like pancakes and maple syrup.
Fun fact: I'm Canadian! :) And Timmy's stands for Tim Hortons
Updating again soon, hope y'all are enjoying <3
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