Chapter 31
Alfred blinked and shook Mathew's lifeless body. "No" he muttered. "No, you can't leave me Mattie." He bit his lip and forced himself up, glaring around. "Where the hell d'you go?"
Kuro was at the very end of the hall, seeming to have just... appeared there. "I'm here."
Alfred went to charge forwards.
"Alfred, wait please" Yao grabbed his arm and held him back.
"He killed Mattie" Alfred spat. "I'll kill him."
"Yes, but he also killed Kiku" Alfred turned to him and sighed. He'd almost forgotten that.
Ivan appeared next to him with his pipe. "Dude, you shouldn't be up and stuff. It'll be bad for your leg."
"My leg's fine" Ivan rolled his eyes. "You're all just making a big thing out of nothing. It's only a bullet wound, and we're nations. We heal fast."
"Not at the moment we don't" Yao muttered, glancing carefully down at his side. It still hurt him, but not as much as it had done. Now, after the fight with Lutz, it was throbbing.
Alfred got out his gun and pointed it at Kuro's head, who didn't flinch, just stared right back at him down the barrel. A bang sounded and he lifted his sword, deflecting the bullet like it was nothing.
Yao sighed and carefully placed his wok on the table the vase had been on like he was leaving a good friend behind. He put his hand behind his back and drew a sword out of the top of his shirt. "I'm not holding back" he hissed.
"Seriously dude, where do you get this stuff from?" Alfred stared at him.
"Doesn't matter" Yao said before lunging forwards. He closed the gap between him and Kuro in seconds and swiped at him with incredible speed. Ivan shrugged and ran after him with only a small limp. Alfred stayed where he was for a second, guns still pointed before following them, firing at Kuro at the same time.
Mattie was... gone. He wasn't coming back. Just like Arthur. Neither of them were, and this guy was responsible for it. Alfred nearly stopped, turned and ran then. Francis. Damn it, how had he forgotten Francis? Where was the guy? Escaped? Dead? Alive? Dead? Missing? Dead? Probably dead.
Kuro dodged all the bullets and then turned towards him as he neared. For a second, Alfred felt bad. This guy was alone, and against three other people, all of whom were reasonably powerful, but those thoughts stopped the second the attention was turned to Ivan and he was kicked back into a wall.
"Damn it" Alfred muttered and fired a couple more rounds. Kuro blocked them, the few centimetres difference in space clearly meaning nothing to him. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and glanced down at the katana, buried into his stomach. He coughed and slumped to the floor, Texas falling off his face, before curling up over the wound almost instinctively.
Ivan jumped up again and charged forwards, shouting in Russian. He swung his pipe a number of times. One hit Kuro in the side, but he got no reaction from it, leaving the Russian to stand shocked for a moment. Kuro turned and blocked a couple of blows from Yao, who looked like he was going to burst. It all seemed a little too complicated and graphic to be real for Alfred, one person against three, but seeming to be winning? It just didn't seem to be one of those things you just... saw, not even on a day to day basis, but one of the things you heard of. The whole concept, fighting you counterpart, was something he'd only ever thought about in movies. Fighting a friend turned evil was completely different. It was like something you'd find in a Marvel film, not real life.
From his blurry side view, he could see the outlines of them: a large brown blur for Ivan, a medium sized red one for Yao, and a smaller black one for Kuro. He couldn't find Texas, they'd just vanished from sight, which wouldn't help if anything were to happen to him. He couldn't fight, he couldn't see... what was the point in him even being here any more? Other than to clutter up the floor and make it harder for Ivan and Yao to successfully beat Kiku's counterpart.
He felt a sudden urge to find Francis. Okay, maybe he'd screwed up big time in trying to defeat his counterpart, but he could help them, if he was alright that was. He'd looked pretty beat when he walked out. Alfred moved one leg round to try and stand, one hand pressed against his wound, and collapsed. It was useless.
The brown blur representing Ivan swung his grey stick and then halted, Kuro swiping his about. It didn't take a genius to notice the blood that soaked Ivan's arms as he flew backwards from a kick that slammed him back into the wall, this time creating a dent where he hit it.
Yao growled and pointed his sword forwards. "That's it" he muttered, only just audible. "First you kill my brother and take over his body, then you kill my friends and injure the few remaining. Last straw."
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