Chapter 21
Prussia – Gilbert 2p Prussia - Klaus
Poland - Feliks
Germany – Ludwig (West)
Gilbert already knew what his counterpart looked like. He already knew what he was looking for so finding him wasn't all too hard. Elk wasn't that large a place and hey, it was nice of them to choose a place where he'd once been noticed as a country. Of course, Elk hadn't been renamed from Prussia but that was where East Prussia had been during the second world war so it was okay. It could be worse; he could have to fight with someone else.
The white haired man in the Teutonic Knights armour flexed his wooden hand and glared at him from across a street. He could make this all look like some sort of historical battle, a play if he wanted to. But then again, Teutonic Knights never really fought each other. It was always other people, other nations, never each other.
That just... wasn't awesome enough.
He hesitated, waiting to see if anyone was going to stop and go away. No one did, they just carried on walking right in front of him. They didn't know the danger they were in. Maybe he could find somewhere where they wouldn't be hurt.
Feliks annoyed him. Feliks annoyed him so much it was scary. Feliks, the country who had separated him from his brother in the interwar years between 1918 and 1939. Those years were the hardest, knowing that West was so close, but Feliks was stopping him the entire time. Then September the first, and West invaded the entire country of Poland. Even though he had every reason to want to kill Feliks, he didn't want anything to happen to his people. They hadn't done anything wrong.
He looked up across the road. Red eyes greeted him, glaring through people. Gilbert fixed him with a symmetrical red eyed glare too but didn't move. There were still too many people. Damn it Feliks, control your people would you?
Then Klaus took a step forwards, calmly walking across the road towards him, trailing a sword along the gravel. A car screeched to a stop and someone yelled something out of the window. Klaus ignored them and carried on walking. People suddenly started to notice him with his metal sword and bright white Teutonic Knights armour. A few people stopped, staring, some took pictures, then noticed Gilbert and took some of him.
"Can you even use that thing?" Gilbert scoffed. "The only thing I ever see you do with it is drag it along the floor."
"You want to try it?" Klaus said, reminding Gilbert of the voice that didn't suit him. He unsheathed his own sword, smiling with the shclink noise it made as it left the sheath. Yes, he remembered this. It had been a while since he was a Teutonic Knight. Just because he hadn't been one for a while didn't mean that it still wasn't in him.
He just needed to find it again.
The sword felt familiar in his hand even though it hadn't been there for... centuries it must be. Then a sliver of metal was inches away from his neck and those red eyes at the other end, still glaring.
Gilbert grinned and took a minor step back. "Let's dance." He enclosed the hilt of the sword in both his hands and swung it. Yes, it felt good to be back doing this.
Klaus blocked it with an air of boredom and then lunged himself. It was like fencing really, the gentleman's sport. You swing at me, now I swing at you, and then you try and hit me again, and I try and hit you again, with a little bit of attacking when it isn't your turn in the middle. People everywhere had stopped walking now and were staring at the fight. Metal on metal clashed so loudly Gilbert himself was surprised that Feliks himself didn't come running along to see who was messing up his beautiful country, hair still messy or some other obvious flaw like that.
He grinned wildly. Yes, it was definitely good to be back with his sword and his armour. He was surprised it still fitted really. Half of him wanted to show off what he could do like he had when he was younger, put one arm behind his back and start doing some spins before lunging, but another part of him knew that that was going too far. Klaus had one arm behind his back though. So maybe that part was alright.
By now a large crowd had gathered, gawping, a couple of people filming it. One kid had a plastic sword and was swinging it around himself. Don't you dare step any closer kid Prussia nearly said, but was distracted by another blow from Klaus which nearly hit him, but didn't due to his awesome quick thinking. The kid must think it's some sort of demonstration or street acting thing.
Gilbert shook his head and lunged forwards to show them it wasn't a joke. A small red blob appeared on Klaus' top, slowly growing, extending down wards towards his hand. Thank god he's picked the right arm. He'd very nearly gone to stab the other arm. He didn't want to think what would've happened if he'd stabbed that one instead. Probably lost his sword.
A police man turned up, blowing a whistle and... escorting the people from the area? Two people, battling it out in the street and it was the public that had to move. And there was Feliks, striding along in his knee high black boots.
"Listen. If you're fighting now, please clean up after yourselves" he called from the side line.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Gilbert shouted, jumping backwards away from Klaus who paused for a second. "I'm guessing you know what's going on then."
"Bitch please" Feliks flipped one of his hands in their direction. "I know everything."
"Make sure your people stay away." Gilbert jumped backwards again to avoid Klaus' sword. "We don't want... oh crap."
Klaus stabbed him in the leg and then moved backwards. "Focus please Gilbert."
Gilbert growled at him and the distance between them. If it was smaller, he could probably deliver a good stab or something. But no, it was a big gap. He cursed, gripped his sword's hilt harder with both hands and charged forwards, swinging it slightly as he went in an obvious attack. It was easily defended. Klaus blocked it and swung his sword a couple of times. Gilbert nearly staggered backwards when his right arm was almost cut from his shoulder. It didn't matter though. He was left handed.
In return, he swung his own sword at Klaus' arm. It hit and stuck there. Only when Gilbert was frowning, confused at it did he realise which arm it was. Klaus laughed, removed the sword himself and pointed both of them at Gilbert, who's entire arm now was drenched in blood. Klaus took a step forwards, both swords still raised and pointed and levelled them up with his neck.
"Last words" he snarled.
Gilbert nodded, removing a knife from the back of his belt and ramming it through Klaus' neck. "Luddy needs me. I'm too awesome to die." Klaus coughed up a stream of blood and collapsed.
Gilbert picked up his sword, inspected the blade and then looked towards Feliks, who still stood on the side, staring and grinning. "Feliks, get the awesome me a doctor" he said and then blacked out.
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