Chapter 18
Romano – Lovino 2p Romano - Flavio
Spain – Antonio 2p Spain – Andres
Italy – Feliciano
France – Francis
Prussia – Gilbert
"I can't see any sign of them at all" Antonio sighed, standing just behind the que of tourists for the Colosseum.
"Well you probably scared them away didn't you bastardo" Lovino snapped. "Damn it, why'd I have to get stuck with you?"
"Aw, you love my really Lovino" Antonio grinned and went to hug him.
Lo vino muttered something inaudible, shrugged him off and walked away.
"Come on Lovino, don't walk off" Antonio shouted, running after him. A stream of tourists cut him off from him and he waited for them to pass. Then the just vanished. There was no one there except the two of them.
"What the crapola?" Lovino looked around. "Where'd everyone go?"
There was a sound, an almost silent scuffing of a boot behind Antonio and he ducked. A halberd flew over his head and Andres landed on the other side.
"I will kill you 1p" he grinned. "You just keep ducking. Is that all you can do?"
Antonio hissed and removed the cover on his halberd. How he'd managed to get it past people without them staring he had no idea.
"You fucking bastardo, I'm going to fucking beat the fucking crap outta you" Lovino screamed from a little further away, signalling that Flavio had decided to show.
Antonio pointed his halberd forwards and charged, cutting the air open as he swiped. Andres yawned and casually stepped to the side.
"Seriously, please tell me that, that isn't the best you've got" Andres stepped to the side again to avoid another attack. Antonio skidded to a stop and then flew forwards again, sticking his leg out to the side as he swiped. Andres stumbled and blocked before leaning on his halberd to steady himself. If there was a spot of blood anywhere, it wasn't seen, hidden by the blood red coat.
Andres took a lazy step forwards which turned into the beginning of a run and he swung. Antonio backed away and stumbled.
"Damn it" he muttered, balancing himself. Andres leaned forwards, started running and then appeared behind him. His side split open and blood poured out. He chocked and fought to stay upright, whipping round to glare at him and spitting out blood.
"This is easy" Andres sighed. "You've got no chance, you're pathetic. And once I've gotten rid of you, I can kill that stupid Italian friend of yours."
"You leave Romano alone" Antonio snapped, clutching his side.
"Does it hurt a little?" Andres grinned, twirling his halberd. "I can help if you want." He lunged forwards and missed. Swearing, he went to turn and jumped to the side. Antonio swung at him as he jumped and sliced open his leg. It was only small, but it was promising. Andres swore again and glared at him.
"Seriously now, I'm just warming up, and now I'm bored. I want blood, and it's yours that's going to be spilt."
Flavio had just kind of appeared in front of Lovino around the same time as Andres had. No attack, just appeared in the middle of the road.
""You fucking bastardo, I'm going to fucking beat the fucking crap outta you" he screamed.
"That's not very nice" Flavio said, sounding hurt and examining his hand. "You know swearing messes up the brain? It makes it weaker."
"You made that up bastardo".
"Maybe" Flavio smiled and peered at him over the top of his sunglasses.
Lovino rolled his eyes and walked forwards a little to close the distance, pointing at him. "When I say I'm going to beat someone up, I mean it."
"Fair enough" Flavio shrugged.
"What, you're just going to let me?"
"Well, no, of course I'm not going to. But whatever you do, don't get my suit dirty okay?"
"Seriously" Lovino spat. "You're worried about a suit?
"Hey," Flavio folded his arms across his chest as though the protect the suit. "It's Armani"
"Whatever" Lovino jumped forwards to punch him and blinked in shock when Flavio didn't move or try to block. It hit him and he stumbled backwards, clutching his stomach. "What the hell are you doing idiota? Do you want me to kill you or something? You let me punch you then."
Flavio restored himself. "It doesn't really matter at the end of the day, because you'll be the one to die, I have help, and you don't."
"Yeah?" Lovino raised an eyebrow. "Well, when Antonio finishes beating the crap outta that dude over there, I'll have help, not that I'll need it. I can kill you fine myself since you're not fighting back."
Flavio smirked. "You don't get it though. Your friend, he's not going to survive."
Andres and Antonio launched themselves at each other at exactly the same time. There was a clash of metal on metal, wood on wood and they both emerged the other side. The second Antonio hit the floor, he knew he'd been hit. His side was aching and he was starting to feel the effects of a loss of blood, and now there was a new cut through his stomach. He coughed blood and crumpled, trying to stay upright as much as possible, holding his halberd so stiff it looked like it was going to snap.
"See" Andres snorted. "You're pathetic. There's no point me wasting more time getting rid of you properly. And don't worry, I'll make sure that your friend dies a nice, long, painful death."
"No" Antonio choked. "Lo... Lovino..." he lost his grip on his halberd and crumpled.
Andres laughed, turned and walked away. Pathetic. A bit ahead, he could see Flavio being beaten up so badly for a second, he was tempted to just watch and laugh. But no, he had a job to do. Flavio grinned as he came up behind the Italian. He could stab him now, right through the heart, decapitate him now, slice him open but no. He'd promised his counterpart a long, painful death and everyone knows that you should respect your promises to the dead. So instead, he introduced the Italian to a long cut down one of his arms.
Lovino hissed, whipped round and froze, keeping his fists up, the blood trickling down his arm in streams.
"You... you..." he muttered.
"That's right" Andres bowed. Lovino snarled and kicked him in the stomach, or would have done if he hadn't blocked it. Flavio laughed and he turned on him, sending the same kick in his direction and throwing him back across the cobbles.
"Hey, you have two targets now" Andres snapped. "It's rude to ignore one of them you know."
Lovino spat at him and ducked his halberd swipe, arm aching. Antonio couldn't be dead. He couldn't. He went to punch Andres who dodged it easily. Damn it, this was going to be hard.
In the distance, Antonio could see the faint, blurred outline of Andres attacking Lovino. He'd seen him cut his arm and had tried to call out but couldn't. Then, he sliced his leg open. He had to move.
Using all the strength he had left, Antonio hauled himself up and grabbed his halberd, the weight of it nearly sending him falling again. He took a couple of lumbering steps, stumbled and proceeded slowly. It hurt. It hurt a lot but he couldn't just let Lovino die. The edges of his vision were going black and he was tired.
He was dying.
What was death like? Was it nice?
His country. He couldn't leave them all behind
He had to save him.
He was half way there now, still unseen. Good. That was good. He didn't have the strength for a fight. If he was spotted, he'd be useless and if anything, Lovino would end up worse than now as he'd have him littering the floor.
Gilbert and Francis
Still hunched, he raised his halberd and swung it forwards, ramming it through Andres chest, a couple of centimetres below his heart. Andres coughed blood and stared at him. He mouthed 'you' and then dropped.
Antonio stood there for a second, breathing heavily. He dropped his halberd, swayed and fell. Lovino took a step forwards then turned and slammed Flavio into a wall. His skull smashed, splintered and a couple of teeth fell out. The light left him eyes and Lovino dropped him.
"God you bastardo" he said, biting his hand and kneeling by him. "My god, what did you do?"
He went to speak but just coughed out a little more blood.
"You fucking bastard" Lovino was crying now. "You... you can't die. You can't. I... love you."
Antonio nodded and then the light left his eyes and he sighed out a last breath.
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