Chapter 49
Batbayar - 2p Mongolia
Ghazi - 2p Egypt
Arthur peered around a corner and then gestured behind him with his hand, muttering under his breath. Vladimir and Peter followed him as he turned onto another corridor, equally empty as the last, and every other corridor they'd been down. The place was quiet at the moment, but every so often, they'd hear something, anything, and know it wasn't quite void of life. Personally, they hadn't met anyone yet, and didn't really want to, but were aware that various others had. They'd heard the screaming, shouts, gunshots. They knew people were dying. They knew they couldn't do anything about it. They knew that it was probably closer to their fault than anyone else's. Similar thoughts were flying through all of their heads, but no one said anything. They didn't need to.
"What are we actually meant to be doing here?" Peter asked, staring forwards at Arthur. He didn't reply for a moment, and Peter was about to repeat himself.
"Us specifically, or everyone in general?"
"Us specifically" Peter said, glancing behind him, just in case.
Arthur was silent again, thinking the question over. It took him a moment to reply, and even then, he knew it wasn't the answer Peter was looking for. "I don't know" he muttered.
"What do you mean you don't know?" Peter demanded, raising an eyebrow and ignoring Vladimir's sigh from in between them. "I thought you knew what you were doing?"
"I did" Arthur muttered. "Now, I don't know."
"We came here to rescue those we knew or assumed had been captured" Vladimir said. "However, we don't know where they are, if they've already been saved, or anything like that, so it's not like we can really do anything from where we are now is it? We can carry on, assuming they've been captured and slowly regroup later on, but that's all I'd say."
"So that's why we came here" Peter raised an eyebrow again. "I know that. Why are we still here, sneaking around like this, or, whatever we're really doing here. Surely it would have been better to try and stay together, or close together, so that we could... I don't know... get everyone we needed to when we could, possibly stop anyone from being killed, because that's surely happened by now, and then we can all get out at the same time, and everything's okay."
"Things don't exactly ever stick to plan when you actually go into something" Arthur shrugged. "Think of... I don't know... the Somme. Everyone was told they were going to win the war with a single battle, and to just walk across No Man's Land, but it never quite worked out that way, did it? You could compare this to that. We came in attempting to rescue some friends, attempting to stay in groups, but in the heat of the moment, everyone was split up, and suddenly, we're in the Somme all over again."
"So we're all going to die?" Peter sighed.
"No" Arthur glanced behind at him, frowning. "I didn't mean it in that respect, simply with the general idea of it. Not that everyone will die, because... because... if everyone died, then that would mean that..."
"We'd all die" Peter glared at him. "There's no use trying to make it better you know."
Vladimir shook his head.
"Do you want to try taking the reigns for a moment?" Arthur snapped, gesturing to just in front of him. "Because by all means do. It's one thing trying to help a situation, and another having it crumble around you, knowing it's your fault. So by all means, if you think that you have some crazy genius plan to revolutionise this huge failure, which we know it is, then please, step up front and take over. I could do with a rest."
"Maybe I could" Peter drew himself up to his full height and stared up at Arthur challengingly. "Coz you're doing a pretty bad job of this yourself, so why don't you step down for a moment?"
"Hey," Vladimir jumped in between them, arms outstretched, holding them off. "As you've both said yourselves, this is a pretty big failure, but that doesn't mean we can go turning on our own comrades right? So both of you shut up and just calm down. We can work through this right?"
"Tsk" Arthur grunted, turning back to the front. "If Peter wants to take over, I'm not stopping him."
"Yeah?" Peter balled up his fists and bared his teeth. "Well... " he trailed off, peering past Arthur down the corridor. Arthur slowly turned around, but instead of being met with a counterpart of two like he'd been expecting, he was met with a corridor, mostly empty, excluding the far left corner, where a person was slumped, curled into a ball. Peter took off running, straight past Arthur, batting his hands away as he tried to take hold of him.
"Peter" Arthur shouted, before racing after him. By the time he'd caught up, Vladimir right beside him, Peter had reached the person and was crouched by their side.
The person was Wendy, not exactly looking as though she'd been in a fight, but not exactly looking good either. Her face was grubby with tear streaks and small flecks of blood splattered around like a spray she'd been caught up in. Most of her hair had fallen out of the side ponytail it was usually in, hanging down around her shoulders mournfully , the few wisps that remained being thin and droopy.
"Wendy?" Peter slowly put a hand on her arm. Wendy shrieked and backed away to the other wall, one arm up defensively. After a moment of staring wide eyed at them she seemed to relax a little, lowering the arm and pulling her legs into her chest.
"Sorry" she muttered, resting her forehead on her knees. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay" Peter put an arm around her. "What happened?"
"I..." Wendy stopped, mouth opening and closing like a beached fish before biting her lip and turning away from him. "Milen's dead."
"Milen?" Vladimir stared at her. "Are you making this up?"
"Do you think I'd make up something like that?" Wendy shouted, leaping to her feet and stabbing a finger at him. "Is that what you really think of me?"
Vladimir just continued to stare. "But..." he whispered. "But... he's Milen. He doesn't just die."
"Yeah?" Wendy snapped. "Well he did okay. Stabs and kicks everywhere. You didn't have to watch it, so think yourself lucky there okay." She spat at the floor. "It's not like it matters much anyway now does it? He's only one in a whole bunch of us. We're dropping like flies. Just coming over here I saw what's-he-called from Mongolia? Dead. Her from Hungary? Dead. Him from Greece? Heracles was it? Dead. Matthew? Dead. Feliciano? Dead. Alfred? Dead, and they're just the ones who came in here." She sighed, ignoring their shocked faces. "We found Francis and Sadik too. Also dead, with numerous missing limbs now." She glared at Arthur, who was staring horror-stricken at the floor. "So congratulations Eyebrows. You've screwed up worse now than you ever have done in your life, and that includes your days as an Empire and raising Alfred." She stepped back, face screwed up in an attempt to stop more tears flowing. "Congratulations."
"It wasn't all his fault" Vladimir muttered.
"Ah yes, I'm sorry" Wendy fixed him with a sarcastic look. "I'll go and blame Matthew for it seeing as he came up with the idea should I? Oh wait, he's dead. So then, who came up with the idea of how to get in and organised everything? That would be you Arthur, so seeing as Matthew is dead, we can all blame you now right?" She clicked her tongue behind her teeth in an agitated way. "Glad we cleared that up."
Arthur was still staring at some fixed point somewhere, looking like he was about to speak, but the only sound that came out was a series of stuttering noises.
"And that's not all."
Wendy froze, eyes widening and leaping to duck behind Peter. "It's one of them" she whispered.
The boy half way down the corridor had strawberry blonde hair that only just escaped from underneath an orange and white striped hat, a similar style on his t-shirt covered by a pair of purple dungarees. He held up his hands. "Don't forget what you've done to us. You killed Scarlett didn't you?" He carefully turned down one finger, then continued to turn one down for each other name. "And then there's Roland, Erzsébet, Lutz, Liesel, Voss, Serafino, Luisa, Ghazi and Batbayar." He glared at them, both fists closed after the ten names. "Ten is one more than your measly nine."
He glanced up, eyes shining brightly suddenly. "And it's about to get worse" he grinned and giggled. "Oliver's coming."
As you can probably tell from this chapter, I'm not doing everyone's fights, coz that would get boring for everyone, especially you guys, reading the same sort of thing over and over again! Thank you so much to everyone who's read this, especially those of you who have voted and commented etc. ^-^
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